>When Poland sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime.
>They think they're so based but they love the EU because of the gibmedats...literally Africa tier thinking.
>They moan about Britain all the time even though the Brits joined WW2 because the Polish can't defend themselves...talk about being ungrateful.
>Overly nationalistic despite having achieved next to nothing.
Poland hate thread
kek. made the same thread seconds ago >85769968.
Dont forget their victim mentality. just to justify their shit.
They're generally looked down on in Europe yet they think they're some sort of master race. Sad!
They also look like this
Wew lad that is some serious ass blast, just know Poland fights against the tides of Islam and globalism. Also, idk about Holland but in the US a lot of Polish are upstanding hard working people. Go fuck yourself Colgate.
Polish people have a strong education I have heard.
I respect that as a Japanese man.
'Fights against the tides of Islam'
By supporting the EU, the main reason we're importing these people?
they are fighting nothing, they just understand the nature of the refugees because they are "white" refugees. Dont let them fool you.
I'm indonesian and what is this
Damn are you guys this assblasted because some polish guy cucked you or is it because your country is cucked.
za każdym razem smieciu jebany musisz tego skurwiałego kraju bronić xD
leave pooland alone. Sup Forums is no bully zone
Stay butthurt Ahmed
I work with a Polish guy and I think he's a bro.
Poles are a menace in the UK. Go to Peterborough, Boston or Wisbech and see how they've 'enriched' the place.
polish people are the niggers of euroep
The poster says
"Your dreams are written on your face"
>>Overly nationalistic despite having achieved next to nothing.
Poland didn't have 19 century, so it couldn't achieve anything. It dissected Ukraine and Belarus from Russia and it erased Prussia and the whole Drang nach Osten. Pretty good
listen to me. hes is probably a pole himselve. they are "white" refugees.
>dem juicy legs
But ugly pig face.
>cos tam cos tam psze psze psze
Kurwa, te kapcie
Poland should be divided between better countries.
This is a 10/10 in Kurwaland
Poles are bro-tier.
are you okay?
do you want to tell us something?
Even russia is better
Typical Polish streamer
Lmao Poland decided that the best way to prove that they're not related to Nazi's is to make sure that anyone that says "Poland Death Camps" (oops) has a three year sentence.
RIP Freedom of Speech
Look how beautiful this border is.
kolego spokojnie. Ja rozumiem frustrację. Szwaby, Ruscy i cały Zachód nawkładali tobie do łba takich rzeczy, żebyś nienawidził swojego kraju, ale to jest wszystko propaganda! Zobaczysz, że zgodnie z proroctwami Polska będzie od morza do morza, a Zachód i Ruscy utoną pod naporem islamu! :^)
>They moan about Britain all the time even though the Brits joined WW2 because the Polish can't defend themselves...talk about being ungrateful.
>Neanderthal education
>Overly nationalistic despite having achieved next to nothing.
This is the most astounding part about them. Theres so many of these vermin over here in Hamilton, and all they do is cheer about poland and talk about poland or have a heart attack anytime something polish comes up in conversation.
Like being proud of a piece of shit.
It's not gibsmedats. You are not paying my wage.
Germony, you write the EU rules that benefit your companies. You pay us to shut up about it.
The money is the same infrastructure money that Portugal or Italy got for the last 35 years to develop the roads on which your exports come to my country, Exportweltmeister.
We need this emigration. This is good thing. To Germany/uk/whatever emigrate only people who dont give shit about patriotism and only want money. We dont stop them, because Poland must be purifed from this degenerated scum. What do you do with them is not our business
>american criticizes somebodies education
>and is right
Op should be ashamed
>RIP Freedom of Speech
Kek, if you believe that any country that has a single law regarding penalization of "hate speech" has freedom of speech you have serious brain damage.
Just wait until your first female president criminalizes the use of mean words attributed to ethnic minorities.
rule 6 faggot
Most poles I know in the US have MBAs.....dumbass.
typical polish house
typical polish street name
what kind of subhuman buffoonery is this?
I dont know just pollock culture
I've been to two wedding festivities in poland.
One in July 2016 and the other one in June 2014.
Nothing similar to that, what was shown in the video happend, just a shitton of singing and dancing, and some Tug of war, karaoke and limbo. That's it. Also lots of Wyborowa vodka in 2014 and Pan Tadeusz vodka in 2016.
You must be one of those famous self-hating cucks, i hear so much about from my relatives in poland.
I appreciate the efforts of you guys trying to defend us with shit like "polaks are bro tier" but this country is a commie clown fiest, just end us already
>rajd z kara na Sup Forums
really makes you think
you disgust me, boy.
where is your dignity
you as well.
your ancestors fought for this country and yet you are traitors, have shame for gods sake.
whoops meant to link to this guy
mentalnosc tego narodu to kurwa dramat, mamy swoje zalety ale te zjebane pokolenie komunistow musi najpierw wymrzec i wtedy mozna zaczac gadac o dobrej polszy
Mfw when I realise Polish are literally just German Jewish Russians
There is still a chance to make Poland great again, unlike our country.
What's strange in these video? In Poland everybody play like that
and yet you beg others to end us.
fuck off.
nie zesraj sie
>Poland great again
>when Poland sends
>In Poland everybody play like that
OP, calm yourself; you don't even belong to a real country
you just made the gold train ten times more real!
fuck you and your stupid red leaf, that's our tradition we are proud of it
Your points are valid except of
>They moan about Britain all the time even though the Brits joined WW2 because the Polish can't defend themselves...talk about being ungrateful.
We had a nato-like pact with France and UK. They were obliged to help. They did not help in any meaningful way. Poland dissapeared from maps again. Then the eternal anglo sold us to soviets.
Polan will be stronk again if they
- create Polish death camps instead of outright BANNING this weapons grade meme
- cease to be a nogunz country and join the glorious ranks of Austria, Switzer- and Burgerland.
chyba na twoim podlasiu xD
>przebijanie balonów
we used to have funs before ww2, but then gommie jews came and disarmed us
mógłbys używać tripa żebym cie mógł filtrować kurwo pierdolona sram ci do ryja?
How did they sell you? You think the Brits would want to fight in yet another war over some useless country on the continent?
Nie zesraj się. Chcesz żebym ci czas tutaj obrzydził cioto?
To masz.
ITT: some moroc tries to undermine polish spirit and polish diaspora responds
Because Poland is famous for a civil war characterized by be headings?
At this point I don't know if you are a Soros shill from KOD, Bluepilled Gimbus or just trolling...
Did a Pole fuck your wife or something weedman?
cool story, bro
i want karachan to leave