ONLY countries with Nuclear weapons can post itt
Pic related, we even nuked ourselves just to see what it was like
ONLY countries with Nuclear weapons can post itt
Pic related, we even nuked ourselves just to see what it was like
I'm waiting for a turkroach to show themselves.
While we wait for the roach, appreciate this picture of the most important aircraft in moderate history
welcome romania where are you?
Modern* history
If it was "moderate" history it would be the planes of 9/11
I didn't know either of you had them
Jews have nukes?
True but they're not much planes but scraps now a days
If Iran posts here wouldn't that start a war? Or was the Iran deal 100% bs
Well they are not really ours desu. Just some candy given by NATO.
I met the pilot Paul Tibbits when I was a young kid. I asked him about dropping the bomb and he said something along the lines of it had to happen.
Is NATO just handing these weapons of hell out to every Euro Cuck?
Hey !
everyone knows israel has nukes but its not officially confirmed
Yes. We have about 20 of them.
Turkey has them also, they don't have their own. So do the Netherlands, Italy, Cuckmany,
>TFW testing nuke in Africa
USA so cucked they even have to represent faggotry when nuking gooks
We gave Germanistan nukes? Is NATO retarded?
I thought Romania got turkeys nukes on account of Turkey going full islam
Greatest ally
Well in order to use them, they need dem codes from the US gov.
Though I dunno whether it is possible to modify those so that codes aren't needed. If so, roaches have already done it.
But I doubt it's possible.
Posting in the power bread, wish me subs niggas.
I meant dubs, damnit.
You could still make a dirty bomb. Stick a nuke inside a barrel bomb and I'm pretty sure you'd cause some pretty bad nuclear fallout.
This is an ideal place to test nuclear weapons, first somalia
Thank God.
Too bad our friends with these bombs can't post here anymore.
Kek. When are they gonna get persecuted for that atrocious war crime btw?
Oh yeah. Might be. No one knows for sure though.
Would not be surprised if roaches have some regardless of what happened to nato warheads.
What's going on with Pakis these days? Has China been treating you and Nepal well at least?
You need to invent toilets before you can get Nukes.
Well we don't officaly have nukes, but we have a lot of nuclear material.
Don't pretend the Ruskies weren't happy when we bombed those nips.
As soon as dem Japs admit to theirs
Pic related
So basically never
We tested our first bomb in the Sahara
We have old nuclear weapons from USA here, government accidently admitted it
Hello there.
Hillary's about to make the world look like this
We have US-American nuclear weapons, is this enough?
Did you document it? Did it create miles of glass?
Wat is er oud aan die dingen?
Ive always loved you Romania, Americanization starts next week, get ready for burgers
>be a burger
>give 50 nuclear warheads to shit skins
Well played
The only Euro countries that can claim they have nukes are France and the UK.
the rest of you stop lying
They are OUR mega weapons though. Don't get any funny ideas shit stain.
A real shame we don't have our own ones. But how long would it take us to build one if we want to?
There was a rumor our government wanted to build one in the 60s before all of Latin America renounced the use of nukes. It's interesting to think what might have changed that way. I guess we still could build one today, we have lots of uranium, decent researchers and fission bombs aren't that hard to make.
>the rest of you stop lying
What about you guys stop storing your nukes all over Europe?
I like how that artillery piece wasn't retrofitted to fire nuclear shells, they literally designed an entire gun from scratch with the sole intent of lobbing nuclear death at anyone unfortunate enough to try invading a NATO country.
Well the initial research came from Nazi Germany, we just continued the research you all couldn't do any more.
You're not going to use them anyways, so who cares.
After 3 weeks anyone that wiped out a fucking city would tell themselves this, its called grieving.
Her little name was Gerboise Bleue
AHAHAHAHA! A jew would never do that. They would be on a boat out of the city before they pulled the trigger on that.
I spoke with a Bundeswehrgenerall a few weeks ago and he said that it simply doesnt matter because it clearly is noprob to take them from the Eifel
I might not have nukes, but i have the privilege of witnessing this RARE FLAG
They have a second strike capability like us so they can fight back even if Israel gets glassed.
'Tis not rare. 'Tis French territory
My friends grandpa was arthur stein. Died a few years ago. Was a mechanic on the enola gay. Also a part of the mission which dropped the bomb.
He always said that we dropped a third nuke on a small, unnamed island between Japan and tinian
Based old man
But we aint the ones that did it. We dindu nuffin
Ya we were probably pretty happy. Seriously though dont you think it was a bit overkill? Or was it totally justified?
I want the 50s back
They went beyond that
God I love the old USA
Nice dynamite. Nukes aren't real. What cameras recorded the "destruction" of the little wooden models but didn't get affected itself? Hurr i takee speshul enriched wheatflour cake uranium wit muh hydrogen. Makee zoopurr speshul. Then I poot eenzyde toob and poot emptee toob around it and smash wit a hammur and bye bye japan
Without the bombs Anime as we know it would never exist. My waifu would be entirely fictional.
What's it like being a rare flag? Does everyone just ignore your opinion to comment on how rare you are or is it more like being a celebrity.
Also wtf are you
You could just have some of ours
You can look at steel produced before the first bomb and that produced afterward. They have different radio-logical properties.
>Switzerland building nuke in 1946
>USA: "Don't worry Swiss goy, you don't need nuke. Just give us all your nuclear material and we will """take care""" of it"
>Switzerland agrees
>Also wtf are you
French island.
Somehow, some of our territories now have their own flags
>french poo-in-loo
wtf? I don't even...
Read that again. How does that answer anything I stated? Just make up more numbers. Carbon dating is retarded. They pumped polio vaccine with radiation to cause cancer. Could be same method here. Evolution is also fake
Sweden YES! Thanks for the support patriot!
It is some muzzie island close to Africa.
Should be nuked. Now
Never found any info about the third nuke either. No sources except a story from an old man. After the bomb was dropped on hiroshima, the gay had a second bomb and barely enough fuel to return to their base on tinian. Allegedly, they dropped the other bomb they had on an abandoned island to drop some weight. Never found evidence
>Hillary's about to make the world look like this
We don't forget
Guys - how about non-countries?
Yeah nuclear bros
>MY Hooome and NATIVE Laaaand
>Tell meee more Liiiies
>So that I may misunderstand
Hello there
Fucking delusional. Muh globe PLANEt. What is a plane in geometry you frog?
did he died?
Even her mobility options are crooked.
Top comfy, lad
we had a nuclear weapons project, once
still feels bad man
We pretend they don't so hard it's hard to believe you.
As-salamu alaykum