>Atheism is highly correlated with autism spectrum disorder

Is this why they get so angry about their inability to comprehend a simple comic made for children. Atheism is the only religion to attract a mental disordered majority, excluding cults.

Hmm.... makes one's cranial almonds activate

Other urls found in this thread:


the worst thing about them is that they are such coward cucks.. I would respect them more if they actually took their atheism to it's only logical conclusion -- being that they believe there is no objective basis for morality, and yet still try to espouse egalitarian and altruistic garbage and say they are against murder and rape.. they are so autistic that they don't even realize that everything about them is contradictory

I hate nihilists.

>he's roleplaying Christianity again

opinion discarded.


>a religion
learn your words user
that's the thing, i don't believe in the exact things that the other atheist next to me, i know that makes people like you nervous but there is no hive mind where there is no religion.
i hate them too.

consider my pepperinos corrected, m'lady!

Why do you need the fear of eternal damnation in order to be a good person?


>le fedora maymay
that doesn't work anymore christfag

oh goyim here we go again.
Existentialism is a system created because a nihilist couldn't actually come to terms that he's meaningless. It's the last kicks of a fly stuck on fly paper.

>a fucking leaf

define "good"


Moral absolutes are anathema to atheism.

This is the checkmate to atheists that I still can't get a halfway decent answer to.

I'm pretty sure it's because they just don't get it; they literally can't into morality.

If there is no God and there is no reason for anything , then being good dosent exist.

>Organized religion
Wew, I bet the majority of you guys didn't even make the choice, your parents did for you and then you just got brainwashed.

>inb4 atheist
No, just not a retard

>the new Christians are le nihilists meme
so many levels of irony

Because human nature is inherently flawed. It's best to be an agnostic and roll with whatever happens.

I converted earlier this year; my parents are agnostic.

derp. I was talking about existentialists/atheists and the such.

This thread has been posted often enough to be considered spam.
Your thread has been reported.

I'm autistic and very religious. Checkmate.

With it a God, who is the arbiter of goodness?

accusing everyone that doesn't believe in a god to be inmoral is the same as saying that every christfag is a good person.
i hope you can see how stupid your statement is.

>Is this why Christians get so angry when they are reminded that their leader is a kike. Christianity is the only religion to attract such cognitive dissonance, excluding cults.

found the actual autist

in that case, what is "good," you silly child?

Jesus was not a Jew. The term Jew was created by the Jews of Christianity, Protestants, in constructing the KJV version of the Bible, at a time when the Ashkenazi had assumed control of the Hebrew faith and turned it into a tribalistic Satantic cult. Jesus was ethnically a Levantine (a white group, with a diversity of hair and eye colors) and an Israelite by birth. He preached against the Pharisees, who happened to be the exact group who turned the Israelite faith into post-Temple Rabbinic Judaism after Christ’s death and the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70.

This faith eliminated the tenets of the original faith through historical revisionism, going so far as to create a new holy text, the Talmud. This evil manuscript was finalized only several centuries after the New Testament was well established in its entirety. Jews today attempt to “reclaim Jesus as a Jew” so labeling Christ as such is playing right into the cult’s hands. In reality, Judaism has nothing to do with the Temple faith, and that faith actually continues on in the altars of Catholic and Orthodox churches all over the world, as does the proper legacy of the Roman Empire in the sacred Christian priesthood.

nice rebuttal

sigh, no.
atheist agree that there is no god, you have no fucking idea what else every person believes besides that.
you have to understand that i may believe that yous religion is pretty stupid even tho i can't explain some things, i just think you explanation is retarded.

Jews hated that Christ ushered in the Western ethos and connected it to the faith that they hoped to subvert and own. So they used academia to say Jesus was not white, and Jesus was a Jew, and Jesus did not preach anything related to Western civilization. These are all lies, and some of you stormniggers eat it up like pathetic goyim.

Latest science says modern Jews are Greek/Iranian converts:

>New research suggests that the majority of the world’s modern Jewish population is descended mainly from people from ancient Turkey, rather than predominantly from elsewhere in the Middle East.

>The new research suggests that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia. At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.

>According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Turkey.

Atheism is a redpill, but not everyone who's an atheist is redpilled. If you believe in a book written 2000 years ago without evidence you are not redpilled.

Christianity did help unite the western world but that doesn't mean that it's true

A leftover from the Neanderthals, who were much more intelligent than Homo Sapiens

>Jesus was not a Jew.

>He posts this thread every day
>People still taking the b8


>Intelligent people tend to be atheist.
>Intelligent people tend to be autistic.
>Therefore autism leads to atheism!

Not how it works OP.

What's the comic panel in the OP post about?

This is literally not an argument lol. This is classic atheist posting though.

>non argument
>total disregard for facts, logic, reason
>amirite... guys?

This is everything you post. Grow up, kiddo. Sad!

a social construct, grandma.
we all agree to abide to certain rules because we all live in the same society.
Religions are an early form of law, people being dumb enough that needed to reinforce this rules with a "god" to force obedience.
that people in this moment of time still believes in such nonsense is appalling.

I'm not saying that though.

I'm saying that atheist/agnostic morality is based purely on personal differences;

Atheist morality = subjective morality

Christian morality = objective morality

Most Christians on Sup Forums are gays and atheists who pretend to be christian to bash on Islam.

Haha you fell for pseudo intellectual memes. Correlation is foundation for causation. They are not in juxtaposition. There are plenty of peer reviewed papers talking about this phenomenon with theoretical explanations for the link. That is how causation is determined.

No education. Thinks he's smart. Sad!

Why does Sup Forums talk about autism so much? Genuine question.

Don't you think that someone that does good thing just because is right is a better person that does good things because he is scared to go to hell otherwise?
you have good people and retards, i every religion and in atheism too.
you ameriburgers tend to believe that atheism = nu male SJW fucktards, and that's not the case.

i don't have time to explain it to you so

That's not the point, darkie. There is no objective basis for morality without metaphysical reality.


>Don't you think that someone that does good thing just because is right
>is right
What's the difference between right and wrong? I understand we get this from our conscience, but some people's consciences are severely screwed up, so where else can i find this distinction between right and wrong?

>Christcuck claiming atheists believe in magic

You must be a literal retard. Also, about this "everything came from nothing" meme: in the beginning, everything was concentrated on a single point. That's different from nothing.

Why would you give him your teddy when he's still carrying around the big one he took from another kid earlier?

>i don't like your picture
>everything was on a single point
>that's different from nothing
>thinks he made an argument
>thinks he is capable of discussing said topic
Do you have any concept of the big bang theory? Or is it mostly just your favorite TV show?

Eat shit, I went to church last sunday.

I have no religion and I am not autistic.

>vodka-brained russian thinks anecdotal evidence is an argument

top laugh m8

It's worse when some retards here defend Islam because in their impotent rage they hate women and want to dictate how they should dress and use their bodies.

>there is no objective basis for morality... thus they should all embrace nihilism
>they espouse societal values... and that's retarded because it goes against nihilism
Paraphrasing here, but you are wrong on both accounts. There is scientific basis for human morals and they arise from physiological processes in the brain. Why? Because the brain feels pleasure and pain, thus morality arises. The brain wants to avoid pain as much as possible (which equates to the pain of death) and maximise pleasure, thus humans naturally tend to cooperate, avoid killing, raping etc.

sure it does

I gave up drinking heavily when I had children. Only the odd drink with friends every so often now.

Autism isn't a disorder. It's a syndrome.

You do not diagnose someone with autism. You diagnose someone with an actual disorder and if it falls within the spectrum they are labeled autistic.

It's a buzzword to herd-diagnose and fuel the big pharma agenda.

Also an atheist would more likely have assburgers because they have "anti-social" tendencies where as an autistic person would be awkward in a "normal social environment" and peers would be more inclined to exhibit anti-social behaviors to deter the autistic person from socializing with them.

Lets see some super-scientific atheist refute pic related with the vastness of their vast intellects.

Protip: We wont.

That still doesn't logically follow without metaphysical assumptions. Shit attempt. Plus, religion and belief in God are natural functions of the brain as well, and people who are religious are psychologically healthier.

All aboard the fail train.

Choose in the singular.

>When ur autism is too strong and u miss the point of the post


The universe is expanding in every direction. This is an observable fact. A million years ago, the universe was "smaller". A billion years ago it was even more so. If you go back far enough, it is logical to conclude it started in a single point.

But bronze age retards didn't know about that so they wrote down that god did it. And you believe them.

>What's the comic panel in the OP post about?
Religious people not understanding either love or toys.

The little girl has grown attached to a charming small toy which is easy to carry around and convenient to take on trips as a familiar bit of home.

Jesus wants to take it away and give her a tacky oversized gift-ship toy, designed to look better on the shelf to someone more concerned with the superficial aspects of their gesture.

See also "Footsteps": a short allegory about how obvious their bullshit is getting.

Oh you went to church? I didn't know that made you a Christian.

I don't ever think I've seen a leaf sponsored post that was this dumb. Congratulations on that.

There is a difference between if you understand the golden rule. However, this rule can only be fully applied in a perfect world, which this is not, so the rule cannot be enforced.

If you can't grasp the golden rule then you're psychologically unbalanced/malformed and only qualify as sentient-like, not actually sentient.

Sociopaths are evil incarnate, fully aware of morality but choose to abuse. Schizos are the poor suffering true-neutral beings who cannot control their morality choices.

is that even how existentialism works

Well memed, summerfag.

>The universe is expanding because God doesn't exist!
>It came from one spot which always existed or not
>I don't care, as long as I don't believe in God!
Atheist logic, everyone!

Why is god's version of good good?

This world makes sense to me.


Cringed hard tbqh


There is also axiomatic convention which if defied would destroy the purpose of what we are doing right now: attemping rational discourse, and rational discourse must be had because no ethical system has been able to objectively prove itself to be the ultimate arbiter of moral truth. If we are going to discuss ethics rationally you must accept various axioms like the fundamental rules of thought and I would add that you should also seek to preserve an ennviroment where this dialogue can occur which neccesitates that individuals be able to self determine and that the stability of this enviroment be preserved. That's why i can arrive to the conclusion that a minium baseline for an ethical society is one where individual self determination is valued and which is stable.

into the trashhhhhhh

The image means nothing except to the artist who created it.

Everyone else is interpreting a false narrative.

It could easily be a simple comic portraying how Catholic priests corrupt and molest children.

>But bronze age retards didn't know about that so they wrote down that god did it.

This comic is terrible and dumb and you are stupid for reposting the self same stupid fucking copypasta over and over again.

my favorite meme thread

I assume its about rewards you get for living a good life after death. Its your usual christian based morality that teaches you to be hostile toward life.


Refute this comic then but if you can hand-wave everything because "God" then there is no point in arguing with you. If God instead of wanting you to be a good person wanted you to be a bad one, that would still go against human nature, because such a position is untenable, as expressed in the comic. Humans are naturally moral because it is to their evolutionary advantage, this is true even in violent societies.

Besides why would God care what you do on a daily basis or if you masturbate if he already knows everything in the past and the future? Religions only provide comfort as long as you don't understand why they exist, where they come from, why they are still in use today. Thankfully since Darwin, Hume and others we have a better understanding of nature and are no longer bound by archaic textbooks that demand the stoning of adulterers. In western countries most people are incapable or unwilling to follow the Bible or the Koran to the letter because it goes against societal laws.



Leaf bringing the bantz.
Fuck Australia by the way:

Any actual arguments or are you just going to mock me?

I don't understand how you faggots can claim that religion is the route of morality when religion and the rules which came with it were written by people. The bible didn't come crashing into the earth one day from the heavens it was written by the followers of Christ, same way the ten commandments were written by Moses.

Human beings ARE flawed existences but we aren't without our own merits. Even from a logical stand point we understand that indiscriminately going around murdering and raping people is a bad idea. However human beings are also highly empathetic meaning that we do feel a semblance of pain for the suffering of others . A lack of empathy doesn't mean you're an atheist, it means you're a psychopath.

>implying that atheists aren't just closeted psychopaths


If you think nothing produced something that exploded into everything, you deserve to be mocked.

Faith literally men's believing something without proof. That's retarded and only a religion aimed at retards would promote it as a virtue

The commandments were literally written by the finger of God into stone.

>what is divine inspiration.
Also, are you sure that you actually 'know' that rape and murder is a bad idea, or is it your Christian inspired super ego telling you this?

Let's be clear, I am smarter and wiser than all of you. Animals mourn there dead, cows mourn their dead. When a cow has a calf, the entire herd of other cows will actively try to help protect them and be on edge against outsiders. Llamas are used to protect groups of cattle and sheep because llamas are naturally protective.

Morality is pretty relative, like most other things. You will eventually be forced to let go of absolutely anything you can hold on to, be it God for Christians or whatever it is for any other demographic. The fact that we have morals without Christianity before Judaism even existed should be a good indicator that Morality isn't a member of the Christian pantheon.

Just remember that I'm smarter than you.

OP does not make sense.

Not without proof.

Without seeing it.

>atheism logically leads to a total absence of ethics & morality

>I am smarter and wiser than all of you

If there are objective moral facts than this would point to an objective moral lawgiver.