Sexual reassignment surgery regret


>be hot trap
>rare object of lust
>chop feminine penis off
>realize you've made a horrible mistake
>obsess about committing suicide instead of dilating the wound where your penis was
>stuck with a "shallow" hole where your cute penis used to be

When will they learn

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Are chop chop trannies to Sup Forums what manlets are to /fit/?

I'd believe that was a 5/10 female if I saw them on the street

>that voice


its a shame

and they wonder why tranny suicide rates are so high

Holy fuck go back to Sup Forums

why would you cut off the part that makes you special, just to look like a poor imitation of a female? its sad

It's voice nearly overloaded my subwoofer.

couldnt even get 3 seconds in.

That voice is all full of JUST its clearly a guy too.

Im not listening to that, text to speech is more bearable.

>liberals feeding and exacerbating the mental illness of young kids

pretty sure this counts as munchausen by proxy:

i have a schizophrenic family member. i always try bring her back to reality as much as i can. i never entertain or acknowledge her delusions.



6 seconds for me, but I'm not watching 15:00 of that
can you sum it up user?

Why can't they just take the hormones instead of mutilating their bodies?

That's a Paradox.

The happiest trannies really are the ones who accept their original genitals and just change everything else

You can't even have proper orgasms with the fake ones
That'd be nearly suicide inducing for an otherwise stable person much less a literal madman

>coming from the country that mutilates baby boys bodies like mine

America is literally tranny tier delusional with circumcision.

wow, so she can babbys now?

Jesus Christ I don't care how female these faggots look the voice always exposes them, as soon as I clicked on the vid that manly voice was too obvious

first question is, why the fuck do you even watch that kind of shit?
Do you daily watch all tranny videos uploaded to youtube just for "fun"

>To be a girl you have to fake your voice to be more high pitch

Why is every trans vocalphobic? Women can have deep and that doesn't make them any less female


It's not a mental illness.

That's a great way of putting it. Imagine, as a psychologically healthy male, what it would be like to have you penis mutilated and removed. How that would impact your self-image and ability to form sexual/romantic relationships with other human beings. That's horrifying to think about as a neurologically sound human being. And the people electing to do this to themselves are already imbalanced.

>mom is a therapist

explains everything.

>i never entertain or acknowledge her delusions.
I did the same, but my brother was too far gone, so it made no difference whether I spoke or not. Good luck, user.

My mom is a therapist

Well there's your problem

Pretty sure it rendered itself sterile.
Praise God.

>talks the same way that fucking weirdo on Jerry Springer who cut their own legs off

and these people aren't considered fucking lunatics WHY?

of course it is you silly cunt

Pretty much the argument I have been using forever.

If someone that wants to cut off their legs or arm is considered mentally ill, why isn't someone who wants to chop their dick off not.

well the prostate is still there

Why do so many white parents allow their kids to do this?

You never see this kind of filth in other communities

way too underrated

>hot trap
>feminine penis
>cute penis

just kill yourself already

voice sounds normal

>Do you daily watch all tranny videos uploaded to youtube just for "fun"

>being this much of a newfag

>5 minute spiel about family struggling with monetry troubles and sorting out the insurance on her behalf
>"if you care at all about me, you will pay for my surgery"

Literally the most self-entitled, narcissistic thing ever

I can feel the male voice, fuck.

They could just take Pimozide and cure it altogether.

Not for a woman. Stop bullshitting.

>Why can't they just take the hormones instead
They are taking them. If you ask your doctor about your degeneracy, the first thing they will prescribe to you are hormone pills plus transition therapy. So instead of checking you in a mental hospital, they encourage your mental problems until it is too late and you'e already suicidal and your suicide will just be another "trans people are bullied" sort of shit.

And for those that didn't know, taking hormones will make the manliest man look like a girl. So if you want to be your own girl, here you go.

What's the point if you can't reach around and roughly grip their little feminie penis and balls while going full tilt on their anus?

Yes it does. I've met real women who sound exactly like that. Her voice just sounds hoarse.

Well, she's got the inane rambling down pat.


Should of kept boy pussy.

Instead he has freak show hole.





You know some unusual women, my friend.

>0.02$ Shekels have been deposited to your account. Thank you for Correcting The Record!™




Thats why im not doing that fucking surgery.
I may be a degenerate but atleast i know when to stop.

Anyone really sad at how these poor kids get brainwashed by the media into ruining their lives like this ?

Seriously at first i laughed at it but seeing KIDS, fucking horrifying.


Seriously, I want to join discussion.


trap on MY Sup Forums??

>And for those that didn't know, taking hormones will make the manliest man look like a girl.

If they started early, yeah. But if they go through puberty as a male, most won't beable pass even a basic examination from a distance.

Post boipucci

>When will they learn

I would imagine only after the surgery. Since media, peers, and the sorts coddle their mental illness.

Unfortunately I know a lot of people that are either, in full hormones or hormones plus have undergone reassignment and I am in the medical field so I know I am right.

The transition will just take longer but it will still happen. Before puberty is just faster but it is not instant.

It's more likely than you think. Most trannies should care about politics, considering if the politics shift the wrong way, they could find themselves very dead or very persecuted, at least .

Apparently you don't go outside.

oops I forgot. When I said a girl, I don't mean 10/10 girl. You will need more surgeries for that.

just imagine their MAN FARTS!! makes me vomit just

for a gay guy, yes.

>tfw trap looks like "girl" I used to date

>be hot trap

For a real woman too. One of my best friends I've known since three years old has this exact same hoarse voice. She was born female and is still female.

You've been hanging out with too many trannies, fatties, and ugly women.

Make it feed itself.


>hot trap
> feminine penis

kill that faggot then yourself

Blessed gaybros

>they could find themselves very dead or very persecuted, at least .

we could only hope

>that subvocal drop in the falsetto

He should just kill himself

Sup Forums isn't about politics, though. It's about frog memes, flag memes and worship of the triune Kek/Ebola-chan/Winter-chan godhead with Trump as its messenger (pbuh).

Repeating integers confirm the validity of your claim!

>praise KEK!

I deleted most pics on my phone.
Plus im self concious and even if I looked identical to a real girl Sup Forums would bash me.
Not that I'm against their behavior, I used to hate trannies equally as much as everyone else on here.
Anyways, here is the one pic i do have and dont really mind posting.

why do you have a pic of Lena Dunham saved?

Post cock (if legal)

Cross dressing diots are degenerate and have a moral problem.

You know you want to show the cock. Just do it. Don't be a faggot.

Idk how well i pass for a trap honestly. Im not on hormones yet anyways. I may or may not depending on how mentally ill i really am.
And ive been lurking here since i was 14 or 15. My views haven't changed after caving, and i still see most other transgenders as completely annoying and irrational (probably because theyve been absolutely brainwashed or because its all attention related).

But yeah, a lot of femboys and traps go to Sup Forums. For whatever reasons.


self-eugenics in action

y tho

You'd rather suck a masculine penis? Fag.

>Im not on hormones yet anyways.

Stop being a degenerate and try to trick people into thinking you are a girl. Behave like a proper man you effimate faggot. Someone needs to beat you up if they catch you crossdressing, it's immoral.

Degenerate fucks.

Like this?

i dont want to have the surgery at all. i think my clit looks cute when its all locked up and in my panties. so does my daddy :)

feel sorry for the people that get it and regret it.

Idk why yall wanna see so bad,
But if I manage to find one of my old pics i guess i dont have much to lose anyways.


Politics has no place on a Brazilian throat singing forum

> "Hot Trap"
Kill yourself faggot. Literally you are a faggot.

>But if I manage to find one of my old pics
The fuck? Take a new pic. What's wrong with your camera?

I watched the entire thing, I actually feel sick and might puke. I can't even imagine chopping my dick off, the thought is so unsettling and this really makes me feel disgusting.

Absolute toppest of keks.

This is exactly how my friend sounds!

y u do dis user?

Post boi pussi you faggot


"I totally sound like a girl. When I whisper. and try not to say O sounds. Or talk. At all."

100% of the time they sound like men trying to fake it once they hit adulthood.

Eh, I've been told I make a pretty good woman- only problem is my chords only hitch up correctly when I "get into" trapping or I'm on the bed making lewd noises while somebody exploits my body.

>inb4 a good woman shouldn't talk outside the bedroom anyways