Islam is a fighters religion

Islam is a fighters religion.

How come Sup Forums is so anti-Islam? It is literally the only religion that promotes self-defence and heroism. Not to mention how it is strictly conservative, against all degenerate decadent values of today.

Throughout history, the biggest cucks of all time have been Christians. Name a cuck that's not Christian or Jewish.

But don't let me try to persuade you, instead read these quotes by Adolf Hitler himself, and you might have a change of opinion.

"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism (Islam), that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."

"The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France"

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>Here ya go Sup Forums, your daily dose of Swedish cancer

Islam is degenerate, even more than modern Christianity.


Explain why it is degenerate.

The bravest fighters today are Muslim. What are Christians doing? Being proxies and cowards in general.

Religion is the worst meme.

Hi Muhammad

they shag goats bruv

Hi Mohamed. Most of Christianity in Europe is quite secular. They don't feel the need to have a goatfucker control every aspect of their lives.

That's an ethno-cultural aspect older than Islam itself. It not an "Islamic" thing, it's something connected geographically. Mostly in isolated areas, conjured with inbreeding as well.

Yeah I've always found an inherent hypocrisy in some Sup Forumsacks insistence in adhering to Christianity while condemning the modern day liberal values with which the softness of Christianity is more aligned, while condemning Islam for essentially having the same values that they have.

Do you feel that Secularism has benefited the west? Yes?

wtf i hate hitler now


They are still hanging on to the old "Orthodox Christianity is real Christianity. Muh Russia n shiet". Even though Russia is probably the most degenerate nation in all of Europe.

Hes one of those muslim refugees posting in sweden

Hitler said ""The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France", which is pretty disturbing considering Merkel is openly nationalsocialist.

Yes. We can accept the Enlightenment and test the scientific method and explore the stars while you are still banging rocks and raping Olga.

ok so they fuck their sisters too? thats fucked up senpai why do you support them? do you fuck kids too?

>Not degenerate


But yeah, lets not get that mixed up with me supporting Islam over Christianity, I think freedom of religion is an important institution to hold above all religions.

Muslims was the ones who brought Astronomy to Europe. Baghdad was the cradle of scientific enlightenment, which was then stolen by Crusades.

And look at you now. While your women is craving immigrant cock, you cuckolds sit on internet forum calling for "Crusades". Who's winning that battle do you think?

The nu-male is failure, that was enabled by Christianity. It made women out of men.

Confirmed for shitskin muslim
heil putin, heil assad

muslims stole science from Greece and Alexandria, you pedophile worshipper

>"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France"
Uncle Adi didn't face the massive funding of Wahabism by the Saudis or the clusterfuck the US left.

wtf I love merkel now

>Not to mention how it is strictly conservative, against all degenerate decadent values of today.

Because shagging goats and pedophilia are totally not degenerate. But since you're from Sweden I assume you just see that as the epitome of an Alpha.

What science? Ibn Al-Haytham is widely considered the founding father of modern Scientific methods.

What did the Greeks do except focusing on if rocks have souls or not.

Who won in the end? Christianity or Islam? Who has Constantinople?

I would love to argue with you but I assume you are busy masturbating to deformed female feet.

Islam is the coward's religion.
It attacks the weak, it runs from the strong.
It subverts, undermines, and works with people to its own end. It pretends to be good when it's outnumbered.

They will say peace from their mouths and slice off your head as they do it.

Christianity is not pacifism. It never has been.

Tell me of any modern examples of Christian bravery.You have done nothing but bomb children.

Rebels in Syria is fighting against a military regime backed by Russia and Iran themselves,even lacking in any international support, they win massive battles, because they have, unlike you, faith. They don't fear death. They are lions, when you are sheep.

Even ISIS is braver than all of Christendom. They are fighting on their own against literally the whole world, and yet they fight, even against those odds.

I'd suggest you give me any example of Christians not being massive coward turncoats

Muslims copied Babylonian/assyrian astronomy, greek/indian math/algebra/geonometry and raided The ord orient of all science.
Islam is The religion of the feeble, scared and unintelligent shitskins. Just look at you.
Oden could crack mahameds nutsack anytime, pedoshit.

Your kind bomb, behead, throw acid in the face of, and rape women and children. I don't think you have any room to talk about "bravery".

Stop shitposting from Swedistan jävla skåning

The coalition Will bomb isis to pieces and Russia+Iran+Syria Will bathe your kind in blood. You cant Win because you are inferior shitskins


Okay you are Autistic, that explains a lot.
If you actually knew history you would know that Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi is, all historians agreeing, on being the most important figure in developing algorithms and algebra.

What did you polytheists achieve?`What did "vikings" do? You raped, murdered innocents, Monks, anyone who passed your way.

>all historians
>worthless historians from worthless muzz uni's
Copycats, us polytheists did math long before your feeble prophet saw his first goatbutt

This is what happens to your "superior" "non-shitskins" (shia).

Come to Aleppo. The The Mujahiddeen will greet you :)

Hahah you pagan shits did nothing less than chew psychedelic mushrooms, killing civilians yet losing almost every conventional battle.

>What are Christians doing?

They remove the devil worshippers know as muslims in central Africa, Sudan, and Middle east(Dwek Nasha)

And the orthodox russians remove you in Middle-East.