After Trump becomes president, to honor him it would be appropriate to put his face on American currency...

After Trump becomes president, to honor him it would be appropriate to put his face on American currency. What photo and which denomination should be selected? Perhaps we could even put him on ALL denominations.

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>After Trump becomes president.
He will get JFK'd after his first year.

Hopefully before then

By his own secret service agents who will claim that it was for the good of their nation. They will be acquitted with full honors.

>He actually thinks Hillary hasn't already won the election considering the fact that she has the White House, the FBI, the DoJ and the MSM in her pocket.

>to honor him it would be appropriate to put his face on American currency.
You sound exactly like the niggers claiming that Obama should've been put on currency after he was (s)elected president.

Just goes to show that trumpcucks are Republican version of hope and change Obama supporters.

On the penny after you remove it from circulation. Saviour of western civilisation. And a massive cryptokike. Mmmmmmmkaaaaaayyyyy

He's already getting JFK'd in the polls.

Trump wouldn't let himself or others replace George, Abe, or Ben at the very least. He can bring back the $20 though.

>inb4: POLLS DON'T MATTER! (except when they occasionally show Trump in the lead)

Put him on the back of the 1 dollar bill opposite George Washington. Get rid of that ridiculous novus ordo seclorum eye pyramid.


>saving western civilization

he will just as much save it as hitler, with an world war.

The difference being, Trump doesn't want to save the White race from extinction.

Hitler tried and was defeated. That doesn't mean Hitler was wrong or he shouldn't have tried in the first place.

yes hitler wanted to save the white race but only if you replace "white race" with germanics and "save" by ensalve any other ethicity.

>yes hitler wanted to save the white race but only if you replace "white race" with germanics
And Hitler was a gay, pedophile, insane, incestuous, drug addicted, micro penis, one testicled, jew with black ancestry, right?

>and "save" by ensalve any other ethicity.
And the holocaust happened too, right?

Read a book, all over Europe the reigh had support. Communism was not a favorable choice, but you should know that.

these are his words,

>As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a concentration camp!

sounds a lot like slavery to me.

>And the holocaust happened too, right?

of course.

>these are his words,
Where did you get that? Hitler's Table Talk?
Or is it yet another Jew discovered/translated document?

>of course.
Nope. The Holocaust literally did not happen and there is zero evidence for it.

Investigate the evidence in this pastebin at your leisure and make your mind up for yourself. For once.

probably at the end of his first term if he shakes things up enough

>Hitler's Table Talk?

yes this book, what is wrong with it? anyway here is a another one. not from hitler to be fair but he was an important enough player to be sentenced to death

>The Slavs are to work for us. Insofar as we do not need them, they may die. Therefore, compulsory vaccination and German health service are superfluous. The fertility of the Slavs is undesirable. They may use contraceptives or practice abortion, the more the better. Education is dangerous. It is enough if they can count up to one hundred. At best an education which produces useful coolies for us is admissible. Every educated person is a future enemy.

>The Holocaust literally did not happen and there is zero evidence for it.

then why did eichmann himself spoke about the 5 millions of jews that were executed?

bump, I demand answer.

>wants to give 15 million mexicans amnesty
>savior of western civilization
