To correct the record, the official reason why he did this was to reform the criminal justice system and make it more just.
George Soros Gave $650,000 to BLM
aaaannd they spent it all on crack
Ayyo Hol up nigga
>grape soda
>rims for their 96 sunfire
>stolen guns
I have a "friend" who argues with me and swears up and down the george soros funding BLM thing isn't real.
He's otherwise a pretty smart guy but it's like the melanin clouds their mind when it comes to race issues.
this thread will slide. people rather reply and discuss on bait threads
bump :^)
Soros funded black lives matter
So what?
But why
What's he trying to achieve?
One of the biggest commodities you have is freedom man. Be aware of plots trying to take it away from you
This is something people need to figure out, how is it that jews minipulate blacks so easily and how can we counter this
Black lifes matter - the group that burned down missouri and now burnt down milwalkee, tell me how you cant put the pieces together, jews promote and minipulate blacks to chimpout and kill police,
considering how big of an impact their actions had, is this a very little amount of money
He has no loyalty.
He spent millions on Anti-Zionist groups too.
By promoting music like N.W.A in hollywood the jews have made a core idea inside of blacks that police are the enemy and that blacks are victims and that white people dont care, music like fuck the police, appetite for destruction, the jews are completely minipulating black people into burning down cities, looting stores, shooting cops, its all a plan to cause trouble for white people, its sucha evil plan
unofficially, but accurately, soros does this shit to destabilize the economies of target countries so he can make even more shekels
Burning down towns and attacking white people, the blacks are being used as tools by jews and with sucha low cost, i actually think jews have gained profit from it, promoting degenerate hollywood music like NWA with songs like fuck the police, they mustve made millions from it
While at the same time teaching black people to behave as we are seeing now, looting, attacking whites, and overall being scum
I think theres more to it, its all part of the destroying of america before he packs up and moves on to china plan, but also causing chaos is good for jews they want white people gone, only blacks will be left and easier to control blacks as we can clearly see them chimping out daily now
>He spent millions on Anti-Zionist groups too.
He is a globalist. He wants every country to turn into a cesspool of brown people that just consume.
>>rims for their 96 sunfire
>my sides
Fucking Soros.
>how is it that jews minipulate blacks so easily
the same way they manipulate women. they run the oppression olympics. they create a narrative of how oppressed minorities, women, etc. are and how they deserve special privileges for it. also they teach that white men are the most evil thing in existence.
Reminder that Ferguson and the surrounding areas are just fine
t. Saint Louisan
Also both these groups don't make choices off of reason, but off of what feels right. All they have to do is make their views the socially acceptable ones, and the opposite ones as highly socially unacceptable, and woman numales and blacks will flock to them.