the most cucked European country is Russian Federation.
>open borders with Central Asia
>world second largest immigrant population that consists of subhumans from "-stans"
>highest AIDS rate in Europe
>Moscow is minority Russian by 2020
Let's be real. Putin is a full blown cuckold. Here is why:
1)he made revision of Holohaux a crime punishable by prison sentence
2)advocating Greater German Reich in WWII will land you in prison
3)pointing out crimes of Red Army will lend you in prison
4)inflammation of ethnic and religious hatred will lend you in jail. Hate speech laws essentially. Countless nationalists are doing time for it
5)let construction of huge fucking mosques and ordered to give mosque in Chechen Republic #2 in government sponsored "National Symbols of Russia" election
6)keeps open border policy with Central Asia, Russian citizenship can be bought for 30,000-50,000 rubles. 9 million of fucking illegals in Russia
7)Called nationalists "morons or provocateurs"
8)everything is corrupt beyond belief In a any state related project, at least 80% of budget would be stolen
1),2),3) - Federal Law 80
4) - paragraph 282 of the Criminal Law
7) Direct Line with President on "Channel 1" 18 Dec 2003
8) countless exposed info by various people (Google RosPil
Muh savior of the white race
You know this is true russiaboos
Putin bots btfo
1. goverment officials level. you can pretty much scream gass the juden as much as you wanna.
2. why should we advokate those who we beat?
3. what crimes.
4. But we are empire and nationalims is not our case since it will lead to separatism.
5. We had one mosq in moscow since 1830. ever since 1990 was opened more than 200 orthodox churches in moscow, muslims start to crying for gibs too. Nothing wrong with that.
6. now that a bullshit. since economy instability we have lost 70% of our working asian immigrants base.
7. Yeah since they are. most of them not even Russian.
8. we are on averge corrup of any other western power.
Keep up with same fagin.
israel is yellow :DDDD
Based Finn telling these putin cucks the truth.
Russia has highest % muslim population in europe (if russia is in europe).
> inb4 russian muslims are different
lies lies and lies
Sage goes in all fields. The shills want to demonize Russia, because their overlords are associating Trump with the glorious Rodina.
Hello kremlin bot
I live there.
Why would i lie?
I support trump but im not a putin cuck either.
Not to say i hate the guy. But pol seems to love the 22% muslim country of russia.
Because you have been hired to shill here by Putin
All true here
Its 6.5% why do you niggers always use some randome numbers? you can just go to wikipedia and see for yourself.
And how you are going to prove it?
The fact that you are so persistent in defending the manlet
Let's bump it
Even wiki and liberal sources say says 12-15%
But other estimates say lots higher due to the lack of border control in the south
Youre more muzzified than even france mate.
Even the kremlin is moddled off islamic influenced buildings.
The constan obvious lying by russians and russiaboos is rather annoying
>European country
>Russian Federation
pick one
Knew some clueless burger would chime in to gobble up some russian muslim cock
American education
>Oh well if your arguement dont suit my opinion your are putin bot.
this thread need some sage.
let's bump it