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Previous thread:
How's Your Webcomic? /hyw/ #311
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Scrub Authors GOODIE Bag
Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:
>*-Struggling to find that perfect FONT? Create your own using this link;
>*-Don’t forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:
>*-What’s a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?
>*-Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE:
>Links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a
>Contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:
>DISCORD CHAT going on,
Ask for an invite in the thread.
>Wise words from John Cleese:
>Invisible Ink:
>Paper Wings
>Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:
>Writing Resources:
>Guide to promoting your comic:
>Comics for makin' comics!
Jeez I get up for 2 measly hours and the thread falls off page 10
To get things rolling, make a comparison image comparing some aspect of your first page (preferably no covers or titlecards) to your most recent page. Has the art/writing notably changed? How long have you been making your comic? Are you proud of your progression?
Ugh, I can't stand my first few pages anymore.. Until recently I kinda could
Comparing how I drew Michael. The obvious shifts were intentional - color, shading, penciling instead of digital lining. I like the change in how I draw his face. His backpack's proportionate now, and I redesigned his shirt (though you can't see that under the hoodie) to a punchier logo. I like how soft his hoodie looks comparatively, even if I don't have clothing folds down completely.
Can't say my hands are that much better, sadly. The backgrounds need more work as well, though it's comparing geometric-based interiors with piles of rocks and bunches of leaves.
Overall, I need to practice, but I'm not too displeased with the progress. Switching to pencils was a boost.
still just drawin characters. need to buy a dang tablet already
indeed. what's the comic gonna be about? little ant creatures that have their own little society and rituals and shit/
I honestly like the first page better, btw, tone down the "addition" on your layers, and tone down the lights and add a few more darks to help balance out the image. It looks rather blurry at places, especially his cheek and her hair, if you fix just his cheek even it would be solid and good to go.. But all in all it looks good.
I wasn't going to say it because this is discouraging as hell, but I like the first page better too. I've watched our good TP working really hard on this and .. maybe it's too hard, because every new reworking seems to wear it out, like a paper that's been erased so mant times it's going to tear.
That said, yeah, you can see the improvements in proportion, anatomy, perspective.. he's obviously not improving backwards. Just maybe hitting kind of a bump in rendering
heh that sounds cute. i like that. but no, she's actually an alien. she studies for her abductions class by abducting fish out of the ocean. She gets discovered by a young human boy when she accidentally abducts the fish he just caught.
so then the comic is about the two of them, and the trouble they get into and stuff.
good, because that's already a thing. i think it was called gallivants
your idea is better! sounds pretty fun
thank you! ive been writing and rewriting like crazy, finally happy with the story now. all thats left is working on the art.
Yeah, I can see where the addition (Lumi/Shade) is a little abrasive. Messes with the base colors. I was trying to emphasize the light here, given that the point of the page was to show off the sunlight, but I guess I went overboard with it. I also used airbrushes more than the standard pen/brush tools, so I'll try to use more of those to avoid the blurs.
My tablet's being uncooperative so I couldn't mess with the finer details but I turned off the addition for the second and third panels and played with the contrast/brightness levels. Still not totally satisfied with it, but I'll take a new approach to the next page.
>overrendering to the point of totally wearing a piece out
Seems to be the name of my game. The color's a new thing so I'm not discouraged by criticisms, I'll just work it.
Thank you both for the advice!
not well, i feel like each page looks shittier than the last
Did I not decree #310 to be the last? Did you not learn your lesson?
Who are you again? Thanks for bumping the thread and keeping it from expiring; have a (You).
Too bad you didn't save the last one with your ostentatious displays of disapproval, you let us all down there.
Oh, but I did.
Got a few more comics. Not sure if these are funny. Sorry about the large size. 1/3
Really? The /hyw/ #310 I have in my Thread Watcher only has the "Buddy" villain doodle as the last post.
Still, you didn't save the thread with a well timed bump, and the fact that this is /hyw/ #311 means you've failed again. If only you put this much effort into making your own webcomic, like the rest of us. It's not too late though. Why not pick up a pencil again today?
Second panel, you read the reply to "I'm a writer" before you read "I'm a writer." You need to fix the word bubbles so that doesn't happen.
Thanks everyone for feedback last time. I'd love to hear more. 3/3
actual 3/3
This absolutely pathetic post is emblematic of the culture of disease, rot and ruin that plagues /hyw/. Uppity amateurs who think their half-baked, fully-toasted scribbles are worthy of e-publishing. /hyw/ was a mistake.
Who are you again, and why does your opinion matter more than anyone else's? What do you hope to gain from seeing the end of /hyw/? Wouldn't you have to go begging for attention from somewhere else?
Here's something for you to do: draw a comic strip detailing your grievances with the /hyw/ threads, and why their existence upsets you so much. Post a Work In Progress and I'll give you a critique.
I snerked.
First page of first draft compared to first page of current draft. First one was finished 23rd November 2015, second one finished 19th February 2016. I got a lot better at colors and efficiency after I scrapped the old version and started over.
I feel like I give this advice to everyone here: Make your lines thicker.
Fuck OFF.
You want the lines to look... THICC?
Anyone uses wordpress+ comic easel
Yes, what do you want to know?
Yes, it works pretty good.
Are they all pregnant?
>lending out a pencil can lead to pregnancies
First page, Feb 2015: Abject garbage
Last page, 18 months later: Abject garbage with slightly neater word balloons
m-making comics is great r-right guys?
I hate that all these girls are pregnant. It's disgusting.
just because you will never impregnate a girl doesn't mean you should hate all pregnant girls
I hate pregnant girls too, user but the story and writing are actually pretty good, user.
C'mon son.
I am not coming on anything. This is a blue board.
Has anyone statistically found the optimum frequency for releasing new content?
It entirely depends on the minimum acceptable level of quality for both you and your readers.
yes but there is an acceptable. I'm sure If you release 3 panels every 10 years no one will remember.
I'm talking from a marketing point of view. If anyone here is into that and has tested "retention rates" or whatever it's called.
In general speed is more important than quality for readership, as long as you have a decent baseline. As long as you can live with yourself, the optimal way to create a webcomic is to draw cartoony shit, spending less than an hour per page, and updating daily.
If you can't live with yourself doing that, then updating with a page two times per week is acceptable. Once per week you'd have to be outstanding to make much of a splash.
justify your text please
im writing a graphic novel about my sex addiction, does anyone wanna draw it? i can pay in pizza rolls.
That already is justified.
Expand on the idea please.
hey we never see you around. what's your comic about? I immediately dig it at least a little. even if I wanna move your mouths up a little and your eyes further apart slightly. you've made massive improvements in just the 3 months here you describe.
don'y reply to text-justifying-meme user
I mostly lurk and give short advice, since I only recently started my webcomic and there's very little to it yet (only 8 pages uploaded).
It's a horror/mystery comic about a girl with brain problems who gains reality-altering powers and ends up entangled in a serial killer case. And then bad stuff happens, at every possible opportunity. You can read the little there is over here:
abnor guy, did you get my proofreading email?
sephiroth and aeris??
who are you and where can i read more?
Calm down, spaz.
Work In Progress - pencils, first pass at inks.
Same as what everyone else said, dial down the rendering a tad. Try to take object texture into account when shading, because at the moment it seems like everything is shaded in the same manner, be it grass or rocks. Also since you hand-letter I recommend buying the Ames Lettering Guide to help keep text uniform. I read through your webcomic and I'm interested to see where it goes.
Finished this page!
I already impregnated your mom. I was angling for an abortion, but then you were born and made everything 1000x worse. :(
Next page finished
definitely neat seeing how this has changed since the last WIP
Glad you like it.
Well fuck, didn't see how quickly the last thread died. Re-posting.
The Sisters Updated: 4 Pages.
Jam casts a new spell.
Next week: Ex-girlfriends from Jersey.
I do honestly prefer the older style. It was a lot cleaner and easier to make out all the features of the characters. Your newer colors are somewhat muddly--or they blur. You should strive to split the difference, I think you'll find a happy medium that way.
We've found that doing 4 pages a week ensures us a net of about 3-6 new subscribers. But it helps that the scripts are done ahead of time, as are the character designs/sheets and the thumbnails are directly worked off of. Releasing updates that carry a scene, leading into the next scene/update without too much being left hanging, always sits right by me. The best update frequency is one that doesn't bungle pacing or leave you stuck in Dodgeball Namek.
Just looked at it. Some of the faces during the childhood sequence look...awkward. But I like the shift after the explosion, and it looks like it could be really cool once there's more pages to it.
Really solid stuff, honestly intrigued and will probably be following it now.
You have some really nice panel pacing, story progression pacing, and some damn nice attention to detail. Some anatomy stuff is off, but it doesn't matter, it works atm and that's all that matters. The mood, atmosphere and color choices are really well thought out as well.
Keep up the awesome work!
Yeah I've always had troubles with anatomy. Unfortunately I don't improve that much for the next like 10 pages in that area, but it gets a bit better eventually. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
I tried doing a quick paint over of your first panel. I hope you don't mind. I think you should try distinguishing the background from the foreground more by incorporating atmospheric perspective. Everything is given equal weight if it's all rendered the same. I tried getting the effect of intense sunlight you were going for. The intensity of light is also felt from how much reflected light hits the shadow side of objects, so I tried adding that. I think you should also think more about what ambient light source is lighting the shadow side. In this case it's the sky, so I tried shifting the shadow colors towards blue and brightening them. I hope this helps some.
well, gotta bump with sump'n
here's a preview
It's good, especially the anatomy and coloring and values. Although the pacing is off a little and it feels like your missing a few panels.
In the first panel, you should show her actually hitting the beast with said beast in the panel as well, or a portion of the monster, if feels cut off and edited out. The sequence doesn't feel whole.
In the 4th as well, having some red and orange action lines in the background going diagonally, thinner lines at the upper left, getting thicker down to the lower right might help, or simply adding some color instead of the white, or even a blurred background shot.
But it is a very strong page none the less.
what, you don't wanna post the dynamic poses image?
I was gonna go deeper into the comment about how the 4th panel action pose being too stiff and not fluid/dynamic enough, with an example in the lower left of the sketches with a closer representation of what it should look a little closer to. But I thought I would get flak from the hug-boxers.
Your paintover is gorgeous and I appreciate the tips. Would the light source lighting the shadow side not be the sun reflecting off the rocks they're facing, though? Would that much blue be realistic?
looking at this for starting up a website. How easy to use is wordpress? Do I have to put wordpress into the url if I use it?
iirc wordpress is sort of a creation tool, not a hosting site.
Remember when this comic used to update more than once a week? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Thanks to CarrionGirls guy for pose inspiration. that one time we did pixel art. It was the jam.
Haven't quite finished the drawing for the next page, but I'm trying to get some of the main colors of the page down. Avoiding blur tools, going to add in some sun dappling later, the tree texture's just a stand-in, etc. etc.
I also did this and think I overcompensated for how much light was in the last page in the direction of "way too dark" but the point of the exercise was to do it again without using blurry tools so as far as that goes I think it worked out.
>still no scandy leaked nudes
What is the point of living
I actually think it's more fun painting without blurring. there's something weirdly satisfying about doing your best Monet
Just trying to get a newspaper style strip. Wanna make a few of these for a personal project. Thoughts?
I'm the person who did these and I'm trying to think of a name for my webcomic. Any suggestions? At the moment all I have is: Webomic
>tfw if i wanted to post pic-related, i'd get a duplicate file error with the template because i'm a procrastinator.
Update! What do you guys think?
We're at a comic con today - anyone else at Melksham?
I like it, but since someone else will point it out anyway;
Ms. Melee's word balloon in the last panel is creating some tangents with the desk. It could also stand to be a little bigger to, probably.
Also, the tail of the guy's word balloon probably shouldn't have the point end right on his hair outline.
Latest page
>tfw you wish you didnt have to attach yourself to your webcomic but you know that youd have to reveal your identity eventually
Im a fucking loser, why cant i seperate my work from myself as a person
It's the Internet, you don't have to reveal shit if you don't want to.
Just make sure if you own your own site that you have whois protection enabled.
Why do you care? Is it lewd?
No, I just hate myself as a person and want to separate my personal failures as a human being from my comic