What have we done?

Board-certified medicine specialist and TV personality Dr. Drew Pinsky has come out and said that he is “gravely concerned” about presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s health, pointing out that treatment she is receiving could be the result of her bizarre behaviors.

>Dr. Drew studied medicine at the keck school. We have broken the foundation of reality boys


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Did we just meme a doctor into diagnosing Hillary as terminal?


The lions sing and the hills take flight.
The moon by day, and the sun by night.
Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool.
Let the Lord of Chaos rule.

Does anyone have a rare Doctor Pepe?

Bump for keck

Kekking Every Kek



I just... i can't....

What is wrong with you people?

How can you be this heartless?

Like Hillary or not she is a HUMAN BEING...

Stop this shit you sick bastards, just fucking stop it...

Mods should delete threads like this, its sick here...

>bitching about sources
I'm sorry here's some others for you




lol I've spent some of Keck's money from a grant before. I did in fact kek when I saw it was named Keck.

our power knows no limit

C-checked you madmen

People die all the time. Sometimes people we don't like die, and that makes us happy.
There is nothing wrong with celebrating the death of your enemy.

[$0.05 has been deposited into your account, thank you for Correcting The Record.]

Keck is a false god.

Wheel of Time, I like it.

Kill the heretic. Praise KeK


Blasphemy will not be tolerated

top kek

>Like Hillary or not she is a HUMAN BEING...

I doubt it.

Check my trips. Keck is a false prophet. A misdirection from Kek.

You tried and that's all that matters