Went to a very secluded pond to do some fishing

>went to a very secluded pond to do some fishing
>few years ago it was great for big carp
>this time in 6 hours just catch a few little perch
>dog walker I got talking to tells me I won't catch anything in there as the polish have come and caught them all to take home and eat

So I had a look online and apparently this is a nationwide problem, polish are stealing our carp everywhere they go. Bear in mind this pond is so out of the way and hidden hardly anyone knows about it and they still found it, I'd hate to think how bad the obvious lakes and ponds are like.

So how does Sup Forums feel about this? I know it might not seem that big of a deal but to think those waters that our ancestors have fished for hundreds if not thousands of years will soon become fishless because these fucking inconsiderate Slav wankers havent got the decency to put them back

How are your muslims doing over there?

>eating carp

only white people practice proper land stewardship.
>slavs confirmed non-white

>eating carp

>eating carp

Trash fish anyways. Why don't you catch a real fish, like pike?

>when you eat carp

those boney fuckers are tastey, but walleye are GOAT

I'd imagine if they took all the trash fish to eat, anything that's actually tasty to fish for is practically extinct there.

What's wrong with it?
Maybe you sissy western faggots aren't man enough to catch a fish gut it and do whatever anglos do with it, in hungarians case make fishsoup.
Stick to McDonalds faggots

>Eating carp

If I go fishing for food, I fish for walleye.

If I go fishing for sportfishing, I fish for pike, muskie, smallmouth and largemouth bass.

Carp is *fucking awful*. The only thing that makes it even somewhat bearable is to smoke the fuck out of it. And even then it's still not very good.

>when you have 14,594 trip posts on Sup Forums alone

>Telling Americans how to fish

>anywhere in Britain
>out of the way

>Maybe you sissy western faggots aren't man enough to catch a fish gut it and do whatever anglos do with it

We have actual food in first world countries and don't need to eat trash fish.

And only Sup Forums!

Carp is delish.

Babbies who dont know how to eat fish without getting rekked need not reply.

>valuing a trash fish
>not taking this opportunity to stock these ponds with actual good fish
Get your shit together, Nigel.

This. I read somewhere that you're never more than 90 miles from a coast, no matter where you are

Same for me mate, The only place I can get decent fish now is at a managed pond.

When you have to fry opium to not starve I'd imagine even carp might taste good Paco.

Pollack here. I fucking love fish. Americas next, godwilling. All ur seafoods are belong to us.

In Canada we have the same problem, the Asains catch all the fish up, even the young ones, and take them home for food. The fishing spots that were good as a kid are fishless now. Gotta drive 2 hours to find fish.

True. Feels good living in the US where we have vast expanses of land and more than enough fish to go around.
We don't eat carp because virtually any other fish tastes better. Since we have so many fish, we can wait for a crappie or walleye to come along and take that.


Although I hear pike is good, it takes a lot of talent to fillet.

This. What the fuck is Britbongs problems?

In Minnesota we have poaching laws and yes they are fucking enforced if you go over your limit. Not to mention the state restocks the shit out of the lakes.

Yes facecum, and think how many of those have anime girls. Thousands.

Jesus would be proud facecum very proud indeed

Yes, mexicans arent at all known for cooking delicious food.

Gas yourself faggot.

Ayyy SD here. What's up, neighbor?

>delicious food

This is true in most of the US.

Pike is fine if like you said... you fillet it properly. Most of my relatives in MN tend to like Walleye but I find Pike just fine as well. The most fun I have fishing is a small outlet behind the family farm where I can throw a daredevil out there and catch multiple Pikes. They are also a lot more fun to catch in shallow water.

>im pissed that im not the onlyone who goes fishing

If thats the biggest problem for you in the uk right now you should consider your self lucky

Bring some fucking poles here, we need to kill the fucking gook fish that are chucking our native species.

Would be like heaven for them, go out on a boat and all of a sudden food zerg rushes you.

Same old shit. Based State with shitty commies in the cities.

SD is pretty nice. Glad you aren't cucked.

>throwing meat, cheese, beans, and rice into a shell in 40 different ways and cooking it until it all melts together
>"renowned" for cooking delicious food
Wew there Paco. Don't get ahead of yourself.

>opinion on food

Everyone was encouraged to just cull carp here in Illinois a few years ago. Literally to just kill every single one you catch. A lot of people were just shooting them in the water when swarms would surge through the rivers.

Yeah, nuke the Cities bud. The rest of your state is based.


Mexican cuisine is more diverse than anything youll understand.

Its not my fault you think tex mes and cali mex is actual mexican food.

google, polish cark uk

my face when it's true

Because you think others can't?
I always have an impression that americans think they are the only one who go hunting or fishing on the weekends.

>Implying you wouldn't


This is bait, right?

To get us to google "fishing poles" in an attempt to determine whether or not the people here verify stories, or just believe whatever they're presented with?

I hope so.

Paprika is a trash tier spice. Fucking fight me.

>anime tripfag

Send poles to australia, they have a carp problem.

>so out of the way and hidden
I don't understand. Your island is too small for that to be a proper description of anywhere.

Guess you aren't known for cooking delicious food then, huh?

The best part?


If you want a laugh go check out his postings on 4plebs, it's a fucking goldmine!

I wouldn't carp if I had literally any other options.

Are you not an outdoors man? Do you know just how much shit you can pack into a single square mile?


People from all over the world travel here for the food, including ALOT of americans. Get out more.

>appealing to the lowest common denominators

maybe u should look whether ur neighbors make such cakes. give a pole a fish and he will live for a day. give an anglo ten fish and he will stick them in pie, ruining everything.

Your definition of seafood is long john silvers fish paddies.


If Poles want carp, they can come to Illinois and get rid of all our Asian carp.


>being the lowest common denominator

It's actually salmon, walleye and muskie. How many of those you get senpai?

Yeah I'm sure they're going there for the food and not for other reasons, Paco.

I've been to your shitty country a few times, friend. The food was good and I had a great time in my walled off resort areas. Just because you're Mexican doesn't make your opinion on food legitimate. Carp is an objective trash fish that has no culinary value if almost anything else is available. The fag from Hungary said he has to throw it into a soup just to make it edible. That's how garbage it is.

Don't you have bigger problems? Like your muslim capital for example?

To make it better, thanks to the EU it's illegal to catch more than 1 fish and eat them. You have to release them back :^)

People eat carp?

I've had fish all over the world and Pickerel is still the tastiest.

Cold water fish. Had plenty of them when i lived in washington state. Nothing special.


>People eat carp?
carp is eaten in every polish house during christmas, it is almost like bigos and pierogi for Poles

Well., not saying it is not a problem, but don't you think they got nothing to eat?

Very poor people from very poor countries eat carp.

They're better than literally all the shit-fish you get down there.

Imagine the media's reaction if people discussed this "So before we had to worry about immigrants "taking our jobs" but now apparently they're "taking our fish" XD. Bloody UKIPers are so stupid XD"

Don't let Australians see that carp, they'll give it HPV.

Carp eat all the shit at the bottom while gobbling up all the shit weeds.

They eat filth.

It'd be like eating a goldfish

Your country thinks anything that isnt esely edible is trash.
I really dont care what you think.

In the south they catch alligator garr and chop off their snout so they dont eat the other fish, just toss them back in the water, when in reality it is one of the most delicious fish to eat.

Stick to chicken fingers babbies.

So do catfish.
Yet fried catfish is probably the most consumed fish in america.

Yeah ok.

Seeing this reminds me of all the Mexicans I see fishing around here in catch and release places, but they all have coolers they fill with fish they catch.

No one does anything about it and it is frustrating.

You can shove a butplug up yo ass, that's an option.

Haha. Okay, keep eating your garbage fish. When I go spearfishing, I shoot those faggots for sport, pull my spear out, and let them drift away. If I'm spearfishing for food, I can't go where I usually spearfish because it's illegal to spear walleye there because it's too easy, but anyway I spear walleye for my food fish.

I'll go ahead and start keeping the carp I spear and package it up to send to you since you like garbage fish so much.

Over here we throw carp up onto the bank and let 'em rot. They are trash fish. Rainbows, browns, steelhead, stripers, sturgeon black bass are the goodn's.

Can anyone guess where I live?

have you ever tastes carp?

Near me.

I am a diverse eater, i eat walleye just as much.

You cant go your whole life eating the same 2-3 types of fish, boring af

Your thread refer to the man or the fish ?

UK bros i have a question.
I want to get into fishing and i want to eat what i catch.
So should i get a licence to fish inland or should i just fish off a peer ?

>implying we don't have swordfish

Yes - they are *TERRIBLE*.
The only reason you might think they're not terrible is because your poverty-stricken ass has acquired a taste for that shit.

Here we grow carp in ponds. It really tastes good when you control their food.
Not artificially grown carp tastes like mud though.

do you live in a port city? just go to the docks and fish there. plenty of old men doing it here in broad daylight. i hear you can get herrings in the north sea.

I have trouble believing those bony shits taste good no matter what you feed them. Why ever bother farming carp when you can just farm fucking catfish?


I didnt say you didnt.

You said walleye salmon were better than the fish down here, they arent.

Ill take a nayarit red snapper zarandeando over walleye any day.

I swallowed goldfish at the carnival. Nobody around here eats carp. Except the gooks. We have a community of Hmong Vietnamese here that sit on the bank and catch carp, sucker fish and squaw fish. They just love trash fish.

If I ever tried carp it was probably fish sticks in a box or McDonalds or something. You never know what kinda fish they put in that shit.

We also have lots of salmon here.


I can get a 20 minute train to a port city .