>Hillary Clinton's rallies don't have alot of people
Sup Forums btfo once again
Hillary Clinton's rallies don't have alot of people
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Wow, a sold out High School gymnasium. My mind is blown!
Source. These are just people who don't want Cheeto man to ruin America.
hmm yeah ok now I see about 1/3 more volume of this and only once.
Um yeah these people attending Drumpf's rallies are just fanatics, the people attending Hillary's are moderates.
thats a lot of people. they can't all be "ists" to suit your delusion. I WAS a bernie bro but I will not vote for criminal plain andsimple.
>Be pro-democracy
>See all these people supporting Hillary Clinton
>Slowly being pushed toward alternate forms of government because of it
Would a Monarchy be so bad? Many successful civilizations were monarchies.
Funny thing is Bernie had the same numbers. Now who won the primary by a landslide?
by being cheated and payed off/threatned to endorse then back off and get and new house to hide in.
By the way FYI, the photos that were taken that make it seem as though the Gym is empty, they were taken when the rally had just started, when people were still getting screened. Once again Drumpfkins distorting reality to fit into their narrative.
Those are all lies. Clinton did none of this.
>Now who won the primary by a landslide?
Bernie but the DNC rigged it against him.
Question:Why does Hillary always hold rallies in High School Gymnasiums?
Answer: Because she knows that shitty liberal teachers will force their students to attend under penalty of being held back a year.
There is literally an active investigation of election fraud against her and her campaign
Nope, Hillary Clinton had most votes motherfuckers, she won the primary fair and square
>fair and square
Its amazing how lucky Hillary is, winning six coin tosses in a row.
>Clinton did nothing wrong.
Okay, you're trolling me. Nobody is this fucking delusional.
u mean like how Clinton New Network does daily? I guess shit cuts both way don't it.
BS Bernie was PISSED and TERRIFIED at the DNC It was in his eyes. "I hope my wife is ok"
>can't use google
>continues to shill lies easily disproven by a 5 second google search
Stupid dumb, shitskin scum.
>fair and square
They almost had the same amount of pledged delegates, plus the large amount of evidence that guards stopped bernie voters.
The only reason he lost was due to superdelegates.
>literally still empty seats and floor space
Prove how it was rigged Drumpfkin? You can't because she won the popular vote, Bernie only won caucuses like Cruz.
Its amazing how stupid you people sound when you talk like this. Nobody can take you seriously.
Nope, Superdelegates only voted on the convention, Hillary was ahead of Bernie by March by 300 delegates, this is just delusion.
Nice photoshop, really paid someone competent this time. sage
Triggered Drumpfkin?
Many more photos like this, just google it up. But I guess they were all photoshopped because fuck logic
Check the email leaks huehue.
>23 replies
>page 2
Someone's not using the email field properly
Not an argument Drumpfkin
>The big reveal is still 400 people
>Trump has tens of thousands
LOL is she sitting down?
Why is she sitting down?
She is so sick and frail, I don't think she will survive the election.
Those email leaks are fabricated against Hillary
Go to Wikileaks and dig through the leaked DNC emails, the proof is right there.
You didn't read the DNCleaks? I guess I can't blame you Its so much easier with you head in the sand.
>arguing with a monkey
>defending treason and the abolishment of the 2nd amendment + baby murder is """"moderate""""
Sure thing Jávez.
Average 6% discrepancy in Hillary's favor, especially in places with electronic-only polling without papertrails. That, and the numerous claims of voter disenfranchisement, to the point that there are class action suits being brought up.
Also, Sup Forums apparently doesn't support posting pdfs, so here's a donor list instead.
Ya. BTFO. Try again.
>what's wrong with people being born into power and wealth
It's not a democracy. It's a republic.
The Picture BTFO's itself somewhat.
in the TPPistrason picture you can clearly see the seats on the right side are completely empty.
It seems to me Hillary's team decided to shell some money to people to come and fill it in and then take another picture to "disprove".
Hillary outperformed exit polls with margins that statistically aren't even possible. Exit polls are notoriously precise.
Kicker: this only happened in states with electronic voting
>photoshop a Hillary rally
>muh guys Hillary does draw a crowd
Yeah thats why a man died RIGHT after filing paperwork to sue DNC for fraud. they brought in people from craigslist to fill in the offical delegate seats. Highly fradulant.
The people in the third picture are protestors.
Yeah, you're a Troll. You think anything is this game is rigged against HILLARY? Really? She has entire corrupt establishment and media complex behind her 100%. Right, no, the entire system MUST be rigged against her because she's a poor, oppressed woman, right? Hillary Clinton is a triumphant underdog story for the ages, truly. Fabricated against- Jesus Cristo Redentor, Brazil, you finally go off the deep end from drinking too much shit water?
8/10, got me rustled.
Hillary's crowds are in Mecca
realize that under a monarchy you are the property of the monarch.
Hillary Clinton is the answer to peace on earth user. All your questions about a globalist peaceful paradise that only Hillary Clinton can achieve shall be answered here,
>the people attending Hillary's are moderates.
Wrong. You need to try harder or you won't earn your $0.02
>proof I don't like isn't real proof
>It's not a democracy. It's a republic.
A republic just means that their is no king/queen or hereditary rule.
It doesn't mean a confederation of states.
The USA is a democracy and a republic.
Canada is a democracy but is also a monarchy and so is not a republic.
Germany is a democratic federal parliamentary republic. Which is also more or less what the USA is, less the parliamentary part.
Please, I know you are just another victim of the US education system but you can fix the harm done to you by your teachers.
Hillary's Crowds Are on the Trains
I see an American Flag. this can't be a Clinton rally. FAKE AND GAY
Hillary's Crowds Are Headed For the Airport
She doesn't need the name recognition that Bernie or Trump need. Everyone knows who Hillary is what shes about. Therefore she just holds small rallies where she can control more, like what news goes in and out, less security concerns, etc etc.
There is always a reason to something.
no, we are a constitutional republic
the constitution describes natural rights instead of granting them, something Germany does not come close to emulating
o-ok we l-l-lied but we're still more numerous!
you cant help it there's just more of us liars!
Hillary's Crowds Are Heading North
A republic mean you have representatives who make the laws.
A democracy would be if we all got to vote for all of the laws.
USA is a republic.
ikr, probably photoshopped in
You obviously never voted before if you think illegal immigrants can vote.
Is this before and after when Hillary buses in school children against their will?
>shaming people who identify themselves as property
Hey speaking of lying Hillbitch lied about lying for the time from when she lied.
Just remember in all this chaos.
Trump is hated by the Elite because he spoke out against Illegal Immigration and the Trans Pacific Partnership.
Clinton is believed to be more likely to approve mass immigration, both legal and illegal, and to sign the TPP in a favorable form.
Want to slap SJW's and Elitists in the face in one swing? Vote for Trump this November!
I sure will.
>has to take a seat in the last jpeg
i am a laufin
Ron Paul 2008: Our rallies are bigger so we will win even though the polls say the opposite.
Ron Paul 2012: Our rallies are bigger so we will win even though the polls say the opposite.
Bernie Sanders 2016: Our rallies are bigger so we will win even though the polls say the opposite.
Donald Trump 2016: Our rallies are bigger so we will win even though the polls say the opposite.
?????? 2020: Our rallies are bigger so we will win even though the polls say the opposite.
Only Hillary voters are this dumb.
Hillary's Crowds
Match the crowds at an Osmond Brothers Concert!
Take a skeptical view of things.
Though the liberal establishment and media are heavily pro-Hillary (more so anti-Trump), those emails - in fact all the other bloated 'scandals' about the clintons, ie.
Benghazi, Whitewater, foreign payments to the Clinton foundation - are/were all jumped up fictions designed to prey on the angry voter's lack of rationality.
Take some time to look up the facts.
You don't have to like Hillary (heck few do) to realise that there's a metric shit ton of conspiracy bullshit surrounding her.
>no, we are a constitutional republic
Which is in the case of the USA also a democracy.
>the constitution describes natural rights instead of granting them, something Germany does not come close to emulating
Functionally identical. The USA and Germany both have sub-sovereign legal bodies, and a federal or national level legislative body and government. Both have a national and sub-sovereign constitutions, although Germany is far more complex due to the nature of the states that joined to form Germany.
NEVER TRUST POLITRICKS! They lie, their job is to lie and people are still fucking suprised they lie.
>Only Hillary voters are this dumb.
You think the USA isn't a democracy? Then how and why are you voting?
Yah I'm sure those high school students forced to be there on the bleachers are going to vote.
Sanders and Paul did not win primaries though.
Here's a shot of nearly the entire room.
They sure outdid themselves at that junior high.
.the concept of voting at all being a process in any government means it's a democracy
>electing a president (which democratic vote doesn't decide, representatives do) is somehow like popular votes deciding government actions and policy
Wew lad
WOW, I never knew she brought such a big diverse audience.
This makes my frontal lobe itch, I think im voting for Hillary come this November, thanks.
Fixed that for you.
I've been feeling this way for years now.
She is sick, big league. So sad. People say she sleeps in an oxygen chamber at night to increase her low stamina. I almost feel sorry for her. If she wasn't so corrupt I might, maybe, just a little. But she has killed millions of people. Millions. We can't feel sorry for her. Am I right?
North High school in omaha is the "black" school in the ghetto part of omaha
I wonder why they picked it for her rally
Representative government where by you select the representatives is still democracy.
Rather than voting on each government action you appoint a representative. In the case of the presidential election you vote for a person that will stay close to the capital and be informed on the developments happening as the election day draws near. You trust that person to vote for you because it's impossible for the people of the nation to be informed on the day to day issues that presidential candidates are facing. Also the EC is fucking retarded and has been from the advent of the telegraph.
>the concept of voting at all being a process in any government means it's a democracy
Not just any voting in the government, but voting for some control over how the government functions is democracy.
For example having a council of nobles that vote on the direct of the government isn't democracy because the people don't get to vote for their representatives.
It's called superdelegates
You wouldn't understand, our people can barely understand our electoral system.
So worst case scenario. What happens if that thing gets blown up?
Let's see:
>Bernie Cuck Rally vs Hillary Clinton Rally
>Bernie Cuck Rally.
It's not necessarily bad, per se. If you have a good an just monarch, then your country will prosper for many years and grow incredibly. But if you have a corrupt and selfish monarch, then you're fucked for about as long as the guy lives. Also, as a citizen, you have less say or power in government matters. So it's still a 50/50 chance you won't get screwed over by the guy at the top except the return is far more profitable. The flip side can be said too.
>Donald Trump Rally.
Jesus Christ, I just watched you faceplant
I think Arthonian law would be the best. Whosoever shall wield the sword will rule.