Christfags, please help me

Do you believe in the devil? Do you think he interfere in our lives in order to destruct stuff? Or this is just imaginary mumbo jumbo?

What would you do if someone claim to receive an entity, and calls it the devil, just before a big shit in your life explode, directly because of this happening? As a christian, would you consider that the devil really showed to screw you? Or would you consider that to be imaginary crap, and think about the rational option?

That is one of the reasons that I find so hard to convert, I don't know what the fuck is going on, and what would be the right thing to believe or do.

Other urls found in this thread:'s Arsenal English PRINT.pdf 6:10-18


Well, if the devil is the father of all lies, then I would have to doubt any claims made by such an entity.

But we already know that we don't really know what the fuck is going on. Only God does.

So whatever the truth actually is, you still have to act based on your own ability to tell right from wrong.

I don't normally agree with this guys videos, but he's right about this one. Demons are real.

Believe whatever feels best and roll with the consequences. If you feel like hedging your bets, go to church. If you think it's shit, be atheist. If you don't know or don't care and can live comfortably like that then be agnostic.

>What would you do if someone claim to receive an entity, and calls it the devil, just before a big shit in your life explode, directly because of this happening? As a christian, would you consider that the devil really showed to screw you? Or would you consider that to be imaginary crap, and think about the rational option?

it's up to you really. believing in Satan comes with the territory for Christians. Chances are this "entity" isnt Satan himself but one of his demons. The spiritual world is a confusing place. Christianity is a good way to begin understanding it.

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour

More like this please

As a devout Christian I would say the devil may assume Any shape or form
Sort of what is described in the bible, the most notable example Being a snake.

In our realm, To me, he takes the form of corruption.

Be it the corruption of society or simply the voice in your head when you succumb to temptation or greed.

Whenever put before a trail of Any magnitude I always consider the Will of God and stay vigilant of the Devil's influence on our mind.

I hope I have answered your question somewhat.

if he exists I'm pretty sure he's the good guy in the universal picture.

Here you go Brazil bro.

actually I have a question for christians, do you have any rituals that can affirm your beliefs, such as summoning, yknow seeing something or whatnot.

I mean that's why I love my religion, constant affirmation.

2 Corinthians 11:14 - And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
“Though Satan instills his poison, and fans the flames of our corrupt desires within us,we are yet not carried by any external force to the commission of sin, but our own flesh entices us, and we willingly yield to its allurements.”-John Calvin

The prayer is a form of ritual no? I personally
Have mine answered in one way or another, it convinces me fully of the existance of god.

I am curious, what is this belief of yours user?

He "owns" the air etc..
God is the one who doesn't interfere.
You MUST "knock" for him to interfere.

Ah thank you for that user! It gives me great pleasure to see my own interpretation so in touch with what other see.

Pray tell do you have Any more of those? Or otherwise related?

Once upon a time, I dreamed I was an spirit.
I entered some people house, and I started breaking stuff in order to scare them. It was very funny for me. I did it again when they returned. I did it like, for 4 times.

Dropping stuff on the ground, breaking vases. Turning art around.

And one time, a priest came, and start calling for Jesus for me to go out.

It scared me very much, and I flew from the house from a window. When I was out of the house, far away in the horizon I saw a giant crux.

It gave me some good feelings to see it.

Does this mean something?

I dreamed about god once saying he would give me the highest treasures if I submitted to him. I'm on tear for being on the brink of conversion right now, considering that this might all be truth and I never gave it ears.

Satan IS real.

He is already been confirmed by CERN Scientists.

Evidence and proof:
By the way, the FREE MASONS pray to demons and Moloch.

Pic related.

Check out John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion and also just read your bible, I use the King James version. I always look for men who have more knowledge than me in regards to these matters, so also read the early church fathers, Tertullian, Clement, Hippolytus, etc...

The worst part is not knowing what to believe anymore. I don't know what is a fruit of my imagination, what is a fruit of my unconscious and what is a fruit of desired projections into the world.

I guess if you were to analyze very deeply the value of your own beliefs, the only sane response is a crisis like this.

The Devil is s symbol for several layers of the Natural world's functions as well as the Human experience.

It represents decay, destruction, disharmony, deformity and chaos.

The reason it is commonly personified as a grotesque man with nocturnal animal attributes and lusty animal attributes (specifically bat & goat) is to show the debased impulses inherent to the darker aspects of humanity.

it is a symbol of that which one must wage war against via faith and striving towards identity with the Christos and communion with the Holy Spirit. (Buddha & Right Mind in eastern systems)

That is all. It's all symbolic lessons veiled in mysteries because... how else would you teach these deep concepts to illiterate people back in the day? If you veil them in things they know (ie. goats are gluttonous and INCREDIBLY HORNY animals) you can teach them these higher truths.

I feel bad every time I encounter modern "atheists" who act as if they are intelligent and assume the Bible is to be taken literally because their only experience with Christianity was their parents US prosperity gospel mega-church protestantism.

I believe in the power of Kek personally.

[praise intensifies]

well I always describe it as kind of similar to satanism I guess, I don't know if it has a name because it's just the belief system I've always known, essentially the belie is that there are ancient sleeping gods/demons that must have respects paid to them, in return they will help you in life and guide you, essentially, i guess it's devil warship in christianities eyes

I'm not christian but I do believe in demons.

I don't think dreams and visions and such have much credence in determining matters of faith. I believe the Elect of God will be lead to the straight path irregardless of any hard conditions and tragedies they face. Ephesians 1:4-5,11 reads, "Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will ... also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will."

Thank you user I Will do, god bless you.

I guess but I don't really believe in hell. I know it goes against all the teachings of the church and it's just muh feelings but I refuse to believe that a God who refuses to reveal himself to people would send them to hell for not blindly believing in him. In spite of that I do think people are better off being Christian and I try to live a righteous life.

Not to mention if you've ever researched the history of the Bible, Revelation is one of the least believable books.

Spiritual warfare time's Arsenal English PRINT.pdf

You must command the spirit to leave you in the name of Jesus.

You must cover your body with the armor of God and with the blood of Jesus.
Ephesians 6:10-18 6:10-18

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


But the reason why God doesn't show himself is explained by the Lord himself in Job.

Have you ever read Job in the Old Testament?

God explains WHY he doesn't reveal himself to humans anymore, and he even answers the question:

"Is God evil? Then why does he allow so much evil to exist in the world?"

God himself answers that question.

Why don't you read JOB in it's entirety?

No problem pal, God bless.

Any explanation in the Bible is just humans very poorly trying to rationalize it imo.


I think its all just a story that has been passed down along the history of man. Sorry OP.

Devil isn't real, it was just a coinkydink. If you are having fear or hate in your life that is real, but there isn't a devil.

Don't bother arguing with these people. Apparently they dwell Sup Forums because the fact that atheists are usually commies who insert bananas up their asses strengthen their faiths and convince them their god exists.

The semitic God was actually taken from the sumero accadian pantheon, his original name was Elohim (-im, plural suffix like "goyim") and his plurality was actually indicating that the first jews were actually polytheists.

Awfully presumptuous of you.

Except it was from the Mouth of the Lord himself.






God even proves that it is him by telling Job that he created what the Lord called "Behemoth", which God describes as what we know today as Triceratops.

That's right.

God described Dinosaurs as his 'first of his creations" before man.

No lie.

Except he called it "Behemoth".

>first jews
The first Jew were, the whole Old Testament is about changing the children of Israel, turning them from their polytheist ways, what the hell?

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist.

No, the greatest trick is convincing man that man exists.

Well that is ok, believe what you want.Very soon we will be dead and then it will be very simple to determine who is correct.

yeah the problem with that friend is that it's a book from a narrative point saying that god said it himself, in other words, it's not proof, it's as much proof as me looking at the lord of the rings and quoting sauron as an argument that sauron exists, I have nothing against you believing, but there's some real logical pitfalls with that.

also, Job describes behemoth as such

“Look at Behemoth,
which I made along with you
and which feeds on grass like an ox.
16 What strength it has in its loins,
what power in the muscles of its belly!
17 Its tail sways like a cedar;
the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.
18 Its bones are tubes of bronze,
its limbs like rods of iron"

this is not a clear description of a triceratops, it is extremely vague, I could as easily apply it to any other form of megafauna that eats grass. such as a rhino, or an elephant, as the passage doesn't describe crucial features such as hide and horns

satan invented christianity to make the goyim think they're doing good when they're actually annoying God


Though it's important to know just what the devil / Satan is. For one thing, he's not an independent agent outside of God's will and intent, nor is he God's (equal) opponent - such a thing is simply not possible given that God is omnipotent and omniscient.

Satan is not a creation of God, he is a creation of Man. He is the representation of our "worst part". Satan has no power in the world (no, he doesn't set things on fire, and he doesn't make cattle die of plague.), all he has is his words. Satan is the greatest persuader, conman, charmer, trickster, lawyer, bullshiter, orator, populist, and deceiver there will ever be. Satan is the convincing persistence that you shouldn't protest evil, he is the agreeable laziness that keeps you from bettering yourself, he is the little mean thoughts that crawls into your ear at times, he is the dreadful worries and doubt that eat away at you at night.

It was a case of "My cock is bigger than yours". By affirming your allegiance to an omnipotent God who in turns helps you back to fight people who believe in only half assed gods, is likely to cause a morale effect on them so they are more inclined to join your ranks and have something resembling a national identity
Especially if it's the 5000 B.C

The adoption of more powerful, overriding Gods is what shaped semitic religions. The Christian God with this weird passive aggressive thing with the original sin, and then the the Muslim God demanding outright submission.

The bell curve of the IQ distribution is pretty clear about it. The majority is stupid, and stupid people don't want freedom, they want to follow whoever tells them everything will be a-ok if you do this and that, regardless of how stupid it looks like

Good created a demon to eternally punish you


Think about what you are saying.

Rhinos and Elephants were not extinct during the time the Book of Job was written.

Except Dinosaurs were.

Dinosaurs were discovered in 1800s.

Before that, nobody knew they existed.

The book of Job was written 2000 years ago.

Why would God be talking about an esoteric creature known as Behemoth, yet be referring to something that Job would know about?

Makes no sense.

He was describing a creature that nobody knew existed to prove he had vast knowledge superior to man.

In the next stanza he describes "Leviathan" which is actually a fire breathing dragon.

Another creature that was extinct, yet the Lord had knowledge of.

Ironically, dragons DID exist as Ancient Chinese drawings and the Mayans can confirm in their sculptures.

The devil doesn't actively interfere in our lives in a destructive manner in a way that we can't prevent or control it.
The devil tempts us, we must find the strength within ourselves to turn away from his temptations. Just like it says in the bible how Jesus walked through the desert while being tempted by the devil, Jesus turned down the devils temptations and carried on towards his goal.

The devil doesn't screw your life up unless you give in to his temptations. So no, I don't think he interferes in our lives more than temptations in well hidden forms. Know your principles and values and follow, base them in your faith and morality, then you shouldn't worry to much about failing because of temptations, since you hopefully will turn down the temptations, if you get what I mean.

Yes... yes... Christians are the demonic ones... heh heh heh...

>implying they're not

>2 hours, 43 minutes, 38 seconds
>autism start to finish

I have no idea of what you're trying to convey.

So we're Satan?

>Before that, nobody knew they existed.
Well, people did find fossils and bones of creatures, which led to belief in giants et cetera.

jesus is a jewish devil

I'm a Buddhist but yes kind of.
>Do you think he interfere in our lives in order to destruct stuff.
Metaphorically, sure. I personally see drug addiction as a type demonic possession, and I think mediating the prevalence of your ego in day-to-day life is socially beneficial in general.

As for the second part, I can't say for certain. I mean I've developed to see "the devil" in everyone, more so in others than in some, but no I see it as the price of being endowed self-awareness.

>I have no idea of what you're trying to convey.
Organized religions are wrong, and the religious books they follow have been written as a way to seize power. Treating these books as divinely inspired by your local flavor of God is retarded
Belief in a Higher Power is not. And luckily it doesn't require dogmas and organized religions

have you thought of the idea that it could simply be a made up creature? and once again, this is coming from a book that has no claim to it's own validity.

as or your dragon theory there, while the dragon is a shared cultural figure, there is no evidence to suggest it's existence, chinese and mayan mythology do not confirm it's existence.

once again I must point out that your assertion that the book of job is indeed a literal factual story is baffling, and the co-assertion that there is proof of your god's existence because he continually says he exists in his own book is ludicrous, again to make a comparison, if Harry potter said "and that's when I knew voldermort was real!" that doesn't mean he exists in the actual world because of that assertion

No satan-britbong. He is the son of god and it's through him that you will find eternal salvation by his side in his kingdom to come.

Unlike God, Satan does not have omnipotence, so the chances that it was him directly are very minute. More likely it was a lesser demon somewhere down the line.

you believe in a jewish invention that made you scared of things that really aren't there


>Treating these books as divinely inspired by your local flavor of God is retarded
Revelation and the Catholic Bible are divine.

>He is the son of god and it's through him that you will find eternal salvation by his side in his kingdom to come.
a jewish lie, you cuck faggot

The guy is a pathologic liar and his so called "near death experiences" were actually happening with a non flat ECG

Yes, we are the creators of Satan. We do evil (onto ourselves), not God, nor anyone else. That's why the idea of a cosmic battle between God and the Devil is looking at it the wrong way: the battle is within every human. We wrestle with ourselves, with our own nature, our evil and good side. God is just watching.

If to put it a bit more blunt: God's a coach standing next to the ring guiding us (the good part) on and telling us how to knock the other guy (our bad selves) out.

Once we've stopped hitting ourselves, we'll understand how stupid it was all along.

also I would like to point out that megafauna such as mammoths, rhinos, elephants, hippos, etc. were hardly commonplace. they were exotic and considered mystical, it would make perfect sense for a god to glorify and reference them

Are you speaking honestly? Listen my man. This is what you sound like:
>Hi Dentist
>Fuck your fancy faggy anæsthesia
>Why does this hurt? It wasn't supposed to

that is exactly what I'm implying, and the reason christianity is weakened now is because of the marxist cuckold of a pope we have.

we /x now

Except that the proof is found by circumstantial evidence all around us.

If you would of told someone living back in the time of Job that a creature like "Behemoth" or any other Dinosaur existed, they would of told you "It's a made up creature. Made up".

Fast forward 1800 years, and we have proof in fossils about dinosaurs.

Why did ancient civilizations have similar accounts of dragons?

The earliest one dated about 7000 years ago.

China and Mexico were divided by an ocean.

You are telling me that China and the Mayans shared the dragon story in two different languages, before the advent of books or the bible?

Nobody knew the Mayans existed before Christopher Columbus discovered America.

Go to hell you literalist protestant degenerate.

The Dragon is metaphorical, as Revelation 17 states.

the devil is real, he exists in the shadows, in your nightmares, God and christ are the only answers, satan is the master of lies

Pic related is satan

>YouTube link
>YouTube link
>YouTube link


>that is exactly what I'm implying
>implying christianity isn't an invention of jesus the satanic jew imposter
cuck faggot christkike

And you are a 15 year old who's shitposting after bedtime

It's metaphorical in Revelations.


But it was also literal in pre-historic times.

Dragons actually existed.

Here is a scientific website of archaeologists discovering ancient sculptures and drawings in caves about these creatures:

But it's much easier to discredit the bible, because the non-believers don't want to face reality that it could be true that God exists.

that again is exactly what I'm implying

What about Jesus is Satanic?

Satan here, kill your self, you know it's the sensible option.

why would the devil rule hell?

if god created all thing he created hell, why would he give it to the guy who tried to detrone him?

maybe the devil is a creation of the church to make peasants fear something?

Here's why:

>why would the eternal adversary of humanity rule the place where humans are punished

you're incorrect, given the lack of scientific thinking, I'm pretty sure people would believe me in Job's time.

and please explain to me how dragon's and dinosaurs are similar, how does the chinese dragon, which has no wings, fly, how do dragons breathe fire?

and no, ancient civilizations did not have accounts of dragons, they had legends and mythology, there's a huge difference, one reads, i saw something on the mountain, the other teaches morals, has deep meaning, and isn't literal, however the more we talk I don't think you interpret things in any other way, so now, I ask you, since you believe in a literal interpretation of the bible, how are dinosaur bones dated 65 million years when the year is supposedly 6,000 years old

So what exactly happened to you?

This is why FAITH needs to be blind so your FATE is not jumping off a cliff when you get bored.

Christ said 'cast the beam out of your own eye', hence we should not be overly concerned with another reality after death.

To already know of another existence is against mankind's survival instincts.

or you could simply draw the logical conclusion that it's an intrinsic piece of the psyche

you also realise that page (which isn't exactly reliable) suggests those drawings are of dinosaurs living alongside humans, not dragons

my apologies I meant earth, how are these bones so old when the earth is supposedly 6,000

Dragon is a greek word that means "great snake" and the mayan and chinese dragon are similar to snakes.

The Old Testament literally explains some family trees as being cities and nations, you've literally put a date on the bible and then attacked yourself you degenerate protestant literalist thrash.

what? I'm arguing against literalism you fucking idiot


Who said the earth is only 6000 years old?

I never did.

oh so you just pick and choose which pieces you take literally?

because the person I'm talking to takes the bible very literally, or at the very least job, so I'm asking if he believes that the earth is a small finite age as stated

>because the person I'm talking to takes the bible very literally, or at the very least job, so I'm asking if he believes that the earth is a small finite age as stated
I get angry and make rash decisions.

Believe what you want bro, just take 'er easy.

Where in the bible does it say the Earth is 6,000 years old?

I never said the earth was 6,000 years old.

The bible never says the Earth is 6,000 years old.


it's all good

oh boy you're going to love this "scientific" analysis of the bible leading to that conclusion!

Yeah whatever, either way we don't put a dent in the dinosaurs' run.

Its all in your head. Stop indulging in fairy tales.

>Morality is doing what is right, regardless of what you are told.

How's that working out for ya?

You know, there is a reason why society is heading down the tubes into moral decay.

It's ironic that people say: "Humans don't need a book to tell them right from wrong. We can do it ourselves."

Yet the world is slowly descending into chaos.

Let's assume the bible is fake.

Ok. Nothing lost.

The only thing that happened was that people tried to better themselves and create a better world.

Athiesm has been the downfall of moral society, which ironically, is what the Globalist Elite Free Mason Jews want.

They want the Goyim to become corrupt.

Atheists are "useful idiots".