Is reviewbrah okay guys? I think he is running from someone

Is reviewbrah okay guys? I think he is running from someone.

Other urls found in this thread:

kek he's gone fucking insane


What's the deal with this dude anyway, how is he related to Sup Forums?

I think he has autism

He visits here sometimes

someone is stalking him desu
posted personal pictures of him somewhere

poor reviewbrah
he doesn't deserve this

Gordon is after him.

He's being stalked by a Canadian, if I were in his place I'd run too.

From the botnet.

He is currently experiencing a lovecraftian descent into madness, while appropriately dressed for such

Pretty based desu

To think that reviewing domino's pizza could set him on a path to the abyss...

He's not.

He reviews bottled water.

yeah a homosexual canadian tried to touch his weiner

He visits pol

he had a dream a nigger broke into his house and ended up throwing a dart at his mom apparently

Story on this? Also video if possible

What the fuggg

Stay safe reviewbrah ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

That doesn't make it Sup Forums related.

Does your autism manifest in physical pain? Just curious.

i doubt there is anything we can do for him.
would like to know if there is

I thought about replying but then I glanced at your flag

this is kinda related I guess. maybe not idk


And then you replied anyway.

He isn't Canadian and it isn't an argument though

midget tendies are always related

He's running from a faggot stalker from Sup Forums

>autistic boy goes to Sup Forums and /x/
>gets 'red pilled'
>now running from gangstalkers


Why is Sup Forums trying to ruin this guy's life? Jesus, it's just plain cruel. I thought you fucks had a little bit of decency, but you're just an older version of Sup Forums.

Because ultimately Sup Forums was spawned from cancer, and it hasn't fully shed its degenerate heritage.

>implying its not the same faggots from Sup Forums who make this board nothing but shitpost meme central

anyone with sense already moved to 8ch Sup Forums anyway

wait what did Sup Forums do to him?

this is a matter for co/ck/s.

take this discussion there.


OP is a faggot.


People leaked where he lives and local anons started driving by his house at night aiming flashlights at his house. He thinks he being gang stalked because a bunch of people fucked with him a few weeks ago.

He looks weird. Likes he's a little kid and middle aged at the same time.

Except there was actually a creepy leaf stalker who came to his house and barged through his door during a review. I'd be pretty scared too if I were him. Mix that with his autism and you get his current psychology.

I already linked it here

Hello Everyone. I Am Alright. Just Had To Leave Home To Run Some Errands. All is right.

That didn't happen. There is no evidence of this. The leaf (not actually a leaf) is spreading bullshit like that to mess with Reviewbrah.

>inb4 you link me to the bullshit thread with rare Reviewbrah pics and a bullshit story about home invasion (it's all fake)

does reviewbrah normally type like a black person?

he doesn't drive.

he makes his mom drive him. he replaces her in the driver's seat when he starts filming.

Isn't that gangstalking?

This angers me

>drinking monster with chicken wings

pleb tier.

No his issue is he thinks every person he makes eye contact with in public is out to get him. One retarded prank on Sup Forums and this dude pisses his pants if someone says hi to him

This Is Reviewbrah. Believe or I will Never Come Back.

go after some big tit twitch whore instead.

There are some of his fans who stalk him though.

He is well dressed

Wtf, leave reviewbrah alone, whoever is doing that.

Guys, is he ok?

Your constant spamming is turning me off.

I believe

Post pics for proof

In most threads about him it seems the majority of Sup Forums likes him. It isn't Sup Forums fucking with him.

Reviewbrah is legitimately being stalked by some Canadian faggot from one of the boards.

It's not even a meme at this point.