>most degenerate drink in the world
>responsible for 90% of crimes at any given time and place
>causes cancer
>millenials love it
Should alcoholics be executed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>causes cancer
>responsible for
Odd, I've never seen a beer rob a store
Millennials don't drink, smoke or have sex.
Achmed please. Nothing more British than a cold pint in the beer garden on a summer day.
alcoohol producers should
>Thinks all beer is the same
Well user, some beers are more equal than others
You should read up the statistics because millenials hate it.
go fuck a goat, ahmed
Your life must be pretty miserable
Don't be an ass. America tried to criminalize drinking and we got the mob as a consequence. Human beings will go out of their way to indulge in vice, regardless of prohibition.
beer doesn't commit crimes, people commit crimes. beer just helps.
>says the alcoholic
This, mashallah.
get fucked muslim scum.
we drink and we like it.
get fucked muslim scum
No, you're thinking of niggers. I'd support executing them.
functional alcoholics exist my goatfucking invader.
I'm gonna get mad hate for this, but alcohol and abortions are the most morally degenerate things in our society which are accepted.
Millennials drink less than any generation in Western history.
>most degenerate drink in the world
>causes cancer
Actually it REDUCES several types of cancer when consumed in moderation, anti-science fuckhead.
Fuck off and die, Ahmed.
>"I am not an addict!!"
>says the addict
he didn't say that Ahmed, did daddy beat you when he drank?
Anyone who doesn't drink socially on the weekends is likely a shut-in weeb with no friends.
Stop being an antisocial beta and go have some fun (barring your autistic levels don't spike too high in public and make you spergout).
do you know what a functional alcoholic is? it's someone who is addicted to alcohol, but can still lead a functional life. being an addict or not doesn't really matter.
>Millennials love it
I have what I think you may consider good news if you haven't heard already
There is nothing wrong with drinking at home, smoking weed, or the occasional crack/coke: It's when your addiction becomes such a problem that you begin to distance yourself from people so you can keep doing it and never face any kind of opposition. You don't need to have 100% self control all the time. Just don't drink and drive, or get so shitfaced in public that you wake up in a dumpster with your pants around your ankles. Or suck dick for drugs.
>Actually it REDUCES several types of cancer when consumed in moderation
That sentence doesn't imply it doesn't increase several other types of cancer when consumed in moderation.
Beer dont commit crimes people do :)
>says the grandpa who has never been to a nightclub or a house party
Fuck off you smelly brown-skinned muslim cunt. Try and take our alcohol away and watch how fast we go full race war.
i bet you blame guns for crime too
>responsible for 90% of crimes
this cannot be true
we straight edge now
Not an argument.
>There is nothing wrong with drinking at home, smoking weed, or the occasional crack/coke
>smoking weed, or the occasional crack/coke
Degenerate human garbage. Go KYS.
Let's blame guns for shootings too. Also let's blame cars for car accidents. YES, now we're thinking like liberals, Achmed!
>prohibition works very well
what fucking world are you living in
No. Guns should be a right to every law abiding mentally stable citizen.
the favorite buzzword of autist posting on an anime image board
Alcohol in moderation is healthy and increases testosteron
Numales and cucks are too weak for alcohol
Honestly they should ban any alcohol save for French wine and Belguim beer. Everything else and especially Eastern European shit sucks.
>Go in war over alcohol
You have a problem
>not wanting to savour a cold british pint in a beer garden on a hot day with a packet of peanuts.
it's like you want to be miserable
coming from a fucking german im honestly surprised
>"""New Germans""""
if it was people would probably drink more of it
If Dwarf Fortress has taught me anything, its that people will try to make alcohol out of damn near anything grown
>>causes cancer
Honestly tried your shit back in a bar in Newcastle and it didn't do anything outside of removing my thirst. Nothing holds a candle to Belgian brewery in Europe. I didn't visit other continents so I can't judge them.
Nah. Just treat alcoholics like any depressed person. That is all they are. Cut the alcohol. Give them Christ and give them a meaningful job.
ya but when they say "in moderation" they mean half a glass of wine a night
no one really drinks like that
I'm an alcoholic. I hate myself and I want to die. Please put me out of my misery.
Its more of a cultural thing
beer has been drunk for at least 5000-7000 years and if it's up to me, will be drunk for some 50 years more
>the non-alcoholic Hitchens
Go back to rebdit.
>Honestly they should ban any alcohol save for French wine and Belguim beer.
If the belgium beer will be priced at half of czech one I can survive
Half of glass is to accompany a meal. A six pack or whatever you fucks call it is for the evening. That's moderation. Drinking a tanker is going out of the bounds.
Accept Jesus Christ into your heart.
Just lock them up until they are detoxed.
Buttchugging doesn't count, you're wrong.
no im saying
banning it would have different impacts in different parts of the world
youd have to find a way to be flexible to get rid of the shit
Some people are genetically predisposed to alcoholism if that is what you mean.
that as well
the same shit wont work on everyone
althought Ive heard with the application of CRISPR we could get rid of genetic alcoholism altogether
dude drinking a six beers in one sitting is not considered moderation
Six American watery beers probably equals one normal beer
It is if you drink 20 a night like me. I come within an inch of death nightly, I would love to drink just 6.
/fit/ super puritan here, Id say yes. All of them should be kill.
>edgy thread
>mfw I have over 12 gallons of excellent homebrewed beer bottled, and additional 2.5 gal about to be carbonated in a small keg.
surprised a brit made this thread
Best beer to drink with a burger of freedom bar none.
I've never seen beer rape someone, or rob a store, or drive a car, or steal something
>it's another should X be killed thread
Spoiler: OP is Muslim
Yes, OP. I agree, 100%.
Our immigrant friends that arrived in Europe frown upon drinking and it's against their culture. It's our duty to make them feel more comfortable.
Nah was talking about Duval or Guiness not American shit. 6 pack of American beer wouldn't be even a start of the night drinks.
>not knowing the testosteron benefits of alcohol
Fucking DYEL kill yourself
>American beer
You're drinking carbonated water at that point user.
Are you just shit talking and have no clue about the massive craft beer/brewery explosion in the US?
Nah mate not shitposting. The only American stuff that's available in Europe to me is either Budweiser, Miller or Cororna and all of them suck dick.
get out of here muslim
Please? I want to die right now.
That's fucking gross. I feel sorry for you, man. My mainstay is Sierra Nevada Torpedo. 7.2%. Regular domestic beers are for when you're broke and don't feel like drinking water.
Increases inflammation
That's why I said it feels like drinking carbonated water.
You're in a shit country, with shit beer, and you talk shit about the worst/most basic american lagers but cant admit that even these are better than drinking camel piss.
leave tuna along, faggot
I hope some decent britbong will execute you, Mustafa.
Not really. At least our most common beer is 12.4%. So while it's not tasy as a Belgian beer or a Neerlandese one you will get alcohol in your system by a 6 pack. It's not watery shit as yours.
Around 5% is about average for beer, no matter where in the world you are.
*Millenials don't admit to drinking, smoking or having sex
>beer called America
>it's literally piss with small traces of alcohol
>this irony
>At least our most common beer is 12.4%
Celtia is 5%
>millenials love it
Every generation loves alcohol, retard. Its been around for many thousands of years.
Nope Celtia is Yesterday news. Berber fort is where it's at. Motherfucking 12.4% at this point you're drinking straight up alcohol but it's cheap so who cares.
>he thinks shitty euro pale lagers are somehow better than shitty american pale lagers.
Here in the US, we have the same thing, it's called malt liquor, and it's bum swill.
>heavy tax on alcohol, like really heavy
>secret governmental program where they sometimes help release illegal alcohol that is poisoned, alongside the normal raids on illegal alcohol providers and near other heavy punishment on producers
>if the tax on alcohol is enough, use it for anti alcohol propaganda and more poisoning, until the tax is no longer enough to pay for it.
Put your glass in the freezer user