People calling for a referendum to leave EU. Is the EU over? Is Merkel BTFO? Germany Bros can you confirm?
People calling for a referendum to leave EU. Is the EU over? Is Merkel BTFO? Germany Bros can you confirm?
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SHIT....Germany and France are essentially the two pillars of the EU. If any one of them leaves EU is done for.
Freedom for Germany! Bring back the Deutchmark!
>Germany is about to Gexit
things that'll never happen?
>not GEt out
trusting express
>Far right figures in Alternative for Germany have promised to call their own vote if they clutch power in country's general election in autumn next year.
Not going to happen. France, on the other hand might.
Can any Krauts here confirm this story? Is sentiment for a German EU referendum growing?
whats wrong with express
>"The time is ripe for a new Europe, a Europe of fatherlands, where we peacefully trade with each other, maintain partnerships and respect the will of the national sovereignties.
G-g-germany? are you feeling ok?
Germany IS the European Union, no way in hell they leave or do anything but vote 120% in favor of staying and then accepting a gorillaian more refugees for being racist
Unless the polls have wildly swung against the EU by double figures, Germany isn't going anywhere.
>G-g-germany? are you feeling ok?
Merkel and Juncker would NEVER allow it, it would be equivalent to them coming out and saying open borders were a mistake
>Britain will never Brexit.
>Hitler Will never get Elected
>Trump Will never get the nomination
haters gonna hate. Why are Euros such defeatists?
Holy Roman Empire 2.0 when?
An absurd idea, the EU is theirs. It would be like giving away your own empi-
Never mind.
you retards are always so far behind in getting news, we had this shit ages ago and it got buried immediately
>muh Hitler
I'm not even fucking kidding.
Why so mad bruh?
who said anything about them needing to allow it? dead people don't allow jack or shit.
because that article is from July 3rd and they were already denied the chance you stupid faggot
Nexit has a good chance of happening
Frexit could go either way
Germany will not leave.
On the up side we have Austrian presidential elections soon
because they got stopped from having a referendum because
Does that not annoy you?
>Mfw Sup Forums ignores this and shills attack
Sup Forums WAKE UP
you have to be retarded to think Germany will leave the EU
If it does leave it's when it's already dead to form a trade alliance with France and possibly other big players.
But hey I didn't expect an Amerifat especially on Sup Forums to have any knowledge of geopolitics.
And if they exit so what? It won't remove the infestation.
He wasn't trying to say that, the fact that Germany has the most to gain by staying inside the union would make it a very doubtful statement.
Germany has the most influence on policy as it's the strongest economy. Why leave a system that gives them a better grip on Europe and it's international politics.
>ignores this
its old news and the idea has already been buried
Germany will ont leave the EU until the EU is dead.
The best thing we can do for our Kraut brothers is to make this shit collapse as fast as possible
>Germany Bros can you confirm?
unlike brits we have no say in "(((our))) democraty"
Globalists don't give a shit what the people want. You can never leave, people. You're in 'til the bitter end.
>Not wanting the Aryan race back
Colgate fuck off
Wait I just read the title of the article. ALL Referendums are banned in Germany? Is this a joke?
I thought you were talking about some slided thread. SHIT.
>We cannot have a national referendum Because
>Muh Hitler
>Muh 6 million
That is the most retarded shit I have read on Sup Forums. The Hitler memes are real as fuck when it comes to the Globalists.
But what about you dad?
Did you """""leave""" yet?
Germany just let in and is paying for over a million random people from undeveloped countries with no resistance from the public at all. The very idea of an armed revolution in that country is laughable.
Don't ever tell me to give up
see >literally Hitler
All referendums are banned in Germany.
They have no hope of getting a referendum on the matter
we have't triggered Article 50 yet, and May has been talking about delaying it till after German and French elections for no fucking reason, however there is a lot of push to get it done by this September at the latest
after we trigger article 50 we have a 2 year time period to sort our shit out and finalize everything then we actually leave.
this t b h f a m
Also dad, will you kick all the muzzies out?
>You can never leave, people.
Oh we shall see about that.
Before it is all said and done....the blood of politicians and banksters will flow on the streets.
The tree of Liberty is thirsty.
Works every time.
as for next April (I think) every non EU immigrant who earns less than 35k/year is getting kicked out.
This will also be true of EU immigrants once we actually leave the EU.
>for no fucking reason
It's to stop them fucking with us for political gain before the elections. After those elections, the leadership will be more concerned about the state of the EU economy in the following years.
So is there gonna be a lot leaving eh?
Do something you faggots. Try to red-pill all of your family members and friends on such topics.
I think its going to take the US telling you to uncuck yourself to actually do it.
Hopefully Trump gets elected and orders Germany to cut this immigration shit out. At least from what I can tell, Trump feels sympathy with Europeans who are tired with this immigration bullshit and EU tyranny.
you might as well tell a nigger not to steal
I cannot even believe this. I am raging. How can you live there and not rage? What is it like to live in a country where your political elite despises it's own people and has no respect for their views?
we have to wait for elections
Welcome to Angela Merkel's vision for Germanistan!
>she hates the flag
>She loves a book which sees the extinction of the ethnic German!
and as we all know she loves her migrant cock!
By the looks of things it'll probably number in the hundreds of thousands by the end of it, but I haven't seen a credible source with an actual estimate so take that with a large grain of salt
Which the AFD will lose.
they're doing considerably well in all the regional elections, don't count Germany out just yet.
Thanks Islam.
Huh, I can see the US having a big trade deal with the Uk and not the EU
Perhaps but they were unknown just 2-3 years ago. If they get 2nd or third place that is a huge increase in their voter base.
they will be declared illegal once they have enough votes to be dangerous anyway
but more people will wake up
As long as Trump wins the future is bright for both of us, if he doesn't win I'll go to church and pray for you.
Don't worry, he will win by a landslide.
>Now Far-Right demands 'Dexit' poll for Deutschland... but referendums are banned because HITLER abused polls
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, can Germans get even more cucked?
even fucking Swedes can have referendums
step by step, faggot, calm down
first you have to bring Trump in the White House, so king Negro dont ride Merkel like a mule
>3rd of july
I hope he does lad, it'd be a shame to see the US fall.
If it does, I am gonna start New England Succession from the US
is New England still Anglo/Celtic majority or are spics and niggers over running it as well?
Or did the Krauts get to it back in the day?
New England has less niggers in the whole country.
Well there could be pockets there and there, but hell, it's all Anglo
Good to hear.
I wish you bastards the best of luck this November.
Has there been a date set for the first debate with Clinton and Open Borders Johnson?
I dunno, but you should watch it.
It's gonna be so HIGH ENERGY
I plan to.
If Trump plays it right he can split the dem vote by portraying Johnson as an alternative to Clinton.
I honestly want Johnson to get onto the stage, if he can make the two of them look similar in terms of policy (even slightly) the dems who hate Clinton might just vote for the stupid cunt.
It truly would be beautiful
Why does no one kills Merkel?
>those people behind him
Why does the Canadian government look like the cast for a horrible sitcom?
because they are
If Merkel gets killed by anyone she becomes a Martyr for the German left and the media shoves the German right back another 2 or 3 years (in a best case scenario), worst case scenario there's an attempt on her life and she becomes a living martyr and gets all the cunt votes.
Probably because he runs his country like a 22 year old would run a frat house?
Oh she will have a fucking seizure, ia:
>Miss Clinton, what dress willy you wear on the first day of your presidency?
>"Well I-"
>Trump interrupts
>Audience goes quiet
>Shillary has seizure
>Worst one
>She gets paralyzed
Kek wills it
>that pic
I want to see it.
I want the Clinton machine to die.
retarded but hilarious, come on german bros do it
referendums are not allowed in germany according to the Grundgesetz
moreover most people want to keep the EU
Same here
>things that will never happen
Nobody has the intention of building a Dexit!
So germans are blaming the EU now which is nothing but Proxy Germany. Kek.
its quite retarded honestly
everything the EU has done your Government would have done anyway, so its not like leaving would change your politics
all it does it mean you lose your massive hold over Europe.
It makes no sense for Germany to leave as it stands.
>king banononobanonoabo
The great depression was a better time for our country than the last 8 years.
Okay, Germany won't leave the EU. The afd is only doing this to gain more voters, which isn't that bad I guess.
At this point, a majority yes vote for leaving in a referendum is virtually imossible.
I know. If this news is true, it's just shows how sad the current state of germans is. Always closing their eyes from the truth and bashing the scapegoat.
What if i told you Germany created EU and UK didn't exit EU? What if i told you referendum isn't an order, but merely an opinion?
there never will be a referendum. They more than once made clear only parliament, not the people may decide. If we actually had democracy, all things would be different.
It's old news, from July Third.
It was just after Brexit so I think a lot of the German right were trying to ride the energy from that into a slight victory for the right, or the make sure people see how bad things really are in terms of your
>not KrOut
The daughter of the man who played Morpheus does porn.
why do you know this?
criminally underrated
What's next, Norway deciding to give away their oil to Denmark?
Subverting the will of the people that give you power must be fun, cause liberals can't get enough.
>posted one minute ago
I muessen haben more clay...
I once used deutchmars. It was nice
that's why they press for mass immigration this much, this way they always will get a majority as women, nu males and immigrants always will vote for big government. The middle class males can't win freedom alone.
See me after class if you're interested in tutoring the lesser germans.
He's sad because of it, but actor isn't really Morpheus and referendum isn't anything else than opinion. Referendum doesn't gives any politician an order to change anything. You are moving closer into Matrix every day, making meaningless decisions, all programmed beforehand to make you think you have control. Democracy is an illusion.
wtf I'm a #BluePillShill now