The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian Selection

Hey niggers!
Long story short, Sup Forums was right again.


>This article briefly describes Lynn’s view on what makes modern populations rise and fall.
>It then provides a demographic analysis of what happens to modern sub-fertile high-IQ Western populations when Internal Relaxation of Darwinian Selection (IRDS) combines with External Relaxation (ERDS, in the form of super-fertile low-IQ non-Western immigration) into Double Relaxation of Darwinian Selection (DRDS).
>The genotypic IQ decline will ruin the economic and social infrastructure needed for quality education, welfare, democracy and civilization.
>DRDS is currently unopposed politically, so existing fertility differentials may eventually lead to Western submission or civil resistance.

>Conclusion: In short, DRDS may increasingly doom modern countries, harm developing countries, and has nothing to do with racism or nationalism.

Bumping 'cause shills.

Bumping again until it gets picked up. I can't wait for the libtards' tears.

Shameless self-bump. Only Jews and shills hate facts.

those aren't facts but his opinions.

take my pity bump Pablo

Bump to the future.


say it with me kids

Sup Forums

Replying to this shill for the bump. Good goy, opinions are published in indexed magazines.

this appears a non-slide thread. who wants more niggers anyways?

Sounds interesting. Have a bump while I read it.

Mr. Soros.

surely importing masses of cheap labor as an excuse to pay every American less has nothing to do with his personal ambitions.

pure coincidence!

Bumping with more facts.
>The damage implies that even if fertile low-IQ non-Western immigrants are the ultimate winners in the third DRDS demographic transition, they will conquer a lesser country. Danish average IQ will, for example, then have approached 90, or perhaps even be close to the projected mean immigrant of IQ 86. An intellectual corrosion this size will have undermined the economic and educational infra-structure of DK, and ultimately made its democracy unsustainable. Another factor is the increased frequency of partly heritable antidemocratic attitudes, authoritarian culture, and dogmatic religious preferences, traits often seen in low-IQ countries (e.g. Lynn et al., 2009, Nyborg, 2009 and Vanhanen, 2009).

>Conclusion: In short, DRDS may increasingly doom modern countries, harm developing countries, and has nothing to do with racism or nationalism.

What a fancy way of saying that subhumans will destroy civilization unless kept in check. Ironically, the hallmarks of civilization(freedoms) are what destroys it.

Who cares? This isn't Rome

By the time this becomes society debilitating we will have already made genetic engineering a reality. Already we are much closer than you realize

Read it before. It's the stuff of nightmares.

I'm gonna use my superior white mind to become a billionaire, then use half of it to pay 10,000 poor women $50k each to have my babby. Shit will be so cash.


Well, there will be a few Sup Forums -type people in research not giving a shit about grants and stuff

interpretation of article: human rights is a mistake
also, China and India (and Philippines) will probably overtake the mantle of civilization in the future (all doesn't really subscribe to "human rights")

It is not the "freedoms" themselves that destroy civilization but the effects they have on people's perception of the world and the morals and ethics that result from those.

And why do you believe that genetic engineering won't be kept just for the ruling elites. Naive as fuck.

It's pretty obvious. At least there's a rigourous framework explaining why it's true though. This should alert some people about it.

Of course, and any minute now robots will automate all jobs so you could lay in bed while one of them shovels food and dick into your mouth. Aaaany minute now. Wait for it.

>By the time this becomes society debilitating we will have already made genetic engineering a reality
>made genetic engineering a reality
Which low IQ monkey is going to do that? Look at Brazil. I don't see them making any breakthroughs in genetics.

also, china's complete lack of research ethics may be able to save western civilization
it's just a question whether china can pull through in time or not
designer and gene edited human babies

>by the time

Time's up leaf.

>also, china's complete lack of research ethics may be able to save western civilization
Nah, they will keep it to themselves.

It's too cheap for that not to mention that it is proliferating too fast for then to control.

Breakthrough is already here friend. Look at CRISPR-Cas9. Only ethics are in the way

So mass importing low IQ breeders with 90%+ unemployment rates is a good long term survival strategy?

Worked out well for South Africa, Rhodesia, Yemen, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon just to name a few.

Western Civilization won't fall, we'll make it trough. And over time technology comes in and improves all kinds of things from intelligence to personality traits.

Richard Lynn is just an genocidal madman

>Long story short, Sup Forums was right again.
Of course
Did people actually think Africa is shit because of colonialism? They never invented a written language, wheel or sailing

But you see, that's wrong. We're currently in an intellectual freefall and soon we just won't have the infrastructure to support ourselves if this keeps up. Already medical care and housing is extremely strained in most Euro countries and if Clinton somehow gets the presidency I don't see things going well for America too.

I think it's time to let the Serbs loose.

>It's too cheap for that not to mention that it is proliferating too fast for then to control.
Negro, please, the ruling elites just have to call their shabbos goyim Shillary and Ted Cruz to pass a law in the Congress to ban the use of CRISPR-Cas9 in humans, besides "research" or whatever legal term they have in mind. Better people that could climb to their positions is against their wills.
I bet in other countries (besides China) it will be easier.

Look at the Civilization 5 tech tree, they haven't even learned agriculture yet.

So Sup Forums, what are the viable strategies to arise above the unwashed masses of low IQ debauched goyim let in by decades of marxism and atheism?

I think the whole thing is completely out of control anyway, by the time people realize what's happening it might be too late.
Any ideas guise?
>inb4 converto to judaism

Also, once Muslims are a real political power in Europe, do you think they will let CRISP-Cas9 research going on? Maybe only on amoebas.

In the end I think we'll all have to gather our assets and move to Hungary or Poland. The netherlands will flood without the dutch, France and Germany will simply starve due to not being able to farm sufficient food. The southern countries are fucked, not because the people aren't starving but because Africa is so close they'll keep being flooded.

All we can do is go to a white, walled in country and fight off the hordes while the top scientists create artificial wombs or make it possible for us to transfer our consciousness into a robotic body.

>warn women for decades that their actions are going to destroy society
No wonder there were so many gay Greeks.

It's a shame that the cultural heritage of mankind will be lost to savages.

Why does the article anti-conflate IQ and fertility.

It is not necessarily the case that high IQs lead to low birth rates and vice versa. Both characteristics of populations are largely determined by public policy.

- If you want higher IQ'd people, you pay for public education, and promote an economy which rewards investment in education.
- If you want high birth rates, you promote early marriage, provide cheap housing, and gear the economy to support working families.

It is possible to do both, but the second is rarely done now in most developed countries. Instead young teenagers are taught that sex carries diseases, and that pregnancy is the worst thing that can happen to a young person. We are taught that our 20s are a time for "fun", which of course must be paid for in sacrificial labour to uncaring corporations. Our stock market bubbles have blown up beyond all reason, inflating the price of housing far beyond the reach of anyone still in their healthy, fertile years.

The article writers live in a society that assumes more higher education means less fertility, but this is a false dilemma. Fertility is a product of public policy as much as anything else. It is falling in the developed world because policies are in place which impede it.

>The article writers live in a society that assumes more higher education means less fertility, but this is a false dilemma. Fertility is a product of public policy as much as anything else. It is falling in the developed world because policies are in place which impede it.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind such policies.


It's almost like non-whites get a lot of free shit to breed endlessly while the natives have to pay for it.

I was saving up for a house but I'm investing it in valuables and supplies instead.


>Did people actually think Africa is shit because of colonialism?

Yeah, that's a fairly common meme. It's politically unacceptable to publish anything that exposes the correlations between shittiness and nationalism.

>They never invented a written language, wheel or sailing

What part of Eurasia are Egypt and Ethiopia located in?

I have my idea.

Decline of the West podcast is great on this topic. We are not yet like late Rome. We are in the state of late Republican Rome before the rise of the Caesars. Trump may be the first Caesar like candidate even if he isn't elected.


poor people get some free shit but the middle class always has the ambition/illusion to get richer and works towards it, this implies losing many years studying and working almost for free for years
Put on top the fact that many wester 20 something isn't really looking to deliver children, put on top poor people have less social self inflicted black mail and act mindless (breeding at 12 for example) and so on
I wouldn't want to live with the food stamps it's too little for what I'm used and what I've been taught I can aim to, desire, pursuit

>Red Sweden


Liberland is gonna be come better whiteland than whiteland

Policy doesn't just pop out of thin air. People make policy. Once people become wealthy enough they become liberal - this happened to every nation that crumbled in the past. Liberal people then vote for all this shit or, in case of birth rate stimulation policy, against it.

More education doesn't necessarily mean less fertility, the relationship is more like this:
More Education Less Fertility

>conservative and "liberal"(conservative economic policy) governments relentlessly chase muh GDP growth
>the policies that maximize it also interfere with ambitions to settle down and have a family
>because a person who is breeding is a person that is not working, and not growing dat GDP
>Dependency Ratio falls which predicts economic downturn and shrinkage to muh GDP
>import fresh blood regardless of its quality to replace an aging workforce
>Sup Forums rages at marxists, socialists and progressives and blames them for their own shitsucking conservative economic policies
Go fuck yourself, right-wing

>drop 5 IQ points average
>loss of 35% GDP predicted
>Denmark already dropped a full point because of non-western immigration
>yfw Denmark isn't even that infested


>Western Civilization won't fall, we'll make it trough.
Fall? No.
Decline? Yes.

China will leave us behind, and given time, China will make more and more demands on the world stage.

Human rights? Geneva convention? All this morality stuff are things that the west has IMPOSED on others. Will this tradition carry on when other civilizations are super powers? Or when at the very least, they're competitive with the west?

No doubt China has different views on human rights than we do, being authoritarian and a collectivist communist society.

What of the mudslims? When technology improves it just means they'll be able to buy it and with better technology comes easier access to better weapons. The shithole that is the house of Islam may one day become competitive when they in principle can hand off nukes to any radical mudslims in any western nation. And if not through hard power, they'll grow through soft-power. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and will be THE most populous religion in our lifetimes.

The west is NOT resisting this change and so the slow decline is assured.

>muh China
wew lad

awful art

It's true bruh.

What do you think is gonna happen if they make some ridiculous claims about where their territorial waters go and what islands belong to them? They're gonna take it and ask "what are you gonna do about it?" and you know what? We're not gonna do shit about it.


are you some kind of nigger or something?



>muh podcast

>>Sup Forums rages at marxists, socialists and progressives and blames them for their own shitsucking conservative economic policies

No, we hate all of you globalist kikes. Not just the leftwing ones.

If we stop immigration and non-white birthrates fall to native levels (neither of those things has happened), in big western European countries non-whites are still going to be 33% in the future

Their IQ is about 70-82, depending on the country of origin, and IQ is highly genetic. So even if integration works 100% perfect (I highly doubt it), Europe is still fucked. We are already seeing the effects, those non-whites are animals

We had such a good thing going, but then we permanently destroyed European civilization in one generation. GG

Mfw eastern euro will be byzante and shit!

wow it must be great to have absolute religious faith in the idea that technology will save you

Import the third world, and you become the third world.

Unfortunately this will go ignored and Europe will burn. The only consolation is that the weak liberal nu-males and refugees welcome sluts who advocate and enable it will suffer the most in this multicultural paradise, as we've already seen with the mass rapes and terrorist attacks.

>marxists, socialists and progressives fight to the death to destroy their home nations
>no matter what the cost
>they hate the idea of patriotism so much that they make even questioning open borders a hate crime that leads to prison
>the one man in politics who could stop or more likely slow America's self destruction is hailed as the second coming of Hitler by leftists

I don't get it. You guys so desperately want to destroy western civilization, but at most Trump would only postpone the inevitable by 8 years. Why not throw a bone to the people that want to try to save civilization? Civilization will always be there for leftists to destroy after he's done.