The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian Selection

Hey niggers!
Long story short, Sup Forums was right again.


>This article briefly describes Lynn’s view on what makes modern populations rise and fall.
>It then provides a demographic analysis of what happens to modern sub-fertile high-IQ Western populations when Internal Relaxation of Darwinian Selection (IRDS) combines with External Relaxation (ERDS, in the form of super-fertile low-IQ non-Western immigration) into Double Relaxation of Darwinian Selection (DRDS).
>The genotypic IQ decline will ruin the economic and social infrastructure needed for quality education, welfare, democracy and civilization.
>DRDS is currently unopposed politically, so existing fertility differentials may eventually lead to Western submission or civil resistance.

>Conclusion: In short, DRDS may increasingly doom modern countries, harm developing countries, and has nothing to do with racism or nationalism.

Bumping 'cause shills.

Bumping again until it gets picked up. I can't wait for the libtards' tears.

Shameless self-bump. Only Jews and shills hate facts.

those aren't facts but his opinions.

take my pity bump Pablo

Bump to the future.


say it with me kids

Sup Forums

Replying to this shill for the bump. Good goy, opinions are published in indexed magazines.