Makes you think

Makes you think...

Why should I care about the children of people who want to wipe out everyone who isnt muslim?

Why dont I just care for my own people?

If you leave... And your father places you on a rubber dingy to cross open ocean because he wants free dental care

I thought you weren't allowed to go on the internet anymore.

Leave, assimilate, enjoy the free money and top tier education.

Welcome to the West

The child who stayed is still living, so they should GTFO of Europe.

Listen here Joao, they don't send them to your ghetto ass poverty shithole. And when they send their people, they're not sending their best.

But I thought children weren't capable of making their own decisions? Checkmate liberals.

See. Staying is better for everyone

Wow what's the matter with you br-posters today?

Or just some Aussie on a holiday?

They really are pushing this shit hard now lmao.

Third option is peace when we stop supplying fanatics with weapons

wasn't that kid a t*rk?

>when they send their people, they're not sending their best
who are they sending?

What's so bad about the kid who stayed? It looks like he's in a car seat or possibly a roller coaster


The pieces of trash that pay human traffickers. Every Syrian refugee in Western Europe is a golddigging piece of shit.

Child on the right did leave Syria. He was in Turkey.

Then his father decided he wanted some free dental treatment.

>the general Muslim population

They sank the Lusitania. Those bastards.

silly goyim, its your fault

Never forget the event that gives ((you)) emotional leverage.

yeah.... really makes you think

Not really. People die constantly no matter what you do.

Who gives a shit.
3rd world shitskins aren't people.
This goes for you too banana boy.

designado rua cagando

Is it that hard to accept that some people just won't be happy? Or even have long lifes? I am fucking grateful for being born in Germany, despite all its shortcommings. And seeing such pictures just reinforces my devotion to protect this and let my children have the same luck that I had. And if it means that other people can not be part of this luck: So be it.

Everyone has the right to be happy. It does not matter where you are born. We are all human beings. Least we can do is share our country with the most miserable of the lot.

>Implying everyone from rare countries isn't pk

>Everyone has the right to be happy
Well then you need to start supplying me with clean reliable welfare prostitutes. It's the only thing that will make me happy and if it's a right then the government must protect my rights!

Not our people, not our problem.

This a million fucking times.