What does Sup Forums think of Bengalis? (no "kermit's anus" pls)

What does Sup Forums think of Bengalis? (no "kermit's anus" pls)

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I don't

why is it that americans make the worst threads.

OP, if you provided some background, their might be something to discuss.

kermits anus


Considered the lowest of the low by the ancient Aryans of the subcontinent, members of the vile Dravidian race, remnants of sunken Lemuria, totally incapable of attaining enlightenment.

In a word, untouchable.

Wait, does Bangladesh really not have the asshole centered on the flag?

Hey it looks just like my anus.

Why you want to know?

They seen to be a poorer India, and their country is overpopulated

It ain't easy being green


It makes me think

Not any different from Pakis.

We're not all shitskins. There's plenty of light skinned Bengalis. Before being colonized by the British, Bengal was richer than much of Europe.

How bad is Bengal? I heard it's really overcrowded

We're way less conservative than most pakis. In fact many of our women forgo the hijab/burka yet wear modest clothing.


Joke aside ( is it a joke though ? ;3 ), europeans countries will fall to your subhuman level soon is the borders arn't closed, so don't be too sad about your homeland being a shithole, your people will equalise that ;^)

Dhaka is definitely crowed. With all the gridlock, it takes 2.5 mile drives to take 15 minutes or more. The countryside is not as much.

It wasn't 100% the fault of the British, but one of our own. He basically sold us out to the British.

This is a country? You guys look like niggers

"Literally who" the country

Asian Niggers

>le current year maymay
We're not all shitskins, go there and you'll see.

>The Pakistan Army, with the help of supporting militias, massacred Bengali students, intellectuals, politicians, civil servants and military defecators during the 1971 Bangladesh genocide.

Oh for fuck's sake they've weaponized the poo.


Wahhabi Goat Fucker


They need to return to Hinduism.

we still beat them in the war for our independence even though ourgovernment has reduced the country to India's proxy state

You wouldn't like being a Hindu yourself, unless you were a Brahmin.

How about Kermit's hemorrhoid?

No different from India or Pakistan. Poo

Sup niggas!

kemon aso bhai?

eito choltese

have you guys won any medals yet?

shit, I wish. Tiny delegation+poor country≠medals

Rio was our chance. But we couldn't. Sad!

kermit's anus

why are your people so ugly though even by Indian standards?

Hows dhaka?

foh with your hooked noses and pube beards. You will always be Saudi's bitch. Your country is a shithole which has been in a perpetual state of civil war.

Pakistan is definitely NOT worse than Bengaliland. Although still a shithole.

The only reason you haven't been obliterated by India is because of your nukes. Everybody else in the subcontinent hates you.

dirty and crowded like a bathroom rave, as usual, but still fun.

Tbh I would MUCH rather live in Pakistan than the massive shitheap which is Bengladesh

Do you want to fear for your life every time you walk outside and hope you don't get killed by suicide bombers/taliban gunmen?

OP are you the guy originally from Sylhet ?

I don't speak Bangla like a drunkard, so nope.

Intersting man. How is the whole isis stuff?



BD government is fucking inept at sorting that or anything else out.

its kermit's asshole

its a leaf

Pretty much this

It is stupidly overcrowded

>kermit's anus

Mine too

Bengalis was never part of dravidian negroid race, living side by side for thousands of yrs of course there was some intermixing but for most part its almost central america like brown in here.

I can't tell the difference between a Pajeet and a Bengali. Both of you don't poo in the loo. Sooo............................

dude didn't you guys kill a gay guy and dont you lynch atheists ?

It isn't easy being green!

>Live in giant tide pool.
>Surprised when flooding.
You fuckers need to move uphill.

Bangladesh has a 95+ % sanitation rate, WTF are you talking about ?

Those are fundamentalists. Alot of you guys kill Christians and rape women regularly, and your own Baba Ramdev said he would like to behead those who believe in his cause. Fundamentalists are of any religion are all the same bhai. However, I have no qualms against Indians in general.

Thing is, India is totally trumping their borders.

We only have mountains up north :( We once had help from the Dutch to create anti flooding measures in the earliest days of the country, but alas we have not added more of these measures.

>You fuckers need to move uphill

We are trying to ;^) , but India ain't too ecstatic about it tho.

Yeah, Indian government is acting really cunty to us, despite BD government groveling at their feet.

>No Kermit's anus
Good this telling me that, now i can't unsee it.

just trying to keep shitty banter out :P

Your country is still a dirty shithole. your population density is insane(~1k/km2), for reference India only has 300/km2 and India is overpopulated. You ranks highest in corruption ansd soon you are going to start losing lands as sea level raises. You are massively fucked. desu nuking your country might be a mercy kill.
Also your cricket team sucks.


Shittiest Aryans imaginable.


They haven't won any Olympic medals before

1. dont call me desu, weeb
2. Leafs follow cricket?

I fucking hate them to be honest.
There's way too many in my country and they're all fucking muslims. I wish we had our own Trump who would deport these mudbabbies back to where they belong.

NATO will return, roach!

HOLY SHIET, KEK, I didnt know the anus joke about Bangladesh's flag. KEKEKEKKE

why are canadians on Sup Forums so cunty?

I have no idea what that country has contributed to mandkind aside from clothes and poverty.

It's full of the ugliest of cunts too.

Come Tyrone, I dare you! I dare you, nigger!

Bengalis are short, usually have the surname of Miah and they like to sexually assault women, but their teeth fall out very easily when you catch one of them sticking his hand up your girlfriend's dress when she walks past him in a club.
Also, they make the worst muggers ever. One against three and they all got broken noses as well as three years inside (out in 18 months though, but they all took a kicking again from the lads). Come on Bangladesh, you can do better than that.

Miahs are Sylheti

Can anyone tell me the meaning of "Eat horse egg"? How the fuck did that even become a saying?

>Also your cricket team sucks

As compared to the Canapakistani Cricket team ?

so cunty for saying the truth?

Bangladesh is a shithole of a country, with nothing of virtue that has come out of it.


it aint easy being green

We have a lot of Miahs in the UK. They tend to work in Indian restaurants.

No one here gives a shit about cricket. But cricket is what you are best at, and you suck at it.

>average street in Bangladesh
What a beautiful, vibrant culture they must have.

A country of that population size, they must have contributed so much to mankind, surely.

There are way too many of them as well. An enormous flood in the delta would do humanity a favour.

Sheer power of Roki will destroy Murica and NATO.


The muggers may suck at what they do. But my family had to hire a night guard after all the fish in our pond had been stolen.

considering there's been civilization in south asia, they literally waz kangz, unlike niggers

>It isn't easy being green

Absolutely lost it.

the original flag looked much better until lame ass politicians made it more blend and simple