Friendly reminder that racists vote republican
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Thanks for Correcting the Record
Sounds good to me thanks for the reminder of exactly why I need to vote for Trump
funny as throughout history the Democrats have been the more racist ones
Look, these people all have to align themselves some where. They just happened to choose the Republicans.
The SJWs, cucks, commies, numales, and one-worlders happened to choose the Democrats.
wtf I hate republicans now
Friendly reminder. The South was run by democrats when they decided to fight for slavery.
>0.34 shekels have been added to your account
Sage in all fields
Friendly reminder that you should vote:
Wasn't the hag on the right confirmed to be a Bernie supporter?
0.25 shekels have been deposited into your account
well at least they now have something of a reason to vote republican
>1 post by this ID
ignore the thread
And this is exactly why the republican party hates Trump as he isn't one.
Those nipples aren't very nice tbqh
>people still posting in bait threads
Not a single Republican owned a slave
Have you noticed?
That liberals call anyone racist if he is against their agenda?
Democrats pander to EBT niggers who belive hate h'wites and police. The DNC had mothers of cop killers and illegal aliens on stage. They are actively trying to get their votes. Republicans can't control who votes for them, nor do they actively campaigns to white supremacists.
Also good job with the confederate flag and a still of someone with their hand in the air, like we can't actually find any images of kkk democrats or anti-black rhetoric.
I'm green and minorities and SJWs would call me a racist and sexist, so no
we need EVIDENCE!
Woman on the right in the picture was a (possibly paid) protester pretending to be a trump supporter.
Republicans free the slaves, how they racist??
Woman on the right was confirmed to be a Bernie supporter trying to false flag.
Democrats created the KKK.
Democratic president Lyndon B. Johnson once said "I'll have them niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years!". This was followed by extensive social programs that crippled the black community and made them dependant on big government.
The first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves. He was then promptly shot by a Democrat.
At this point, anyone posting OccupyDemocrats shit should be permanently banned. As should anyone who says nothing except "pol btfo" or "really makes you think".
Sage goes in all fields.
Yes, Oman Marteen was a right wing psycho, totally.
Oh wait, practically every mass shooter has been a leftist or registered democrat.
The KKK is a fucking meme anyways.
Democrats are the racist party.
Just look at her, who's she's surrounded by, and the time it took place (when the Chicago shit went down)
Man speaks the truth
amber hahn is one of the fucking hottest sluts in amateur porn. complete psycho.
BLM, Black Panthers and the Dallas Shooter vote Democrat
ya but niggers vote democrat
Add to the list killing the Republican Civil Rights Act in 1954 and filibustering the Democrat Civil Rights Act in 1964.
Al Gore's daddy filibustered the '64 Civil Rights Act.
The Democrats are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, the KKK, and have now enslaved the blacks to vote for them 95% of the time with gibsmedats, making them wholly dependent upon the government for their existence.
Can someone explain what you mean by "one post by this id"?
Have you noticed?
That racists, Islamic extremists, bigots, misandrists, flag burners, criminals, foreigners, black supremacists, communists, billionaires and the media all align themselves with the Democratic party?
They some probably did. Just like Ben Afleck's great great grand dad.
troll bait posters post once in a thread and watch rather than genuinely interract.
hover over an id and you see how many posts by that id.
Friendly reminder that, that was a while ago chump
It's the Democratic states that are lagging behind , NY CA conn NJ mass Maryland are lagging and costing the union money to keep them a float , yet Texas Mississippi Alabama Tennessee Louisiana have a better roads schools and hospitals... Tennessee can pave 3 miles of road in a week yet nj or ny can't fix a single pothole.... I'm moving to the south "yall"
>people still think that Hillary or even DWS were incriminated in the leaks.
At worst only incompetence or the shear nuthouse they are put in power over governing is proven.
Like, Hillary's speeches to Gold Man ShekelsSaks were probably about female empowerment and entrepeneurs.
Why are the Trumpers who hate Hillary's incompetence not mad at Trump for not paying his workers reliably, insulting war victims and gold start mothers, and SAYING DUMB SHIT EVERY FUCKING TWITTER POST LIKE HOLY FUCK IT'S PATHETIC.
Thanks for correcting the record
Hahaha ok Cletus take it easy
Your chart is full of shit. Nj has been broken since Christy whitman.... totally wrong
Heh. This is the kind of picture we could get trending.
Convicted violent criminals overwhelming support the Democratic Party. Checkmate, Mr. "digital writer".
Also explain then why the GWB and Pulaski skyway been under repair for over 10 years
>Democrats care about blacks
>party of slavery, Jim Crow, KKK (and the horseshoe of them BLM) Dixiecrats, eugenics, JFK going to 1930s nazi Germany to report on how America could benefit from fascism, the list goes on
>every majority black shithole is run by democrats
>really makes ya think
>religious extremists
Trump gets the Muslim vote?
>what is the massive change in party platform when Republicans took on the Southern Strategy and thus forced Democrats to change what they stood for to court non racist dickheads.
Trust me goy, those bigots will never understand the struggle.
Friendly reminder the Democrats formed the KKK.
Friendly reminder liberals of today are still spewing the messages of Klansmen.
>what is southern strategy
maybe you'll learn something in social studies this year? study up kiddo and you may even get to bag groceries for the rest of your life!
nice lies bro! pic related
>counting niggers
The GOP lost five states in the Deep South against a candidate who was running as a open racist. Then Nixon won every state in the Union except Massachusetts. Then in 1976 GOP lost every state in the south.
Yeah good going on that southern stategy guyz
It didn't happen in one day dipshit
It's intellectually dishonest to pretend that the southern strategy didn't happen
You liberal cocksuckers' "muh racism" mantra doesn't work anymore; you've done it to death. It lost all meaning, except for smear anyone who doesn't agree with you. You killed the goose that laid the golden egg, you self-righteous pigs who don't even have enough self=awareness to realize something so OBVIOUS!
1980, reagan won 43/7, reagan lost Georgia. He must have sucked up to those Connecticut Klansmen, all those Oregan cousin fuckers right? Or maybe those California crosslighters?
1984 is an either bigger landslide of 49/1
>Its 2016
>Implying all races are equal
1988: 41/9
1992: GOP loses as many southern states as it wins
>Look at all the welfare you poor republicans get!
>Huh...wait a minute, maybe we should stop federal funding of people whos ideology doesnt match mine
And a Republican/Libertarian is born.
>bagboy insult
i thought you were the party of the working man?
Lincoln literally owned slaves you fucking mongoloid
> Muddying the waters.
> Dehumanising the men who disagree with you.
This is why it sickens me to be a liberal, in this day and age. You fags have ruined it, like stormfags ruined Sup Forums.
Except the ones in Milwaukee who pull people out of cars and beat them, right?
BLM is a leftist organization...
I think this chart is focusing on the wrong key demographic. What other key demographic do these a lot of these states have in common?
>These people are mean and call people names and shame them, so I'm going to do the same and shame/call names of people who might side with those people.