As a devoted catholic, do you think Nightcrawler abstains from sex before marriage?

As a devoted catholic, do you think Nightcrawler abstains from sex before marriage?

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Well, he can't marry his sister, so probably not.

We know he doesn't.

He's actually a priest. Once when someone asked him for girl advice he said "one does not join the clergy because they are knowledgeable in the ways of women" or something like that

I thought he already boned Amanda at some point?
I might be trippin', tho.


He's a priest, he can't marry and can't have sex.

Catholicism is pretty strict. There's a reason Protestantism came to be after all.


Luther wasn't a degenerate actually. he just hated on the papacy

>Once when someone asked him for girl advice he said "one does not join the clergy because they are knowledgeable in the ways of women" or something like that
I think he was just being coy. He was a regular ladies' man in Claremont's X-Men and Excalibur. He's even seen taking a sensuous bubblebath with a nude lady before having to teleport out of the tub to save Angel from falling.

Catholics aren't Christians.

Ha no way OP

That looks like a rape to me he clearly states he wanted to teleport out.


>Catholics aren't human

Ok nevermind
Its possible hes just playing along to avoid drama but clearly nothing that could auctualy be called rape.

unless some bullshit changed, he was hypnotized into thinking he was a priest.

And you can leave the priesthood.

If Nightcrawler were a truly rule-abiding Catholic, he'd be a pretty boring character.

Church is also against cannibalism, but that never stopped Germans.

>There's a reason Protestantism came to be after all.

Yeah, Papal Indulgences

Being Catholic mostly entails trying to make other people feel guilty for the shit they do. You can do whatever the fuck you want as long as you say enough Hail Marys. Their long and storied history of fucking children testifies to this.

Gay is bad when you do it, being a fucking pedo is only bad until he makes it into the confession booth though.

Yes, he only has sex with little boys.

t. Fedora

>Being Catholic mostly entails trying to make other people feel guilty for the shit they do

I hate this meme. Nothing wrong with trying to install rules and discipline in one's life.

t. Former Catholic

>I hate this meme.

Acting as if the Catholic church wasn't run for centuries by men who knew full and damned well they were infested with child rapists, yet didn't hesitate for a second to act like a moral authority.

I'm sorry you still believe in the church. They're done their level best to tell us all what they're all about and yet you people don't let go.

One last attempt though: Do you honestly think Jesus would be down for that level of child abuse? Do you? Well the church always has been. What does that tell you?

You know, unless they don't want to follow YOUR rules, and you aren't following them either.

>Catholicucks think they're saints
Ayy lmao. Not even Orthodox church is that corrupt.

>Catholicism is pretty strict


What you do in the privacy of your own home between two consenting adults is an abomination. Also, send us your young boys. We have need of them, to hold candles and stuff.


Are there any russian orthodox characters?

Jesus definitely wouldn't approve of child abuse, I think that goes without saying.

What the Church did was abhorent, but most priests and bishops are good people. And priest abuse has fallen sharply in the last 30 years.

>but most priests and bishops are good people.

But every time they gt complaints about a priest diddling kids they fucking move him. That's protecting their own exclusively to the detriment of the children they abuse.

Think about it. The second the leyfolk start to get wise, the pedo gets a brand new flock to fuck. That's not a system of good people. That's a system of accomplices.

Look at all those good people.

Nah, I feel the priest Kurt storyline was a retarded mistake, he loves women, loves romancing them and had a canon girlfriend he was veeery affectionate with at some point

>And priest abuse has fallen sharply in the last 30 years.

We've done that *to* the church. They didn't get better, we got wise to them. WE had to make it mandatory for them to forward sexual abuse complaints to the police. We had to make everyone take a look at what they think is acceptable.

*In the first world*

They're still fucking boys by the hundreds in countries where they can get away with it.

did someone tell you Catholics do that

one in the pink, one in the stink

is Daredevil a virgin?

I said "most" genius. Studies show that priest don't abuse any more than any other demographic(teachers, stepdads, sports coaches).

>They're still fucking boys by the hundreds in countries where they can get away with it.
Do you actually have any reports of extensive priest abuse in the third world? Or is this just conjecture?

>Catholicism is pretty strict.
That doesn't really matter in the Marvel Universe. See Kitty Pryde or Kamala Khan, they come form even stricter religions and they have no problems with pursuing anything or anyone.

It doesn't matter in the real world either.

>Eastern Orthodox

>Jesus definitely wouldn't approve of child abuse
We know Jesus's stance on slavery with a certainty of 100%, as he didn't amend jewish laws regarding that issue. From what I gather, the Protestants straight up didn't give a fuck.

There's X-men Stalin.

Judaism is only 'strict' depending on the sect. Reform Judaism is arguably one of the most lax religions out there. Not all Jews are New York City spaceman looking motherfuckers with sideburns down to their nuts decked out in bondage leathers.


Hmm. So I'm the moron, huh?

The last pope was aware and complicit in covering this shit up and everyone still lined up to kiss his ring. The whole organization from the top to the bottom is about protecting priests and fucking over the victims they fucked. But yeah, they're probably all great folks.



When the church (full of great people naturally) got enough complaints about a priest, they'd reassign him to, guess where?

Yeah. I'm just making a wild as guess that when the church sends all the "caught" pedophiles to the third world that it's because all the children there are safe as houses.


He used to be married, so it's a non-issue.
His marriage was annulled though, not divorced.

>"But if that is not enough for you, you Devil, I have also shit and pissed; wipe your mouth on that and take a hearty bite."

He had a bit of a scat thing going tho

Kurt had a regular thing with Amanda Sefton and boned a ton of ladies when he was travelling through dimensions

Pffff as if, I live in a catholic country and belive me if 20 percent of the males end marry virgins is because they are ugly as fuck or antisocial as fuck no because they are catholic

Every one knows there is only one true Christianity

>any organization is only as good as the worst members

this is how you end up saying it doesn't matter who you vote for because they're all cunts



some of them are cunts who want what you want, you cunt

Not that user but there is more to Catholicism than its clergy. I completely acknowledge the corruption of the church but still stay apart of it due to its beliefs and theology.

He's fucked a lot of bitches

>some of them are cunts who want what you want, you cunt

So it's just a few bad apples. The last pope was involved, in an active coverup of the abuse of dozens of children, but that doesn't matter. I shouldn't be so judgemental, huh? Hundreds of priests are juggled all over the globe to keep them out of jail, but those are just exceptions to the rule.

lol. Name another organization that does more for child rapists than the catholic church. One that isn't NAMBLA or Sup Forums

Only one of us is on team actually no-shit fuck children. That's you, kid. (BTW, calling me names won't make you or the church look any batter)

ppf Catholicism is also ridiculously laid back as well. Its all on National and personal application. There are nuances between Italian and say Irish Catholicism.

As usual with the American version just gets all zany

>Not that user but there is more to Catholicism than its clergy

You can be catholic all day long. There's probably a shitload of people out there being catholic and awesome. The church itself is still rotten to the core. The abuse scandal was from the top to the bottom and you can find complicity in all levels of the hierarchy.

Them's just facts.

I didn't even go into how the Catholic drive to convince Africans that condoms cause AIDS led to the nightmare epidemic over there. Which it did. They've also set themselves strongly between any and all AIDS initiatives in the entire continent cause "contraception is bad".

They use their power in ways that fuck over those who need help the most.

They're an active force for harm in the world all over the globe. Hell. Women in America can't even escape the damage they do since they've bought up all the god damned hospitals. Just this morning I read about someone getting denied help in a hospital bleeding from a dislodged IUD cause it involved contraception.


I don't care what you do in your church as long as it doesn't involve fucking children. Literally. There's the line for me. But stop trying to turn our hospitals into your church. Seriously. They can fuck all the way off with that shit.

Did they ever touch on the fact that priestcrawler would have to be REALLY uncomfortable around all the gay characters in X-Men, or did they dodge that?

Jesus user, calm yourself. Were you fucked by a priest?

Nightcrawler's faith is real stupid when people treat it as like the whole nexus of his character

I guess some writers just haven't ever encountered religious people who have any degree of chill

Ultimate Nightcrawler was straight up homophobic

Look man, Catholics of the clergy, Muslims have the terrorists, all of our religions' got some messed up shit, that's just the nature of being a giant group of people.

>destroying Christendom
>fucking a heretical impious nun
>not degenerate

Who pulls more

Nightie or Spidey?

I guess no one is Christian then since you Proteshits base your MUH BIBLE stances on a book created and canonized by Catholics.

>Sola Scriptura
>Except for the books that support Catholic doctrine! Remove those!

Is anyone else here abstinent? By choice, I mean

He grew up in a circus. You can't show him anything weirder

>1% of a population is good enough to demonize the 99%

I am.

how appropriate for a thread about a mutant

Look at this fucking queer.

What's Catholic Church's stance on mutants?

I'm seeing a married woman. I feel like shit about it

Fuck you for putting it like that. The vast majority of the clergy are good people and you fucks distort it into this fucking belief that all priests are this cabal of pedophiles.


At one time Kurt was all about the swashbuckling & it seemed pretty obvious he was fucking Amanda like crazy (the whole adoptive sister thing being grist for the Clermont sex mill)

Jesus Christ, not everyone in the church is an evil bastard and out to harm people. Like every institution with some amount of influence, there will be bad people and unfortunately bad people tend to work very hard for more power/influence. I'm certain a good portion of U.S politicians are meglomaniacs.

Oh well fuck you for being offended, you know what I meant and you don't need to put words in my mouth to shit yourself over.

Nightcrawler was briefly the pope, so it can't be too negative.

I like to imagine every christian group except the Purifiers and WBC are generally pro-mutant. God has decreed this child will shoot fire from his eyeballs, who are we to gainsay that?

If even one pedophile priest is shuffled around and allowed to rape other children without punishment or condemnation, it's a travesty. The fact that hundreds of these monsters exist throughout the clergy are a sign that the church is fundamentally a dumpster fire. If you've ever tithed to a catholic church, you've payed bribe money to silence rape victims. You won't see it that way, but you can't deny the fact that it's true. I understand you get a sense of belonging and community from your own church, but you have to look at the bigger picture. It's not a pretty one.

>shit that didn't happen

>The fact that hundreds of these monsters exist throughout the clergy are a sign that the church is fundamentally a dumpster fire.
There are 400.000 priests in the world.

Except the most grevious cases of cover up and shifting were done decades ago with the Church making far greater strides to have laymen and Clergy take these issues to the police.

Yet you fucks need to dig out decades old dirt because it fits your narrative as a secularist or a protestant to make Catholic seem like the only group that has to deal with pedophiles in their ranks.

>Muslims have terrorist
>Catholics have clergy

Pretty obvious what you meant faggot.

That a small group is making things harder for the whole organization?

I always feel that new Christianity and certainly all the smaller crazy tv sects of american Christianity would certainly hate mutants. (as shown)

Catholicism would be split. As the church is much older and mutations are either super useful or super ugly. Historically the useful powers where probably declared "blessed" and the ugly ones evil. In a Marvel universe the some Saints would straight up be mutants

As the church began to understand mutants more I'm sure it would have all been "gifts of god" stuff. So same treatment of disabilities and the mentally handicapped

>literally the opposite is happening (Catholic adoption agencies and hospitals closing down because they don't follow secular demands)
>faggots like user still need to bitch and play victim

Cry me a river you stupid fuck. Plus we both know in any other circumstance you don't give a fuck about Africans and would laugh at them getting AIDS.

In a response specifically about the bad people in the clergy. So no, clearly you did not, you touchy little asshole. Go pray for some better judgement because you clearly need it.

>the backbone of the organization is making things harder for the organization

Just quit while you're ahead or say you meant corrupt priests.

Nobody outside Europeans and white Americans cares about the pedophile scandal.

Because child abuse is literally the norm in most third world countries and most of Asia.

Do choirboys count?


>Nobody outside Europeans and white Americans cares about the pedophile scandal.

Apparently there's a section of comics nerds that don't give a shit about child rape either. Maybe we should join with Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

>Were you fucked by a priest?

No, but I care about the victims of priests.

% of a population is good enough to demonize the 99%

Seriously. The whole organization moves pedos all around the planet, the vatican knows and supported all that shit but you guys are all "it's just a few bad apples.

No, it's a bad orchard.

>The vast majority of the clergy are good people

Who don't give a shit that their brethren rape children. It's ok. I finally understood that you just don't know what the word "good" means.

"hey, I heard they caught Samuel down in Chi town fucking a dozen kids."

"No bigs, send him to Ecuador."

"Damn we're good people."

>Church making far greater strides to have laymen and Clergy take these issues to the police.

We had to make those laws *for* them. They didn't decide that was a good idea, we made them do that shit.

That's like giving credit to a murderer for staying off the streets for 20 years to keep people safe when he was locked the fuck up. lol

>Cry me a river you stupid fuck

Sorry you can't read. Yeah, it's great that they're still in the kids business. They do good work in them.

Not going to reply to the horror show they helped make in Africa, huh?

Defend this shit. The local clergy, all those "good guys" went as far as to tell the laypeople that condoms fucking came with aids in some places. Fuck the Catholic church. Millions of people are dying because of them.

I know, it's just a few bad (pope) apples. We shouldn't throw out the whole org based on just the words of their leader which they consider infallible.


>a truly rule-abiding Catholic

Those exist?

More importantly, how could you make such a theoretical character interesting in order to prove user wrong? Legitimate question regarding Catholicism: Does omission of important details count as lying?

I remember him being flirty, but don't recall him in an actual relationship or explicitly sleeping with anyone.

>As a devoted catholic, do you think Nightcrawler abstains from sex before marriage?

About as much as other devoted cathoics.

>popular with women
>flirts with women
>sleeps with women
>a lot

He's almost as big a manwhore as Bobby... before... y'know...

Not to mention the blue girl in that arc that he hits on.

Question. Has the Pope in the X men universe ever weighted in on Mutant issues?

I know they've done a ton of shit on religous stuff, but that was born again evangelicals that they were bashing.