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So ends Obama's legacy and ability to campaign for Hillary.
The Clintons, the Obama's, it's all over for these traitors to western civilization.
Globalism falls.
Was there ever any doubt?
Why didn't Obama just double the sanctions on Iran?
Nothing will be done. He'll get away with it as usual.
I knew today was gonna be a good day :^)
Jesus who'd he piss off at the state department to fuck up the narrative?
Preemptive F for the leak
Maybe they're pissed because of Hillary
>Payed hostage money to Iran
>Traded terrorists for Bo Bergdahl
Barack 'Just Fuck My Presidency Up' Obama
>obama lied
>obama compromised american stances on terrorism
Disgusting but unsurprising.
fuck obama worst president ever
And sadly he will face no consequences for this
If his intent was to weaken the US by enriching terrorists.
It's definitely illegal though.
He's a Constitutional Lawyer ffs...
So will the media retract all those "Trump is wrong about Obama's ransom payment to Iran" articles from a couple weeks ago or will they just ignore this as usual?
Do I even need to ask at this point?
>In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:
>"It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once." [23]
Daily reminder that Islam is literally one of our oldest enemies as a nation, and that they once ransomed 1/6 of our federal budget in the same manner.
Daily reminder that this is why Jefferson owed a koran, which Obama used as some sort of justification to bring Islam unto our shores.
I'm pretty sure it was the other way around.
Reddit mods are deleting news of this
They DO NOT want people to know this
NPR says nothing to see here.
sage and report, and call your senator.
It's treason, then....
>August 3
So much for that picture that says Obama is the first family to nor have any scandals. Daughter turned out to be a tramp, smokes weed. Wife has a dick and now this. 2016 is being great, praised be his name.
This guy is literally responsible for arming and providing the logistic ability for ISIS form and other Islamist militant groups, and no one did a fucking thing. He will never face the consequences of his actions unless we the people decide to stop taking the shit or they'll keep dishing it out.
Ever single terrorist attack done by ISIS is partly his responsibility. He has American and European blood on his hands and he fucking loves it.
everybody knew the faggot was lying. why the fuck do you think he took a 17 day long "vacation" right after he went on TV swearing up and down that what happened was not a ransom payment.
That's the first thing I thought of when I heard about this.
Pic very much related, an excellent read.
why the fuck
do you seriously think he doesn't know?
No fucking way...
No wonder CNN is covering the Olympian bullshit so intently.
>So will the media retract all those "Trump is wrong about Obama's ransom payment to Iran" articles from a couple weeks ago or will they just ignore this as usual?
Are you familiar with Occam's razor?
You can bet that right now they're circling ideas around in their google groups and email lists.
They'll scramble a narrative together and we'll probably see the shilling in the headlines tomorrow.
Does it make America the most cucked country of the world?
Bump bump, bump it up!
This is going to be great, but only if we do all we can to keep it in the spot light.
Redpill a Yuropoor on why this matters. You got your prisoners, right? And you're giving more to ISIS.
Reddit's excuse is that "UGH IT WAS THEIR MONEY TO BEGIN WITH!!"
Who cares. This is a non issue. When will Drumpf release his tax returns?
A strong contender, yeah. I can't wait for Hillary to give up ransom money, too. THEN we'll be maximum cuck.
Lol lol Regan did it in the 1980s and now Obama in the 2000s.
Its like north Korean threatening nuclear war to extort money.
The coming months are gonna be a gasser
FOX is too
No one here had any doubt, but normies do. Be sure and spread it on goybook and plebbit.
Best thing to come out of this, Ollie North proclaiming himself a better negotiator than President Obama.
> freed almost 400 hostages
> Iran paid him $36 million to do it
> liberates Nicaragua with that money
> Nicaragua elects the first female President in Central America
its illegal for the government to pay ransom
Obama could be impeached
She did throw everyone below her under the bus in her various answers.
>had no reason not to think I could trust the 300 people working in the state department
And the like.
Jesus FUCK, Sup Forums is stupid sometimes
>in the spot light.
spotlight is one word you fucking uneducated moron.
this is why Sup Forums is a joke
this is why BLM is eating our wheaties.
racists are uneducated buffoons.
It destroys obamas credibility when he explicitly says he didn't pay a ransom so as not to look bad.
Butthurt detected
It is the policy of the US to NOT pay hostage takers ransom demands, but these fuckwit half assed liars pick and choose what policies to abide by and ignore.
Civil Uprising when?
>le Reagan did it too meme so your argument is invalid
Fuck off, shill.
Because he misspelled a compound word and made it two separate ones?
Austist much?
If the city tows your car because you owe them $500 in tickets, is paying them back really a ransom?
It's not fucking ransom you idiots
Someone take that picture that says the Obama family had no scandals and edit it crossing with a white line and putting all the scandals, this would redpill the normies and get democrats pissed. Win/win Sup Forums
That's what you'd think, but Progressives (and even Liberals) have selective hearing and memory.
Here comes the assmad leftist trying to change definitions of words
>Barack 'Just Fuck My Presidency Up' Obama
My sides!
>comparing a car to living breathing people
wew lad
What are the implications of this development exactly? Why is this a bad thing, and why did king nigger fuck up on this?
Yeah, but if apples had a rind and plugs then they'd be oranges.
Yes it is
>Ollie north
Fuck off he's a traitor as well
All of which Trump supported
>hurr durr facts dont matter
>Obama pays denbts as part of a deal to free trespassing Americans
That's extortion
>Jefferson owned Quran
>probably became redpilled like the first Sup Forumsack of America
>Obama sees this as some sort of virtue because hurr durr he respected Mudshits or whatever
>Because he misspelled a compound word and made it two separate ones?
>Austist much?
working at Subway as you do, you are not expected to be educated.
but in the real world, it helps to know the simple rules of our language.
You forgot the part where Presidents don't deal with terrorist m8.
The surprise in your pic makes me laugh
Do you also force blacks to say, "Nigger," instead of, "Nigga?"
we owed the "debt" to the Kingdom of Iran not the Islamic Republic of Iran
Doesn't matter.
The media will only report "lol Drumf!".
You were supposed to being balance to America, not sell it to the darkies!
Yeah right I follow the Lord's way and my law is the bible. This just goes to show both political parties are useless! So go ahead keep up your idol worship of clinton, trump anyone you please. It'll just be a bigger realization when the Lord shows his way is the only way
If the city kidnapped your wife's boyfriend and made you pay to release him, then yes, that's ransom.
Obama admits 2 + 2 is 4 after saying for 7 1/2 years that it is 5.
BREAKING NEWS: The sky is blue.
American SOPs are you NEVER fucking pay ransom because it makes you look weak, as well as makes people more likely to take hostages for ransom.
King Nigger, as usual, said fuck this, and pays ransom to get his way, then tries to cover it up so he doesn't look bad.
>giving back Iran's own money that was ceased
why don't americans actually fucking research anything?
>muh media says it's payment
This guy is maaaaaad!
But mistakes like that are a diamond dozen, user. You should of expected such.
Also, enjoy making fun of fast food workers while you can, your english major will land you in the same spot.
That would not have been in the best interests of the Muslim Brotherhood.
>implying that this isn't treason
The 'Car' was abducted, and I don't owe the city any money, asshole...
In a world more full of terrorism than ever before the usa breaks their cardinal rule that they do not negotiate in terrorists. Obama just put a price tag on the head of every single american citizen abroad. People are going to die because of this.
He also lied to the people but every politician does that so it's not a big deal.
you're only believing the narrative obama told you. this new development debunks that narrative and proves it was a ransom payment
Because that's not how he works, he desperately wants to appear to be above everything especially conflict. So 400 million under the table for sailors instead of actually pressuring Iran was his preferred choice
>candidate has had like 10 investigations
>obvious corruption at every corner
>literally took bribes while secretary of state
>had to rig the dnc to against bernie
>president paid fucking random and then lied about it
among other things. top kek. has there ever been another election cycle where one party tried this hard to throw everything away?
The fuck has that got to do with anything? Even if it were true?
I'm pretty sure that's part of the joke.
>give 400 million in cash
>iran gives 100 million of this to terrorists
>us now funded a terrorist organization
Thanks Obama!
>advocates other governments kidnapping our citizens to collect on money they think they are owed
nevermind the fact we are bribing the ragheads not to fucking build nukes and start a world war