Face it trumptards. Your candidate is a moronic amateur. Nobody takes him seriously...

Face it trumptards. Your candidate is a moronic amateur. Nobody takes him seriously, nobody likes him and nobody will vote for him in November.

Your tears will be delicious.

Other urls found in this thread:



Sage shill move on

He's right you know

OP I mean, not you

The republican party better pull its head out of its ass and fix their primary system if they ever intend to win the presidency again.

> Let's dumb-down a national security issue to make people look like idiots for caring



>let's run an inarticulate narcissist who's never been in government in his life to fix it

>email scandal that wasn't even Hillary intentionally being retarded

>versus Donald Trump racebaiting constantly, insulting pretty much everyone, having no real campaign, having ties to NAMBLA, having multiple counts of infidelity in his two previous marriages, and him having no comprehension of anything.





>dont like how she handled her email
Nice straw man. She committed borderline treason. Same thing, right?

Horsey is an idiot.

>"Words that will not be heard on election day"
>a woman making sense
Well no shit Sherlock

I see an upset of Brexit proportions brewing. Hillary Clinton has no ground support, you'd sooner find the yeti than a living breathing Clinton supporter, she is a forced meme pushed by the mass media.

Shill thread.



If the republicans had nominated a real candidate they'd have it in the bag

She has plenty of supporters though, she's supported by people who've basically never seen her
She hides from the public eye more and more because the more people see her the more people realize she's evil as heck

Like Jeb?

Is Horsey autistic? His comics never make any sense


Jeb would have demolished hillary

>wearing a jacket and a short skirt + high boots

why do women do this

Just like did with this BLM protester, huh?


If I use capslock my opinion is superior.

>Completely neglects that top secret material has been leaked to foreign entities
Horsey is officially blue pilled. I miss his old cartoons. What a pity.

Yeah, it was just the email management that was the problem.

It's fucking sexy and keeps the cooter cool.

>it looks sexy

maybe if you're a literal nigger or maybe a slav


>"I'm not voting for trump... he's stupid and mean."

пoшёл ты

So you are saying that the "pro" at her best does not understand how email works? At least the amateur can develop.

Not they'll be saying I won't vote for a traitor who sold weapons and trade deals for bribes.

Heb was never going to be the nominee.

Jesus Christ trumptards are delusional.

>having ties to NAMBLA

I can see it, especially in the mouth area.

That post wasn't pro-Trump. Just pro-American.

>The only reason those words in the picture won't be heard during election day is because nobody will even consider voting for Hillary Clinton

But seriously though. What's the point of creating this thread? Your stance is that trump is a moronic amateur, and your arguments are that nobody takes him serious, nobody likes him and that nobody will vote for him in November.

Here goes nothing..
>Nobody takes him seriously
The media takes him serious everytime he sais ANYTHING controversial.
>Nobody will vote for him
The only way that this'd be true would be if Hillary was planning on rigging the vote so much that NOBODY was able to cast a single vote for Trump. But polls show that there are always people who will vote for him.
>nobody likes him
If his father didnt like him, why give him a loan of a million dollars? If his kids didn't like him, why'd they want to get their father into the white house?

There, points refuted. It's now your turn to provide counter arguments. Make them interesting please.

Wtf, I'm a Van der Cuck now.
>sage goes in ALL fields

>you'd sooner find the yeti than a living breathing Clinton supporter
That right there is some serious projection leaf. I'm in Texas and see Hillary signs and bumper stickers every day, and any time I go on kikebook it's plastered with her bullshit. I've seen one person genuinely excited about Trump the rest just admit they'll hold their nose and check his box because he's not Hillary Clinton.

The GOP is facing the easiest opponent they've had in decades and Trump could somehow manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this November.

You say that like it's not a rational decision. Trump is stupid, and I don't want a stupid person running my country. He is mean as well: he can't resist attacking people personally when he doesn't have to and when it doesn't help him. I don't want someone like that dealing with foreign policy.

The only way trump don't win is if hillary cheats in the election and thats a big chance for.

>Nobody takes him seriously
>government, media, NATO furiously attacking him 24/7 to make sure he doesn't get any power

Then who was? Little Marco? Lyin' Ted? Sleepy Ben?

>Refuting points.
Kek Dumbass.

Probably Cruz.

Bush got less than 1% of the vote ffs.

Is your memory really that short? Yeb! was the favorite from day 1, only flopped so badly because of trumps bullying


Why can't we just shoot them guys

Trumptardism really is a mental illness.

Heb got less than 1% of the vote.

No one named bush was ever going to be the nominee.

>nobody likes you
>"m-my mom does!"

Friend, come nov 9, the gop is history, and Trump killed it

>for which i thank him

Congrats on your shekels. And why are you acting like punishing Muslims is a bad thing.


Your shill game is weak, faggot.

Enjoy permanent democratic control of the federal government you dumb cuck.

Just like no one named Clinton? Yeb got so few votes because Trump fucked him over so early.

"Oh no, I've been BTFO! Better call him a shill!"

Hi shitposter, here's reasoning.

>She wasn't even intentionally being retarded
Neither negligence nor retardation requires intent
>Trump racebaits constantly
Nice exaggeration. I wouldn't be surprised if there are instances were Trump used race baiting. But when it comes to pandering, Hillary is the queen. the DNC was one racebaiting shit show.
>Insulting pretty much everyone
Again, exaggeration.
>no real campaign
Kinda hard to get nominated for republican candidate, hold rallies and make Trump campaign items without an actual campaign, don't you think?
>ties to NAMBLA
The only reason NAMBLA ever came into discussion is because bloggers were trying to bait Trump into releasing his tax returns to "proof he doesn't fund NAMBLA"
>Multiple counts of infidelity
Citation needed please, credible sources are favoured
>He doesn't have any comprehension of anything
and again! exaggeration.

--Pause for a moment--
Before I start with your next arguments, I already see a bunch of "literally", I will assume that "literally" means what it should mean, that it's not sarcasm or something...

>Didn't know that russia had invaded crimea
Trump later clarified that he meant that putin wouldn't invade ukraine any further if Trump were president. This clarification is iffy but atleast mention when you're talking about it.

>He's lenient towards Russia
Oh god forbid he doesn't want to start a fucking war with Russia, what a freaking scandal omg.
but seriously, sometimes it's a good thing to atleast be somewhat friendly with leaders you don't generally like, you could argue that that's actually a really important task of the president.
>He LITERALLY doesn't know how to be silent?
user... I think your ears are broken. How can he breathe if he LITERALLY can't stop talking? The world may never know.
>He's TOTALLY incompetent
He's incompetent in regard to what? he's an incompetent candidate? I doubt a shitty candidate would get ANY support.

It's gonna be great


Stop trying to lower the energy and make it seem like he's lost. We know those tactics.
>ctr kike shill confirmed
We will turn out to the polls in droves on Election Day and we will get him elected.

Stop being such a russiaphobe you racist #allslavsmatter

My Guide to Islam Is Always With Me


Not seeing how that's bad.

>I doubt a shitty candidate would get any support
And yet here we are

So they should have rigged parmarys like the democrats

Kill yourself the cucks lost deal with it

So if trump wasn't in the race all of the cucks that voted for him would have gone for jeb instead?

Not surprising. Bunch of liberal faggots.

You have to realise that if you're actually debating, it's important to take arguments literally.

The argument is that NOBODY likes him, All you have to do is name atleast ONE person who likes him and the argument is refuted.
The rebuttal may be shitty but I haven't seen a rebuttal, so I'm pretty cosy with my shitty argument.

>someone literally in canada claiming he knows jackshit about "ground support" in american politics
who the fuck are you fooling?

It's not that she is too incompetent to use email that's just her cover story.

We need to dispel this rumor that Hillary Clinton doesn't know what she's doing. She knows exactly what she's doing.

She purposely kept a private server to hide things. Then she lied about it and rigged the primary election. She also has been linked to several murders.

Meanwhile Trump is criticized for hurting people's feelings and his opponent is the most corrupt criminal politician we have ever seen in the entire history of our nation.

The real words that won't be heard on Election Day are "I don't like the mean things Trump said about brown people."

The words that will be heard are "We can't let this corrupt, criminal, dictator who fixed an election become president."

How can democracy and our Republic continue to exist if we let a dictator who fixed an election come to power?

>Donald Trumps says mean things
>Hillary Clinton killing people and actual criminal activity

>Lets have people serve as politicians for several decades so they become completely detached from how actual people have to deal with shit. Even a billionaire like Donald Trump has more understanding of the common man than Clinton.

Yea, cause National Security isn't important.

OP has down syndrome.


a fucking rainbow warrior

Jeb and Kaisch arn't real candidates they are pay off politicians and wont to do anything

>t. Trump Shill
>1 trump token has been deposited into your """"""gold"""""" trump membership card

>he said, whilst in Canada

Oh god forbid I make two language errors.
If I said "these words in the picture" I'd be referring to a picture linked to my comment. So it's actually only one error.
And if that one error is the only thing you can come up with, then I win.

What the fuck is with this election rigging meme?

Hillary hasn't cheated, it's a myth perpetuated by none other than Drumpf himself

Thais isn't a joke neckbeard. An actual dictator who fixed an election and killed the whistle blower who exposed it is about to take power.

You clearly Don't have any Bernie supporting Facebook friends complaining about the California primary. You're either a Republican troll or a DNC employee.

Thanks Mr. Trump Shill!

>collective punishment to Muslims
>being a bad thing
All those kiwis must have really fried your brain

Alright, a shitty candidate could potentionally still get a supporter. But is he also an incompetent businessman? an incompetent driver? An incompetent father?
The original argument was that he's TOTALLY incompetent, with nothing specified, implying that there isn't a single thing where he isn't incompetent. If he were incompetent to eat it'd be all over the news, an incompetent businessman wouldn't be able to be worth around 4.5B US dollars.

Except we actually have evidence that Clinton is hiring shills and posting here. You can't even meme properly.

>Doesn't like up north
Jacket / hoodie and shorts is maximum comfy during the cold months

I'm talking about the democratic primary rigging and how Bernie was bought to keep quiet about.

>Bernie says she isn't qualified to be president
>Bernie has meeting with Obama for reprogramming
>I'm with her now!

>using facebook

You dont understand, you're the shill. You see, if hillary is gonna pay people to influence online, its going to be on real popular sites like reddit or facebook, not Sup Forums. There are no hillary shills here because you're statistically insignificant, however you all have willingly chosen to shill for trump, and you do it >for free. Anything remotely against trump gets lambasted by angry, butthurt faggots who had their safe space invaded. You're the lowest kind of shill, the unwitting, oblivious, unpaid kind. Have a nice fucking day, shill.

>hillary support

lol CTR shills are absolutely insane, can't even have their lies reflect reality in the slightest sense


Got the original right here.

Putting his money into a mutual fund would have made him richer than he is today. He's a failure as a businessman.

Your literalism isn't triggering anyone, it's just making you look like a dumbass. But by all means keep arguing semantics, I find it amusing.


>statistically insignificant
Time does a front page story on Sup Forums.


The drumpftards on Sup Forums are some of the most pathetic people I know of. And they do it for free.

Thinking men will cry instead of shaping up for the downfall and mass wide spread chaos in the country if Hillary is elected