Alright Sup Forums, I keep on seeing everyone getting pissed off about Bendis' writing, i.e. continuity mishaps, repetitive writing etc, but never see any evidence for it. To put things in Sup Forums terms "Redpill me".

TL;DR, Bendis hate thread featuring evidence.

Other urls found in this thread: speak&biw=1366&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwiO54rkm9_OAhUJORQKHe8ICkwQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=_

Just find a comic written by him and see for yourself you horsefucking mongoloid.

He makes 6 issue arcs with the weakest climaxes

>Sup Forums, please tell me what to think, and why I should think it
The worst posts


The guy who writes comics? That bendis?

Read DnA GotG and then read Bendis GotG. It as if he didn't read a single page of the previous run and just wrote the characters however he wanted. Star-Lord goes from battered soldier with a lot of dry wit but is ultimately competent into a an 80s-loving schlub who can barely tie his own shoes for movie synergy while lacking any of the charm that the movie version had. Rocket goes full meme character with catchphrases. Bendis's flashback to the end of Thanos Imperative makes it painfully obvious he never actually read it and just did some wikipedia searches, with numerous characters acting completely different (Rich saying he loves Gamora when it was a simple fling both moved past in DnA cosmic, the cancerverse Avengers being alive, etc.). Kitty Pryde and Iron Man being shoved into GotG, and making every effort to connect the comic to Earth when the original appeal of GotG was that it was so far disconnected from 616 Earth heroes.

Bendis? You mean the comic writer?

I used to like Bendis a lot but that ended a long while ago

Off the top of my head, he brought back Doc Samson with no justification other than "I want Carol to talk to a psychologist who isn't Dr. Bong", he killed of War Machine just to give Iron Man a reason to be testy about Civil War 2, he invented a totally superfluous new character to be the young female black Iron Man franchisee instead of any of the existing ones in the franchise with a logical connection to Stark and the Iron Man legac

And they used the same name for her identity as a Greg Pak War Machine comic that was full of forgotten Iron Man supporting cast members which is pretty ironic, if you think about it

His dialogue is utter shit and he decompressed his "plot" so much that what should've taken 5 issues ends up taking like 10 and lasts 8 months longer than it was supposed to

The whole "rich loves gamora" thing was extra annoying because during the thanos imperative, rich had namorita back

Have fun: speak&biw=1366&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwiO54rkm9_OAhUJORQKHe8ICkwQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=_

Bendis couldn't decide whether to spelled out Nova's name as both Ryder and Rider during the GotG Original Sin tie in. That whole tie in was a dick slap to the previous run by DnA.

Yes, people never post images from bendis comics that are just long chains of repetitive dialogue over poorly organized or copy pasted panels

Haha, forgot image

he certainty didnt fill his avengers run with page after page of this

This is from Alias. Some user was kind enough to storytime it a couple days ago.
This page right here blew my fucking mind.

Also, does anyone have the page of Ultimate Spiderman with Miles and his nazi girlfriend talking about Ganke liking legos?

I swear it went:
>He likes Legos
>Yeah, Legos. The toy.
>He still plays with toys?

et cetera...

Rest assured, OP, that our anger is just and deserved.

and let's not forget how he never kills off characters for little to no real plot relevance.

>Some user was kind enough
I wouldn't say he was kind for doing that...

A storytime takes time and dedication, which we all should be thankfull for in the first place.
Also, I'll never be able to have a serious opinion on anything unless I read it, so I welcome any new reads I can get.

I hated it, btw

>be DChampion
>pick up new Rebirth books every Wednesday
>none of them written by Bendis

This. Cosmic Marvel and DnA Guardians is what got me back into Marvel after Civil War and it was specifically because they had little to no interactions with what was going on with Earth. I remember during Annihilation the referred to Civil War in passing. The only real connection it had with Civil War was with the Negative Zone prisons which introduced Jack Flag, a surprisingly strong addition to the team. It was over the top sci-fi space adventures and it was fantastic. Then Bendis decides to helm it due to the movie's popularity and he proceeds to make it as Earthcentric as possible. The story goes out of its way to make Earth the most important place in the galaxy despite the Guardians being founded on the premise that there a lot of places dealing with shit besides Earth. Remember when Rider blew Tony the fuck out for not knowing about the Annihilation War that killed billions because he was too busy doing dumb shit on Earth during Civil War? Bendis didn't because he made Tony bring them right back down to Earth 616, the shithole of the multiverse.

Also, completely unrelated to Cosmic Marvel, Ultimate End was the only time I remember being angry after finishing it. If I'd actually bought the issues I would have burned them and pissed on the ashes.

Does anyone have that edited page of two guys (in civillian clothing) sitting down at a table and complaining about everything Bendis does (like having characters always sit) while using Bendisian/Bendis Speak all the time?
Really made me laugh at the time, but I haven't seen it in about two years

This one?

Thanks a bunch! I kinda fucked up with them wearing civ clothes, but you got it anyway. Srsly thx

btw does it go on?
It's so well written (so to speak)

nevermind. found it with the title

Amazing. Thank you