What will be your honest, non-memey reaction to hillary winning?

What will be your honest, non-memey reaction to hillary winning?

Be 100% honest.

Something like this

I knew it, I keep telling everyone that I support Trump but that Clinton would win.


Get comfy and wait 4 years for the new raise of the American National Socialism

Apply for a job in the US
Don't want to just yet in case remove kebab comes into action


It's time



Disappointment, but I won't be crushed.

Whatever happens, wheels are in motion and something has to give.

the sound of an m1a racking

converting to islam and going on welfare for life.

I want to at least buy some type of shirt that portrays her in a negative light. Maybe one of her crazy faces. The word "hag" underneath.

Wear it to the YMCA and flex my fucking privilege at every chick on an elliptical trying to undo gravity's effects on their asses

Trump will win

I won't be in the least bit surprised; it seems a nigh inevitability. That said, I thought the same about Brexit and was proud to see my countrymen beat the odds. I'll have my fingers crossed for the US too, but I wouldn't count on a desirable outcome. The stranglehold of the media is simply too tight.

I'll still be in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Go into the city, laugh at some niggers, go home to no neighbors or niggers.

I'd start applying for transfer to any number of European universities and get the hell out to watch the fallout from afar.

Begin planning for the next election.

The divide we currently see in America isn't going away. It's only going to get wider, more contentious, and more violent until something gives. Sure we'll see it die down after this election, but in four more years it will bubble back up to the surface more intense than before. This process will keep happening until something breaks or until we get some actually good and effective leadership that people can trust and rally behind.

My bet is that the former will happen before the latter.


I will have gained. I was planning on voting for her to spite the GOP until August when Scott Adams made his Trump video and I realized he wasn't an honest guy saying what was on his mind but rather an advanced and manipulative schemer who knows how to win.

Now the GOP is dead and we can move on to a better party. It will be disappointing if Trump can't perform harder than they can rig the voting machines, but in the end things will have been better than if he never ran. For years, the GOP has been the biggest enemy to the right wing and the biggest asset to the left wing in the entire world. With the GOP out of the way, our movement can actually grow.

Waking up and realizing it was only a dream, Trump won irl.

I won't give a fuck like I have never given no fuck before.

Trump winning would be a miracle. No thinking person is really expecting it.