Go to the Norwegian Wikipedia page for Anders Behring Breivik



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What the fuck?

Why do they show a Sketch. lol He is not missing.

>so evil we can't show his picture
>sentence him to 3.5 months of prison per murder victim.


he's not leaving the prison, they will keep extending his imprisonment until he dies

daily reminder that brevik killed SEVENTY KIDS and worshipped the desert rat.. this fucker did more damage to peaceful movements than anyone could have.. why hasn't someone in prison bashed this fuckers skull in yet?

Not if he has a good lawyer :)

He's in a Norwegian prison. He lives in a secluded little dorm room with plenty of books and video games. The other prisoners are probably there for accidentally hitting someone's mailbox in the snow and they turned themselves in.

or until society/(((leftism))) collapses

kek breivik is comfy in his luxury cell playing playstation living the neet life


The average age of the victims was something like 18. Muh kids tho.

A fangirl, or?

I now know how to say background in Norwegian. Thanks, A-ha

Sounds like Norwegian crime to me

Why is Norway so fucking cucked that they resort to censorship?

Ah who cares. Those leftists were going to destroy Norway if not for the gallant actions of Breivik.

I didn't give you permision to use my photo.


It's a self portrait according to the information about the picture on wikipedia.

>Self-made portrait of Anders Breivik

Seems he drew it himself. Created Nov 2015

Nigger he successfully sued the Norwegian government for human rights abuses because they wouldn't give him a ps4. He's getting out and it's going to be fucking hilarious

Seriously though, the english page has a fucking mongoloid 3D model of his head. What the fuck is this shit? They too scared his pure aryan features will scare away some sandniggers?

Skyrim Breivik picture on wiki WHEN?

It has never happened before when people have gotten the same punishment. There needs to be solid evidence that he will do the exact same crime when he gets released to keep him. He will be out in a few years.

The Japanese page of Anders Breivik has no pictures! It would be so fucking funny if someone drew an Anime Breivik and uploaded it to the Japanese page.

Huelander version don't even have his photo.


What is going on?

Posting the real version

Just think of how they would have reacted if it had been the other way around - a Muslim attack on a conservative gathering

In fact, you don't need to imagine it, look at the reaction to every Islamic attack in the past 18 months.

The world is better off without them.

Make Breivik kawaii again!

They should use this one.


Anyone got a wiki account that can approve changes? Lets correct the record lmao

I'm seeing a lot of headshots.

This. So fucking this

> Extreme Bottom left

>shot twice in his spaghetti

The flag never lies, does it faggot

Here I'll fix it for you:

daily reminder that brevik saved more than SEVENTY white KIDS from mudslimes terrorist crimes.. this fucker did more preventative awesomeness, why hasn't made a statue of him yet?

They'd probably be praising it or saying that they understand it, they don't condone it (secretly they do) but they understand it

Kind of fucked up desu. Why is the West so self-loathing?

The French page of Ander Breivik also has that "portrait".


>good for anything

Their editors are faggots.

Needs more Loomis.

They don't have a pic of him? I can give them one from my collection.

>blasted five times in head, chest and abdomen.

This dude exploded.

Anders no longer exists in the 3-d world, is only 2-d now.

Is this for real?

Anders 2-d

2-d Anders

2 Anders d

>all those headshots
impressed tbqh

>All collateral damage is men

Women really are trash aren't they.

Replace 'Islam Expansionism xyz' with 'Pro-immigrant' and yeah.

Anders, only available in 2-d collectors edition

Yes, do it! Happy smile, peace sign and caption: "kawai desu!"

>shot twice in his spaghetti

Ace Marksman!



>bottom left

Someone please put this:
to the japanese wiki. I can't reach it because i don't know Japanese.

2-d Anders, now with more gore

>The zodiac killer
He's aged well.

He tried to pull off a smug Pepe and Kek had him killed for it.

I think its because the images of him may be copyrighted, which they dont want to pay. They do this with Kim Jong Uns page too. Though I doubt someone like anders breivik will have copyrighted images

I thought Norwegian girls were supposed to be cute?

Eh, probably most of them execution style. Not that difficult to finish off children cowering in fear, not to mention those already wounded.

>Blonde kid getting shot while missing the kebab
Pretty much sums him up.

It aint yo burgerland here mate.He will chew on sociall as long as he wants,but he wont go off that train.


Well meme'd.

Leftists are never cute.

It seems my account has been terminated for too much "vandalism" lmao.

Any other fellow autists got an account with the rights to change shit? This needs to be done.

huh funny
i was actually firing my mini 14 today at the range
also customs sent me a letter with tax for my purchase of a level 3 armor plate from Israel :^)

>spilled can of pringes

what did he mean by this?

the german page also has no picture of him. I wonder if its a juristical trick of himself, or if ((they)) are trying not to contribute to his hero status

This portrait is nicely done actually, handsome man

Most folks don't understand Breivik's motives. He was actually more clever than most mass shooters.

Instead of going out and shooting as many shitskins as he could get away with, he swam out to a future leftist politican kid's camp, to strike at the root of the problem. His goal was to stop leftist politicians opening the borders and bringing in shitloads of Muslims and Africans. Did it really make a difference? Maybe, but I doubt it.

Still though, it's not as dumb as it seems at first glance.

2-d Anders with max depth


Yes, children. No need to take offense just because you're 14 years old yourself.

Anders 2-d

Anders 2-d, this one not so flattering

I think it's the latter. He isn't the kind of guy who would try to hide himself or whatnot. Rather the opposite.

Or it's how that other dude said, a matter of copyright. Wikipedia is retarded in that way and maybe they don't accept the mainstream pics of him due to them being copyrighted in some way. Heck maybe he's making money with his face plastered all over the media lolz.

2-d Anders

Edit Jap Wiki here:


This link might not work because of the moonrunes in the URL.

theres a billion more muslims to import but only a limited number of kikes and leftists to let them in

why? Paideia, that's why.


is "resentment" your response? i guess it has to be, revenge is illegal.

Is this real? Headshot count is insane.

>Le 2-d Breivik Face

If I was 14, I'd be a youth not a child and according to the implication of your post younger than Breivik's victims.

Meaning that there were no children on the island.

How about you stop using emotionally charged language like a leftist instead of trying to make an actual point?

2-d Anders, Lone Nut Edition

It was mostly him walking around the Island executing people point blank.

Is he crying in this pic, and why?

he did no damage to anything
the negative reactions are not his responsibility
those are the reactions of those engaging in them


iirc it was when they played him his manifesto or something and he cried with joy

Your autism beside, my very obvious point was that shooting a bunch of scared kids in their heads on a small island isn't super impressive.

They showed his cheesy propaganda video. That was the only point where he cried.

It's pretty ridiculous when you think about it.

>be Norwegian
>start one man rebellion against ruling government
>bomb parliament
>massacre leftists with mini-14

>cucked government "punishes" you with free room and board + vidya for the rest of your life

>50 fucking headshots
Calling hacks.

that one says nothing of the ideals of the victims


He was a neo-pagan.

Checked and thanks, this guy had gigantic balls of titanium swinging between his thighs that day, wow

You forgot
>sue government successfully for $40k in American dollars
All in all he's made a net profit here

>continues to use emotionally charged language after being called out on it
>thinks calling people autists constitutes as argument

Get a Piefke proxy next time please.