All Trump had to do to win was to make peace with Mexicans and restructure his anti-immigrant discourse...

All Trump had to do to win was to make peace with Mexicans and restructure his anti-immigrant discourse, clearly separating everyday normal hard-working Mexicans such as pic related from the illegal immigrant scum that Mexicans also hate and most of the time aren't even Mexicans, why didn't he do it?

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because there are no good spics

Quit being such a baby, primo.

I know you're all MUH MEXICAN HONOR AND PRIDE, but holy shit you guys are going out of your way to misconstrue his shit.

Illegal immigration is a problem. Criminals do slip out of Mexico and into the USA. Which is why we have access to Mexican criminal records in Texas.

It is absurd to think that the USA should bend over backwards to accommodate Mexican nationals when you guys won't help us solve this problem.

We should be friends, not enemies. But Mexico and it's unwillingness to help in these matters is not helping.

I know all these persons.

>normal hard-working Mexicans
Never doubt our desire to ruin the day of anyone not close us.

That's rough. Oh wait.

oh please not another "mejico is white ese" post, the average mexican is brown like an abbo

100% this

No. Stfu spic

Quiet, leaf.

Even in my 70% mexican American area, we're olive to lily white, with brown beans being a minority.

Plenty of whites in Mexico user.


Completely false, the average beaner looks like a little squatter from an undiscovered jungle tribe.

Did you read the OP, Trump should been specifical on illegals instead of demonizing all Hispanics, and propose joint efforts to reduce illegal immigration, not only with Mexico but with Guatemala, these guys would build a wall in their own territory for spare change.

And they're all shit.

I think he clearly separates legal Mexicans from illegals. I don't see any rational reason why any legal Mexican immigrant wouldn't vote for him. Same with niggers.

cite a credible source where he outright demonized all hispanics or get the fuck out of here with your nonsense, you fucking zilch brained beaner

The right one is mine. Will give german citizenship and betray muhhh rais for >:^)!

The illegal mexicans could be sent back and help to build the wall. All those that work well can, after a set period of time be guaranteed citizenship. This is a win win. They will have work and a means of support and it will also sift the good from the bad.

>separating everyday normal hard-working Mexicans such as pic related from the illegal immigrant scum that Mexicans also hate and most of the time aren't even Mexicans, why didn't he do it?
He did separate them though. He specified that it was illegals bringing crime, and even then he said it was only some of them. He also said he wants to make it easier and faster to legally immigrate.

I don't know why I even bother responding to slide threads though

>hard-working Mexicans