
>How does it feel to be inferior?
didn't the anglos beat you though? doesn't the usa still occupy your country?

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>How does it feel to be inferior?
Germany has 80 million peepz

How does it feel to be a humorless robot?


and yet it only took a few thousand of them to rape your entire country. Twice.

Kind of unrelated but were the Germans Vikings? If so it seems like you guys were kind of a primitive civilization

>How does it feel to be inferior?

How does it feel to extinct soon?

>Germany has 80 million peepz

including 15mln mudslims

>How can other nations even compete?

the truth is they were all jewish
germans didn't invent shit

But cuck, ahmed, rapefugees etc.

>destroyed Rome
>did the Reformation
>destroyed Europe TWICE
>head of the EU

Eternal Anglo is funny. Eternal Teuton is true.


how does one respond to a non-country?

who fucking cares?

every good german died during ww2

the only true pureblood germans left are some oldfags who are on their deathbed, crying as they witnessed their home turn to shit in recordspeed, being ran by a muslimcock obsessed jewish shitstain chancellor

germanistan soon
it's a shame

t. russian living in germany

>invents Protestantism
>half of Europe dead in the bloody 30 years war

>invents communism
>half of the planet enslaved, brainwashed and abused, millions more dead

>starts WW1
>half of Europe destroyed and millions dead

>invents national socialism
>half of Europe destroyed again, failed to wipe out entire races

Why are Germans obsessed with war

Your best invention is the travel sized Jew. Nothing else competes to that and you should get back into production ASAP

In fact you should even expand that line of work to include "refugees" and traitors like Merkel ad enter a new economic golden age. I'd buy the hell out of those products and I am sure many others would too because nothing beats German innovation

Is Germany a servant of the devil? Is there something in the German soul which enjoys death and destruction?

>Marx: German Jew
>Engels: German
>Lenin: supported by the German Kaiser to topple the Russian empire

How.... Why....?

I recognize that architect

Maybe, just maybe Pole bro

All of that will be irrelevant soon when the muslims eventually replace you.

>Is Germany a servant of the devil?
Yes. Haven't you read Faust? Germans have a memory of germanic paganism

>be shit in life
>look at the stuff the other people who maybe just maybe are a bit related to me did

pathetic as all of nationalism is, a proxy for weak people to give them a false sense of superiority.

So... we build a labyrinth to house the refugees?

Otra copa Otto?

Eternal butthurt pole as well


>needs to be broken up into time periods even though we're only 250 years old.

How can other nations even compete

>inb4 muh stupid, fat, pablo

How does it feel to be inferior?

the is USA is a well example on why egalitarianism matters. inbred nations can't compete.

That could work. Make it underground then open it to the public for sport

I am a fan of the survival horror genre and I would pay top dollar to hunt a bunch of muzzies underground and in the dark

Oh shit nigger and another wikipedia page dedicated to our discoveries.


Why do other nations even try?

Your nation was once a great and respectable power to behold. However that is the past, and this is the present, your people have no sense of pride or dignity, and your women beg to be impregnated by barbarian seed. Every time I hear the word Germany I automatically think of cuckoldry and scat.

Good luck eunuch

>Zyklon B

The only invention you did right.

Why do pesticides work on Jews?

>Clothing an fashion inventions
>only bavarian clothes and the permanent wave
Kek, truly avant-garde.

The good times are over..

PESTcides my steak loving burger