T-U-R-T-L-E Thread

Because despite the ridiculous amount of effort to kill the franchise, it continues to endure after thirty years. Post Fanart, Pages, Clips, and so on.

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You can also share your varied and loud opinions on any aspect of Turtledom you like.

Favorite iterations of characters, how the new show is crap, go wild.

Did the new movie entertain you, or did it make you piss boiling black blood from your failing kidneys?

Still haven't seen it.

Universe is next week. Looks promising.

Who's your favorite official turtle artist and why?

I'm giving you plenty to talk about.

Jim Lawson. Yup.

i genuinely enjoyed OotS, it was more about the turtles and less about other shit.
Although it was just are hash of the first movies plot.

I'm sad it did so poorly, i kinda want to see a 3rd film. glutton for punishment i guess.

how does this go from fighting thugs to space aliens

For all the shit that I DON'T like about the new show, I feel this is the BEST Splinter we've ever had.

what don't you like about the new show? i'm always interested in what other people think of it.

Cheese phone.

The Turtles are, most often, the result of the experimentation of aliens on Earth. Either deliberate or accidental.

As such they will, by way of learning the truth of their origins, come against many alien enemies and eventually shot into space somehow.

Where there's, more often than not, horrible Triceratops dudes who want to kill everyone.

i recently saw some of the later season stuff i'm amazed at the quality of it as i had ruled it off for using cgi but man did they make casey ugly

yeah he really does have a face only a mother could love.



- Mikey's competence to incompetence ratio is WAY too low

- Casey Jones is and almost entirely unlikable jackass, instead of being a helpful hockey goon

- The turtles have been in way too many fights where luck or barely surviving has lead to a win condition over their skills or teamwork.

- THEY KEEP USING THE "SLOW DOWN TO SHOW WEIGHT OF IMPACT " CUTAWAYS! It's cool every now and then, BUT NOT EVERY FUCKING EPISODE! Which is weird since they can clearly assemble a proper top speed fight scene which we get to see almost every time Splinter and Shredder fight

i can agree with all of these points.


i wanna fuck that rat

A natural response to a rat this sexy.


>Who's your favorite official turtle artist?
Micheal Dooney.

I honestly thought they looked more like frogs.

.... Actually no, the actual thought process was "Oh hey it's fucking zakus... Oh wait no look at those things on their heads, they're like frogs."



I love Mirage TMNT. It will always be the definitive version of the turtles for me.

Turtles aren't really vigilantes and space trip and aliens are there since the very beginning.


Anyone have a link to all of the IDW releases?

I even have some original artwork.

i'm jealous. very cool!


Which do you prefer? Splinter IS Hamato Yoshi, or the pet of Hamato Yoshi?

>Eric Talbot

I prefer that he is Hamato Yoshi.

Even more.


PERSONAL TOP 5 TURTLE TUNES feel free to have a different opinion.

05. Pizza Power

Mostly because of all the times I heard it coming out of a Turtles in Time cabinet in my neighborhood Pizzeria back when I was a kid.

04. Neon Night Riders

03. 2k12 Theme

02. '87 Theme



>the pet of Hamato Yoshi?
I always love the classic

Yoshi himself

I can't buy that an ordinary rat would pick up human martial arts. Remember. the first issue was a parody.

Ah, the rat. So it has a name...It had a name.


i completely forgot about the skirt lift and blatant panty/ass shot in the Partner is Kryme vid.

Do I?

Only problem is by 1987 show rules he should have become a turtle mutant himself.

They became humanoid because of his DNA, but apparently he touched a rat right after them and absorbed its DNA. What about that rat?

Ah, the 80's...

Best Shredder?

Last creature you touched. He touched a rat, stepped in the ooze, then picked up the turtles.


Remember that time the Turtles talked Hitler into suicide?



He's the pet of Hamato Yoshi. Why? Because it makes the whole feud one that goes on generations. The turtles are fighting to avenge their "grandfather", against the brother of the guy he killed. Both original parties are long dead. Adds to the world building.


What do you think about adding fifth female turtle?

The turtles' origin has always felt off to me (either you've got a mutant human raising four mutant turtles, or a mutant rat being a wise old Japanese ninja for no reason), so the version I like best is "Splinter and the turtles are reincarnations of Yoshi and his sons".

If they must. Just don't do the whole "not really siblings, so it's fine to bang her" thing again.

it didn't work back in the day and it won't work now. other female characters are more than welcome, but it has been and always should be 4 turtle brothers.

It doesn't HAVE to be a Turtle...

Shit idea. Messes with the group dynamic and feels unbalanced.
Adding a second group of four female turtles, on the other hand, is a great idea. And you don't have to stop the turtles being brothers if you want to insert romance plotlines!


I bet the shippers loved issue 61...

Why's that, handsome?

Then the last creatures he touched would be the turtles?

Raph found out Alopex ran off to Alaska and demanded that he be allowed to go get her.


No, it was the rats. That split second where his feet touched the ooze his mutation was decided. Then it didn't matter if he touched the turtles or not.




I liked it well enough. It was a solid 7/10, which in today's movie summer is near-masterpiece. It's a shame it bombed, it would've done pretty well had it been the first of the series I'm sure. I still would've rather seen Max Landis' treatment filmed, because I'm a colossal faggot.

Is Alopex a good character?

Not good, not bad, just kinda there.

Oh wow, somebody drew fanart of her toy from the baggy-ass shorts subline.

Venus x Screwloose is such a crackship I can't help but admire the creator, but in Fred Wolf-izing Venus' design, they made her face look waaaay too much like Leonardo.

Good times. The Archie Comics were pleasantly out there.



coulda been great

And those high hopes were exceeded, no?

gonna have to wait until after her upcoming arc.


>A take on Mona Lisa

This too.

I like this

To the main group? No, that was always the problem - the core four should always be that. But nobody complains about Slash or Tokka existing. I guess what I'm saying is, Venus should slot into the "honorable Foot Clan warrior woman" role if they ever wanna bring her back.

I can't decide if I like or hate the Japanese ghost hair, but overall that is a great design. Looks like an old-school Resident Evil boss.

Kraang Sub-Prime is no excuse for the r34 artists to be slacking.


Ken Mitchroney was my favorite growing up since it conveyed the cartoony designs of the 80s.

Before Adventures came out I bought a lot of the main title which confused the hell out of me since for a huge stretch there was nothing but fill-in guest artists. MIchael Zuli was the one that blew me away out of all of them.

From the IDW title I like Sophie Campbell for almost everyone but the main four. Her version of the turtles skew just a bit too young for me sometimes. I dig Cory smith and Dialynas.


Hey remember

A) That time Mikey fell in love with Regenta the Triceraton

B) How the creator of the character Ninjara was like "fuck the turtles" and Archie comics made up some other wolf/dog girl thing for Raph to be in love with?

This issue is just more reason for why Alopex is a shit character. If she's not Kitsune's pawn she's Raph's cock holster for shippers to SQUEE to. Really it would have been great if Angel alone did that task of bringing Alopex back. Got to justify why such a terrible character is worthwhile and a good friend of Alopex, but nah let's stick shipping Raph in there.


What's your favorite villain except the Shredder?
I like IDW's Rat King.

The designs aren't bad... They're just too realistic.

Not quite. Ninjara was gonna come back in Forever War. Somehow.

As for the new girl...it's 100 years later. It was inevitable.

Has there EVER been a not-great version of the Rat King?


Daily reminder that Raph is stronger than Leo.
