Is Sup Forums getting full of niggers?
No, just full of shills.
All the hill shills are really bringing our averages down.
>/lit/ 147 iq
Anyone who believes this has obviously never been to /lit/, or are too stupid themselves to see through the facade of pseudo-intellectualism that pervades the board.
Fuck, man. Science.
So basically, every subject Sup Forums is full off are weighed in and we all know how much shill threads are made or shitposting threads, I'm fucking surprised we didn't hit rock bottom.
Oh the Sup Forums I could believe but that /lit/? Absolute bait.
If you think that chart is real you belong in the double digit club
that infographic was obviously done by some i/lit/erate.
Worst. Board. Ever.
>different iq from pol
Yer nah fuck off cunt pretty much the same board