We are the APWC, Advocates for the Preservation of Western Culture

We are the APWC, Advocates for the Preservation of Western Culture.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=kK5AohCMX0U
Discord Link: discord.gg/dmxNz
Website: apwc.pe.hu/Home/

We have been preparing for some time now, and we need loyal companions who will join us in our goals.
For too long our values, traditions and beliefs have been under attack, both intellectually and physically.

They have attacked:

Our free speech: Charlie Hebedo
Our free movement: Numerous attacks on trains and airports
Our Religions: Beheading our priests and committing sacrilege.
Our values: Look at sweden

It will not stop there. Our governments are in denial. But the people are waking up.

We are a movement committed to peacefully, but fearlessly advocating the preservation and promotion of our values.

We are not:
>White Supremacists
>National Socialists
>Promoting Genocide

We are dedicated to the preservation of:
>The tradition and culture of our ancestors
>The Christianity and its values

We need you to join us. Our mission involves researching and disseminating information regarding the true intention of Islam and other force on Western Culture. Educating those who do not know in an accessible way. Promoting the western values, traditions, and freedoms we hold so dear.

We have many different roles and needs.


Other urls found in this thread:


We are dedicated to the preservation of:
>The tradition and culture of our ancestors
>The Christianity and its values
bretty gud

Now are you white nationalists?

We're Nationalists, every people has a right to self-determination.

What are you trying to do exactly?

>pic related

Put things back from standing on the head to be standing on the feet. Go back to our roots, like philosophy, family, religion (no cult like Islam) and such

And how do you plan to do that? le meme squad?

Nation is an important term among others, "Nationalist" is so reducing it is not just correct.

Gather enough people so we could fight the SJW nonsense profoundly in the general public opinion.

What do you want? Free speech is already under attack. How far should this go before you move your ass? Meybe it is too late then?

Count me in.

love my mummy she gives me lots of cummys and love :3


You are welcome!

Cato has long face

This one likely gives you commies ;)

whenever I see pictures of "christian" nationalist groups its always a bunch of degenerate NEETs with tattoos all over their body, are you implying you're any different?

Sure. But I will not proof I have not tattoos. Just look what we say.

Never forget Jaques Hamel.


Go fuck yourself and your beliefs, fuck your mother too while you're at it.

Most of us are "normal" people with "normal" lives, just like you. We want to act maturely and make sure that the people have a civil way to express their rightful discontent. This movement is proactive, so that buzzwords can't be thrown at us randomly.

We can use the little that remains to us intelligently and group up for what we believe. It is the right moment and we hav to seize it together.

nice flag. The ADL definitely won't like the Jerusalem cross, however

Mohammed never existed, Ali.

What is ADL? Why shouldn't they like it?

There's not only christians in it. Christianity is mostly considered in its cultural aspect. We don't stop any member from having different religious beliefs (there are obvious exceptions). Also
>most of the media and political class are against us
>certain groups of people can't stand western culture in general and unite against it.
The last thing we need is more division between western people. It's now or never

Anti-Defamation League

In Germany the Stasi 2.0 is already being built. Do you think you will be spared? "Hate Speech" is an US invention. Think about it.

Anti Defamation league. The original "PC Police." They don't like one of your old flags very much either


Who the fuck are you? Is this a political movement?

you're way ahead of us though. We don't arrest people for xenophobic Facebook comments (yet)

Well, we are peacefully by definition. The Jerusalem Cross is about the spirit that tells us we need to defend our society. That is not against Israel. I think they they are smart enough to get it.

The ADL lies on purpose

to them, any cross is a "Hate symbol"


Soon... Still it was an US invention, they are just trying abroad with the Germans, that usually obey, how far they could go.

>>The tradition and culture of our ancestors
Lol, you guys destroyed it yourselves with Neoliberalism and Enlightenment era values. There was a time European culture was about dancing and writing down Latin script or something to that effect. Now you're all just a bunch of consumers that gobble up Japanese degenerate weeaboo thinking that's some kind of genuine substitute.

>Japanese degenerate weeaboo
degenerate Japanese media*

The Iron Cross is just a German national symbol. The swastika they show there, is not.

You can see here, why our movement is necessary.

What you say just does not make any sense.

many over here still associate it with Nazis though. Idiots

There was obviously a Nazi version of the Iron cross as a war medal, but very differently designed.

I love the Iron Cross. I have two on my belt. No complaints yet either

Mind you.

We don't have long.
When our Queen goes, and she is getting on, I fear that she will take with her the last vestages of our once great Empire. It's fairly obvious that we are being bred out. When you are, as a white person, targetted by the minions of the caliphate, the police will not look into it. If your wives and daughters are raped, rest assured, the police will not help you. Justice must be meted out by your own hands, or not at all. This country no longer cares for our values. I hope others see what I see, before it's too late - many of the general public are indoctrinated. Soros has played his game well, a thousand curses on the old wretch.

I don't expect many will rise to reclaim their homeland, when all means of sensible government fall, but, I shall do what I must. Remember us, not for what we became, but for what we once were. Godspeed to the rest of you and may fortuna smile down on you, in the wars to come.

Many are asking about the "how"

Well, our main effort is redpilling and disseminating proper information to normies and centrists alike.

Our main goal is education. We do not advocate violence or harassment of any sort. This is a peaceful operation and we will be instantly shunned and labeled as a right wing extremist group if we allow our members to act inappropriately. Now, this Sup Forums, and more specifically Sup Forums. Obviously most if not all here have views which can be seen as "racist". You may hold whatever views you like, but it doesn't step foot in our organization. This is the best thing for us.

At least if we act diplomatically, we have a defense.

There are no inherently bad people, only misguided. We must seek to educate and properly show them the true path to peace and rationality.

It was the symbol of the German Order, that played a role in Germany's self definition. Some when the emperor used it then it became a national symbol.

wtf i love islam now

wtf i hate you now

ebin bump

That is because you have no real islam problem there in Chechia. That will change soon if things continue like this.

It is indeed. Things are serious.

Neoliberalism? Yes, but we all disagree with it
Enlightenment values? Most enlightenment philosophers would not allow this to happen, how could they even partake with banning free speech and allowing Islamic doctrines to be imposed?

ded dread

>Christian values

I'm not having any of that Jewish bullshit.

>Most enlightenment philosophers would not allow this to happen, how could they even partake with banning free speech and allowing Islamic doctrines to be imposed?
Enlightenment values are paradoxical in that they undermine European ethos. Read Julius Evola. I think you guys should ban Islam and Judaism altogether, really.

Do stuff like blare Wagner and stuff, force immigrants to accept your ethos and boot them out if they don't. Freedom of religion is dumb -- social harmony and prominence of native beliefs is far better. Solidarity comes come restricting freedom to some extent.

Read this:
Read Julius Evola

Why don't you guys buy an island and make a new country there

"Social harmony" without freedom is a contradiction. In other words, bull shit.


a cuck religion that promotes bowing down and there being no ethnic groups, only a race under god
fuck off cucks

Because we all have a fatherland already.

Get your historic facts correct first. There was no muslim conquest of Spain, for instance.

mad christcuck

It isn't strictly christian. Also, there are radical differences between judaism and christianity, making your claim invalid.
The first difference is the status of people: judaism divides between chosen and goyim, while christianity doesn't.
Judaism has not changed, while christianity has had the influx of great european minds throughout history. Also
>Urban II

Again, you don't have to be christian to join. I recognise the symbol may misguide people, but the last thing we need is division between westeners.

Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I'll check up tonight

- Statue

So what's your answer to the shit skin problem? Do you want to just keep them all here just as long as the embrace "MUH values" ?

You ware criticizing me for what I am not doing. The point is, we are (mostly) Christians, that want just to avoid this.

That is not our way. We clearly see Islam is a cult built on a heap of lies and is very much a big problem for the whole world.

>kraut education
>what's Reconquista
It's literally what brought Poortugal to existance

German bro, as long as you're on board for kicking out Arabs and niggers, you have my axe.

Still you do not seem to understand that the muslim invasion of Spain in the 7th century is a myth. That is not "kraut education", that is a fact.

Arabs had a great time, when they were Christian. Islam is the problem. It must be fixed somehow. Besides, in Germany one might better not use your wording for legal reasons. You see what I am saying.


>Albania against Christianity

We already you know you backstabbed the West for Muhhamad, the murderous pedo,

That is ridiculous an arguments.

Define "racist" when you say you aren't "racist." The (((left))) doesn't use that work exclusively for Nazis, they use it for anyone who opposes white genocide.

Don't let them control the language and the narrative or soon you'll be prepping the bull like the rest of them. Grow a spine.

Could you imagine grabbing her by the throat while fucking the traitor out of her.



Very european


"Not being racist" means we do not define all by race, see all by race terms. That would be insane, in my mind at least. Still there are different races with different features.
To point out an example: There are also Christian Arabs, that are rather different compared to the muslim ones, There the problem is not the race.

And what did "WE" do there? That is ridiculous.

Albo on vacation here.
Europe refused to support Albanians, when Albania needed them most, back in the 1460s. Muslim Albanians had to find a way to survive.

Still, it took us 35 years to surrender to the Ottomans, not 40 days, frenchie.

Are you still muslim, if I may ask you this?


There is no truer freedom than Deus Vulting, cuck.

>Albo on vacation here.
>Europe refused to support Albanians, when Albania needed them most, back in the 1460s. Muslim Albanians had to find a way to survive.

It's true it was partly our fault because the latins weakned the byzantine empire and enabled the ottomans, BUT, the other europeans didn't convert to islam after they were subjugated, even the armenians whose land was slowly colonized by turks didn't left their religion and chose to endure.

>Still, it took us 35 years to surrender to the Ottomans, not 40 days, frenchie.
We never surrendered to islam, we even catholicized huge chunks of (the formerly muslim) Africa. .


Albanians are traitors

From the manifesto:

>Individually, one can choose to live according to a more traditional christian way of life, or a more secular one, if he/she feels to.
Secularization eats away at culture. It's too dramatically opposed to Christianity to be compatible, just look at the past 200 years of it. It's a completely alien view of the world, one that inherently moves toward amorality, subversion and blind utopianism. Try to make Christians move aside again to please secularists and you'll still be practicing multicult.

>equality of opportunity for everyone
Drop the egalitarianism already, if you plan on using medieval symbols and music then you should remember that the preferred form of government to medieval man was tribal or feudal monarchy.

> Still, we believe that a controlled migration, based on the criminal record and the competence of the individual, is still possible if said foreigners is willing to be resourceful towards the country that host them.
Why not suggest a blanket ban on immigration from populations that don't deserve it? Too scared of looking racist?

>While we do not deny our ancestors' wrongs...
Yeah, let's virtue signal to the left that we're not as bad as those OTHER traditionalists!

>Therefore every person who believes in Islamic law and imposes it in a state which does not apply it is a seditious traitor. (probably has to be changed to accomodate freedom of coscience and speech)
Kebab don't deserve freedom of conscience, if their conscience tells them to impose Sharia Law on western nations

>We believe in equal marriage condition for both sexes
MGTOWs would like to have a word with you

its being tested in the autonomously governed american vassal state of Germany.

There have been lots of websites and blogs devoted to this. Have you contacted theses sites, you will get more help from them than from Sup Forums. Speak to Vlad or the Baron.

Reminder that Christianity is the symbol of the West



oh discord link is not workings DD:

You guys don't have a skype group?
