We are the APWC, Advocates for the Preservation of Western Culture.
Thread theme: youtube.com
Discord Link: discord.gg
Website: apwc.pe.hu
We have been preparing for some time now, and we need loyal companions who will join us in our goals.
For too long our values, traditions and beliefs have been under attack, both intellectually and physically.
They have attacked:
Our free speech: Charlie Hebedo
Our free movement: Numerous attacks on trains and airports
Our Religions: Beheading our priests and committing sacrilege.
Our values: Look at sweden
It will not stop there. Our governments are in denial. But the people are waking up.
We are a movement committed to peacefully, but fearlessly advocating the preservation and promotion of our values.
We are not:
>White Supremacists
>National Socialists
>Promoting Genocide
We are dedicated to the preservation of:
>The tradition and culture of our ancestors
>The Christianity and its values
We need you to join us. Our mission involves researching and disseminating information regarding the true intention of Islam and other force on Western Culture. Educating those who do not know in an accessible way. Promoting the western values, traditions, and freedoms we hold so dear.
We have many different roles and needs.