There are people on Sup Forums that unironically want to fight and die in a race war for "muh white wimminz"

>there are people on Sup Forums that unironically want to fight and die in a race war for "muh white wimminz"

Fuck that. Go MGTOW fellas

Other urls found in this thread:



>polarizing the issue into either MGTOW or whiteknights
I think "race wars" are about things other than just women.

For me, it's about muh white peniz (even off-white dicks are gross)

It's for the white children retard.


>yes goyim, don't marry and procreate

Nice try, Abraham.

This, it's about society and the future of white children. Not women, women can be manipulated like they already are, don't need racewar for that. Just shitty TV shows telling them that doing something makes them good people and most will do it.

Women are retarded, racewar has nothing to do with them.

If you aren't planning on breeding there is pretty much no point in a race war.

Hahahahaha omg, what a fuckin neckbeard I mean my eyes are soaking wet from this laughter. You are so cringeworthy that your mother wants to put you back in her hole and reversebirth you . I mean you are a disgrace to the white race. It numbs my mind on how have you managed to survive. but it is not yet finished. you will reap what you sew , you will die alone and wortless in the nearest internet cafe while living off gibs while playing shitty DoTa with your vidyafags - same dicksucking faggot men that went their own way. jesus just kill yourself already you noodlepoodle

hello mr: shekelstein the SS is here

MGTOW is stupid and a meme, you're throwing away one of the most important things as a human, being able to create offspring and you're throwing it away by just making the excuse: 'muh feeling, muh money.' Stop crying and find a good woman.

mgtow and deus vult larpfags are equally pathetic imo


No white women = no white children.

It is your holy duty to ensure the survival of our race, although this sentiment has taken a back seat in our time.

Especially in my and other european countries.

Yeah, this sums it up well.

I'll be honest, only reason I'm mgtow is because I have a small dick that is below worldwide averages and way below Brazilian averages, so I can do nothing except disappoint.

It's either mgtow or becoming a trap for me. I spend an unhealthy amount of money on sex toys and shit, probably degenerate as fuck but I find happiness in the ways that I can, the (mutual) disappointment in my relationships are not worth the trouble, I don't want to be depressed all the time so I instead focus on my career and get my sexual satisfaction alone on my own terms.


OP do you really want to be a rich 90 year old bachelor surrounded by 90% dindus? I would rather be a poor wallet to some whore and surrounded by people similar to myself than literally seeing the decline of civilization.

Autistic cringy kike shill kys

Does anyone have that image that shows how a woman's chances of a succesfull long term relationship go to hell after 5 or more sexual partners? I am trying to find it with no luck.

I'm going my own way towards a race war lads.

I agree. I look forward to white women being beaten up Ahmed and Tyrone en masse