How would you react to a nuclear strike warning?

How would you react to a nuclear strike warning?

I made same kind of thread a while back during my nuclear war-psychosis and it was quite popular so I thought I should make another one.

Other urls found in this thread:

hope it ends my shit life quickly

Step outside & watch the fireworks

I'd duck.... and cover.

Get my bottle of Belvenie 25 and go and sit in the middle of the road on a deckchair

Deep cuts user, deep cuts.


I would be wearing my mad Max road warrior outfit long before I actually need it.


come on post the good prank videos where people play those messages someone's TV without them knowing.

They are fucking hilarious

I like the 1960's genre of nuclear war inspired music

>not being redpilled about nukes

an assload of TNT produces le scary fireball and mushroom cloud. I don't believe shit poor chinks in the 60s and later the starving north koreans came up with something so advanced. Even pakis have """nukes""".

immediately rise to launch depth and launch twelve trident missile sorties

>Get my fiance
>Drive to the nearest high ground
>Wait for flash

Damn wonderful stuff, thank you.

>Make a 'deer in headlights face' while the nuclear blast peels my face off and vaporizes me

The masses will have no time to react other than to pray to God and be destroyed.

Thanks for reading this post, enjoy the rest of your day/night.

Being redpilled about nukes means you know what you're going to do once you hear an alarm.

Depends on the assumptions. How big is it, is it only one, how long do I have and where is the epicenter?
Most likely out drive it. It takes only a few minutes to drive away from a 1 MT nuke
I'd alert everyone to get in my car which would take 15 to 25 seconds, then I would floor it. With 20 seconds left on the clock I'd park somewhere safe.
If outdriving isn't an option, I'm a Mormon. We have a food and water storage, and guns to protect it.

Hey lads, if in the event of a nuclear exchange you have the benefit of getting a warning from your government, this is what you SHOULD DO.

1) If you get a cellphone or TV message please be aware that by then you'd only have around 5 - 10 minutes left before impact.

Trying to drive away would more than likely be suicidal unless you haul ass (>100mph) on the freeway and if their is no traffic. (Motorcyclists might have an advantage here).

2) The safest option is to find cover, now this is the tricky part. Most people will probably stay in their homes, however most American homes are fairly weak since they're usually made of wood.

The best option is to go inside a sewer, via man hole.

You now have brick and concrete protecting you from the blast
(Arguably the most dangerous factor).

Remember close your eyes and cover your ears, AND keep your mouth open


Patrician af good on ya

>mouth open

I know there is a very simple reason for this but what is it?



Internal pressures will rupture your eardrums when the blast hits.

put on this song, sit here and pet my cat and shitpost on Sup Forums until the sweet release of death

Think of it like an inflated balloon vs a deflated one.

In you punch the inflated one very hard, you can pop it, but if you punch the deflated one, you won't.

Oh, gotta remember this. Would be awful just to see the terror and agony and not to hear it. Also, it's important to keep your ears open for radioactive muzzies.

There won't be any nuclear strike warnings, it would start a run on the fallout shelters and we can't have the wrong people (gun-toting conservatives) survive the attack.

The Inner Party has reserved all the seats, and they will be told when WW3 starts. Nobody else.

Very good metaphor, thank you.

based grandpa

he knew the whole time they were fucking with him

We actually had a storm warning come up on the TV recently, scared the DOODOO out of my ASSHOLE

This one gives me the SPOOKY SPOOKS aswell

Thanks user, though I'd probably haul ass on the freeway. I can probably do 80. I live near a Lockheed factory and air force base, so concrete won't protect me so close to military targets.

Thanks for posting this, what a fuckin excellent song.

If it came on right this second I'd just say fuck it and probably die, assuming there was one heading for me.

Hopefully the powers that be aren't that stupid and they know somewhat beforehand. Idk, I'll probably be shipped to some bunker as an MP/generator repair guy or something.

Even if I had a day to plan and no orders coming down, probably still just die. I mean I can go innawoods but what's the point?

That is such fucking bullshit. If they were gonna play the National Anthem, why would it be all out of tune and shit?

Also to keep your teeth from rattling out of your head

Considering I live a mile from the Capitol I'd go up on the roof of my house, crack a beer and watch the show.

I don't watch TV so I'll never see it coming.

try and suck my dick

Live too far from any potential targets to get fucked by the actual bomb but the fallout would screw me over.

Don't have a shelter so who knows

It's part of the series' syle, chill user.

I assume from your writing that either you or a very close blood relative of yours already witnessed a nuclear device blast and it messed up your brains quite badly.

I watched the launch and flight of an ICBM over my house less than a year ago.

There's nothing to do. You just watch.

superchill grandpa knows the striking range of north korea.

Most phones have means of transferring emergency broadcasts, and I'd assume Windows and OSX have something like that too, so it'd be hard to miss it.

Get my Power Fist and start huffing Jet man

naa, you'll be fine

Get ready for an exciting adventure.

I think I would just wank.

This is fake as shit. And very, very poorly done. An 18-year-old who thought he had some grasp as to what this kind of thing would have looked like circa 1970 made this, and embarrassed himself.

Think of the disappointment when you actually can do it and could have done it daily for years.


>dying while your own dick is in your mouth

This + I feel like I should add that my previous post that mutually assured destruction will never be a thing again. The nuclear (new-clear) lolocaust is forever relegated to fallout 1 and 2 (and wasteland).

Repeatedly shout "IT'S HAPPENING" while sexually assaulting a female police officer.

>he hasn't tried already

you gay or something

>Into a sewer
So a building falls on the sewer cover and it becomes your smelly tomb ?

>implying that's not an event at the olympics

Finish my beer, load my rifle, head into basement with dogs
>tfw heard a load crack of thunder while listening to the emergency broadcast
Top spooks

No phone either. I'll only know if I see the happening thread.

Yeah, I was playing around with that thing, and nukes really aren't as horrific as they're made out to be. Sure, they're devastating, but the area isn't as large as you're told in school... the largest nuke available, dropped on NYC, would not kill me on Long Island (probably wouldn't even get any radiation).

Sup Forums seems to have created it's own Emergency Broadcast System to all basement dwellers through Happening threads.

Isn't that just amazing?

Then you move down the sewer line and find the next man hole. Repeat until you find one not covered.

You're right, I should have taken cover inside the building that just collapsed.

Patrician tier taste

Post /x/ tier broadcast messages.

Sewers arnt really that big here ,don't think it would work for us bongs , although I live in brick house not a wooden one , is that enough?

>get in car
>drive to my cottage up north
>dodge the few nukes that hit canada

Imagine the panic in a narrow sewer in total darkness trying to find your way to safety while hearing distorted sounds near you.

I'm never getting high again because I'm not doing that shit high as balls.

Sewers are not that big anywhere. As to how you are supposed to get the traffic to cooperate and let you down the manhole in a nuclear attack is not really clear.

I like this one. The women shriek and laugh and generally can't contain their emotions while all the men gravely assess the severity of the situation, likely planning for their survival.

Well you won't be stood knee deep in turds and rats m8

>20 miles away from NYC
Am I good?

I would thank God for finally bringing the degeneracy to an end and killing Marxism for good. The sweet relief of knowing that in just a few minutes all the sadness would be over would be damn near enough to make me cum.

so walk a little ways and find new one

yeah a single nuke isn't the end of the world, the problem is the US and Russia each have almost 2000 warheads deployed and ready to fire with thousands more in reserve, pretty much everyone else is irrelevant in warhead count
one idea i've read is key areas would receive more than 1 warhead to ensure total destruction

I'd pray that they'd hit Chicago, Detroit, DC, and Baltimore from the safety of my basement :^)

This thread really makes me think though, beyond STALKER and maybe fallout + wasteland, what do I load up to get a comfy nuclear apocalypse simulator?

Has there ever been a city simulator, but, set in the post post apocalypse? If not, why not?

dunno, any military bases near you?
use the site and select the chink or slavshit nukes and find out

>comfy nuclear apocalypse simulator
I want this, too. Something that tracks my death toll and whatnot.

I want an autistic simulation of nuclear war.

>Nuclear attack
>Everyone on the street heading for the only manhole
This is making me want to build a fall out shelter in my garden and not spending it on decking

Nobody gives a fuck about austin so nobody is gonna nuke it, thus I'll be safe from the initial blast. Luckily I've got a bug out car and bug out bag so I can probably last a while.

Nuclear Bomb Dump

Here's a baby nuke, can you survive this small wield one?

>live out in a small town in the middle of no where
>if i need something from the store i go for a 5 min walk to get it
>can walk around town at night without worrying about getting killed by some nigger
>people on pol talk about the rat experiment and im like 'uhh wtf lol'
>people get scared about nukes and talk about what they would do
i would run to the top of a mountain and look in the direction of our nearest major city and see if i could spot the blast.

It's like some kind of instinct is telling them "you're fucked now and there's nothing you can do about it".

Men are just considering that how fucked they are.

Exactly, something like that pandemic flash game, but geopolitical and with nukes.

And then got bonus points, after you successfully engineer the world's death, the game transitions to part 2, where you build up a new society just because.

We Immortan Joe now

Imagine that game and driving an old 50's convertible down a nuclear wasteland highway and this song playing

Is that from that documentary narrated by William shatner


Here's a slow-mo nuke.

For the first few milli seconds it looks like a star

Not sure. I'm from /gif/, a cross poster scum.

Here's a bunch of future cancer patients

>57 kiltons

Not even 0.1 of a megaton

Fuck me.

A fallout shelter can also make a sweet man cave.

I think it's called trinity something

Here's some more star light

How does one prepare for a nuclear explosion with a 15 minute warning?

Nuke canon


I don't think so

Christ that first one is too real for me. i think id just post on here and wait for the blast to take me

Pretty scary huh?

Nukes are fucking insane, I imagine looking at Tsar bomba would be like looking at Mount Everest in terms of size

Everyone who hasn't seen Threads and are interested in nuclear war, it's your movie.


What are those lines near the explosion? They're like trails of smoke or something