Old but gold. But why did people find it offensive?

Old but gold. But why did people find it offensive?

Because sex is shameful, and women's sexual pleasure is fundamentally evil.

hey I am here at drop off point!

I hate feminists but this really is distasteful and moronic.

"Im sorry. We just closed"


>Year of our lord 2016
>Voluntarily behaving like niggers

is that that depression fail something or other individual?

I'd take the moms desu lads


Are all "frats" bull of essnetially beta males who worship nigger ballers?
Hard to take any of these idiots seriously when they go to cheer for which nigger can run faster with a piece of leather.

Because they thought white people put those banners up.

Get out of your basement more.

I'm sorry I banged your sister, how many times do I have to say it Dave?

Jesus, these bitches are fucking hideously ugly.

So they're putting into words what everyone already knew, and somehow people are offended about it?

Sure it's rude and distasteful, but it's still telling the truth.

I'd still fuck the souls out of them.

They pay an exorbitant amount of money for friendship, endure asinine "hazing" rituals and initiation, and commonly employ drugs and other shady shit to coerce college girls to have sex with them.

Do the math bro

Figure it out

Well they're not wrong. Teach your daughter not to be such a fucking slut why don't you?

because female promiscuity is good and empowering, while male promiscuity is misogynist and rapey, shitlord.

But dont tell them that, because that's slut shaming!

Who's the guy?

He's right
If I was the father of a girl about to be dropped off I would pay a visit to those boys with a loaded shotgun and tear down their fucking nigger tier signs

They were right to be upset.
Not on the muhsognee level but that kind of disrespect should not be tolerated. The youth absolutely MUST be reigned in by the elders.

I agree. Most frat bros I see are fags too. They're all relatively scrawny and try too hard to act black.


I personally believe that it is very wrong for these boys to put these signs up its not only disrespectful to the girls but also to the parents to the young girls. This just shows how careless and childish these boys are. I think these frat boys should be punished for this because if they are not then they will think it is okay to do it and if it continues some young girls may get permanently damaged.


The girls who would go to parties with people like this deserve what happens to them.

>implying anyone on Sup Forums wouldn't pay money to buy friends so they aren't so alone

Because it's disrespectful and gives our institutions of higher learning a bad reputation. It's just another symptom of the moral degeneration of the West.

People should master their lust - being ruled by one's libido is animal-tier

You said it mein nigga

What nigged up school do you go to where frat bros act black?

All education should be segregated by gender. Universities are no longer places of learning. They're expensive bordellos.

Completely agree. Faculties are almost segregated by gender anyways, and universities are one of the worst dens of sin and vice around. The youth of today must be brought to heel.

I honestly don't understand what the fuck this thread is about. Who reads that and takes it seriously?