120 year old man claims having no sex keeps him alive!

"Looking remarkably unlined for his claimed 120 years, an Indian monk who says he is the oldest man to have ever lived puts his longevity down to no sex or spices, and daily yoga."

>have no sex
>eat no spicy food
>practice faggot woman exercise

Seriously, why even live India?

Other urls found in this thread:


what a faggot

really makes you think

>be 70-something
>claim to be 120

Who is this beautiful aryan lady

>be america
>be 40 years old

maybe pooing in the street is good for your health

About? Imagine making it to 120 years old. We only keep old people around for knowledge, then out of habit.

Could you imagine being a decrepit 120 year old passing out redpills?

>wanting to live after 80

>be India
>shit in streets because no loo

He's not 120. The oldest person on Earth is 116 and the oldest man on Earth is probably like 112.

>be Indian
>taken from raped mother and beaten to death on camera for money as soon as you're born

>eat no spicy food
A walking dead is not a alive.

was cr1tikal actually right about his virginity = immortality theory?

>be america
>plop in shop because yes loo

If having no sex makes your lifespan increase it looks like a lot of Sup Forumsacks will live a very long time.

I spy a nigger.

Aishwarya Rai. Used to be Miss World> Bollywood actress

About becoming the 120 year old virgin?

>120 year old virgin

He is the ultimate blue pill ,
sage of ye old blue pill
He has to choose between a blue berry and a cherry.

>be america
>40 year old obese fat fuck
>get shot

>be america
>40 year old obese fat fuck
>don't get shot
>die from heart attack
seriously how common is heart attacks from all the shitty 2$ burgers you eat?

Living is India is awesome because you can pull down your pants a take a fucking shit absolutely anywhere.

What Wizard powers did he get

really makes you stink

You would know a thing or two about eating shit, wouldn't you India?

This is not a good thing necessarily

heh. my dad is a cardiologist and i was just curious


>never have sex
>never eat spices
>lives in india
This guy'll never die. He's already in hell.

I think it's pretty high desu. It's probably a easy stat too look up but I'm feeling lazy.

Are... are you a wizard?
Of all of sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these... r9k was right again.

About toilets

>Be Indian
>Step in some bad poo
>Get infected
>get pooed on
>The cycle repeats

>120 years
>have no sex
>eat no spicy food
>practice faggot woman exercise
if you call that living

>claimed 120 years
I love how you people claim the bible didn't happen when it outright predicted that not a single human would live until 120 years old.

Sure there's this guy (yeah right) and that really old lady who was maybe 121 (maybe) but out of ALL the people who ever lived on this earth, nobody lived past 120 and you people STILL are atheists? Jesus...


Here you go, as you can see, heart disease is the leading cause of death. Pajeet has the last laugh guys.

>No sex

Fuck it, I'm already on track to become a lich.

>No spices


I guess the wizardry graph is accurate.

22 and virgin. Also good lucking but i guess no confidence into leading to sex. I guess i am fucked.

100+ yrs of living with eating blend spiceless food and being sexless virgin is a pitifully wasted failure of a life, absolutely not worth living

He might be old but his game around women is going to be really poor.

>>eat no spicy food

I'm 23 khv. Well at least I'll get some dope magic shit.

I was in the same boat; you aren't missing to much.

>Italian Emma Morano, born on November 29, 1899, is now the last living person officially recognised to have been born in the 1800s.

>claims to be 120 years old
He's 120 in dog years.

No worries, I'll be dead in a few years famalams.

Cigs are so so baaad for you. mmmm I just hate smoking but I love it so much


appreciated kek

They will be useful in the racewar.
Well i have retarded mindset that blocks myself.
I spared my virginity for a cute girl, so why would i take a used girl? Never really met a virgin girl, only once but she was autistic as fuck and i just couldnt make it to date her.

who need woman just buy a dog, they are much more loving

>plop in shop
That's pretty good Singh. I'll make an exception for you

gross dude

Honestly the concept of a race war kinda depresses me because I'm a pajeet but most of my friends are white.

kiss her mouth kiss her neck, slowly undress, kiss her mouth etc, rub her vag.

Get in there. its easy, you just got to push yourself into the new territory and not be afraid.

Tbh if you haven't used your prime years fucking there's no point.

He didn't score his first 30 years, might as well poo in street until he's 120.

>be indian

naah, I'd rather live until 40 but eating spicy tacos and enchiladas and fucking bitches

Then just kill sand niggers or blacks. We will let you stay as long as you poo in the loo.

Thanks, I really wanna remove some kebab and ghetto scum.

>virgins trying to justify their virginity

>an Indian monk who says he is the oldest man to have ever lived
People have been sitting at monasteries and doing this shit for ages. There are people alive today that are older them him but there are no records of them because they are just that old.

>implying you don't want dope wizard powers

Thinks yoga is exercise let me guess a Jew told you that.

Yoga literally means union with the divine as in experiencing the bliss of god but westerners are so retarded they think it means doing stretches cause they don't know god and soon as someone knows god in the West they go REEEEEEEEEE schizophrenic give him pills so he can't experience it!

Please tell me there wasn't such a thing for real.

34 year old here.
I guess I'm living to 120.

Why do Indians fetishize women with light eyes and light skin so much?

I thought all humans and races were equally beautiful. As far as I can tell, I was taught that in school.

Remember that yoga in india literally means "sitting comfortably when praying" and have nothing to do with the exercises which are mainly a American invention based on swedish stretching exercises (that indians adopted due to their nationalism efforts).

I'd rather live to 60 and have sex regulary than live to 120 and have no sex.


>eat no spicy food
fuck, I love spicy food.

It's because they ate Indian food that day.

NORMIES ON FUCKING SUICIDE WATCH!!! enjoy dying at 70 surrounded by people you faggots LMFAO

How about live to 30 with 3x the sex (both quality and quantity)?

This is why nofap works. Take note and don't jerk off or eat flavored food.

>be American
>have loo
>shit pants anyway

nah, 30 is too early. after 60 everything goes to shit and nothing gets better. 30-45 is kinda okay I guess, you can still live pretty much full life. Also, you don't need sex 6x a day.

Sounds like the average homo.

Shit, now I want to become mongol sage with beard down to my crotch and hair down to my ankles.
Then make some "church of enlightement" and scam stupidos off their money.

>live to be over 100 years old
>nuts look like pic related

no thanks.

Shigechiyo Izumi 120years old He drank brown sugar shochu, an alcoholic beverage distilled from barley or rice. Interestingly he took up smoking at age 70.

Kermit's asshole

fuck you in particular

It'd eat the shit out of that top cutie's anus.


I'm gonna live forever

My grandma is 99 years old. She'll be 100 in 9 months.

She's had "terminal Alzheimer" for 9 years. She remembers nothing and has the mind of a 10 year old, but her body is fit and healthy, and she's always smiling and happy.

Wonder how far she'll make it.

>be 70-something
>claim to be virgin
>claim to be 120

hahaha, the absolute mad man attacks back.

Have you seen her lately?
She looks like she shits her pants in the Walmart

People only lived to like 30 when the bible was written, to then it probably seemed that it would never happen, and with current advancements in medical science, we may see people living to 100+

>be American
>get Shatpost

High level wraith op

Also for those saying >Claims

It can be very hard to find proof of age for the very old. My great uncle was born in Poland before WW1. His village was razed during it, and razed again in WW2, and it's not even a part of Poland anymore.

The church is where all the birth papers were kept.

When he died, my great aunt was unable to provide a birth certificate to the French government, where he'd lived since joining the RĂ©sistance in WW2, because of that. So they refused to give her survivor's pay.

He told me he once charged German tanks on horseback.

>People only lived to like 30 when the bible was written
Oh fuck off with this meme already they did not. That's only IF you take infant mortality rates into the average.

>People only lived to like 30 when the bible was written

This is a constant misconception. The average age was historically low because of absurdly high birth and infant mortality. If you made it to adulthood, you were still very likely to make it to your 70s or 80s. People didn't just die of "old age" at 30 or 40. If they died at that age, it was because of war.

huh? people in the bible lived to be like 300 and shit

>>charged German tanks on horseback
Poland stronk

Hey das raciss man. I'm not a sikh

>The average age for the 1850s was about 40, how in the almighty fuck did people in biblical times live longer than that?