Brit/pol/ - Johnny and Darren bros 4 life edition

>thread theme

>matriarchy confirmed

>gooks can't handle the congestion charge

>Anjem Choudray guilty

>Britain No2, China BTFO

>Owen Smith softer on terrorism than Comrade Jez

>Britain could get special status after Brexit, Germans admit

>Unemployment falls despite surge in EU migrants

>900 out of 1,602 unaccompanied migrant children arrested for rape

>50% of graduates who paid £9,000 a year are back living with their parents

Other urls found in this thread:

Hi everyone. Please vote Conservative next election! They're what's best for the country, you and your family!

>tfw soon will be a British citizen, not an EU one

I will never get over this

Haven't been on Plebbit for years. Went back on the British politics subs. They're fucking crying about brexit.. jej

>not voting DUP

Who else comfy with brit/pol/ on second monitor here?

>Muslims behind jail in secret courts
>Unemployment at record low
>Labour primary discussion "What book have you read which was written by a woman?"
>Hey does anyone remember that party The Liberal Democrats?

I never felt European anyway. Fuck Europe.

Hope the passports change.

Why hasn't Tony been brought to the Hague yet, we had the report. Has everyone just forgotten about it already?


We don't even have the capacity to mine this level of salt. At this point we just go down to the local lefty centre and merely collect it, no drilling required

>Muslims behind jail in secret courts



Who /dumb as two shits/ here?

Eh that sucks

I've had a shit month for money, had a cord come out my motorbike tyre and slap the shit out of the back end so I need new indicators, plate and tyre, then I crashed my fucking car. I have £300 to last me 7 days till payday and the house has no food.

I'm planning to go out on the piss this weekend but I can't really afford it.

any good indian porn slags lads?

Anjem Choudray

The reason you didn't hear about his trial before the verdict was because it was a secret court

Better behind jail than in bars aye?

what if PMs don't agree?

Huh. I'm am slightly concerned I have never heard of these.

Do we know the sentence?

Priya Rai... A friend told me about her

Are you fucking dunce? Read the OP

What kind of Barry boy are you, nice wheels crashing your Mondeo lmao

Looking forward to celebrating independence day every year.

If doubles I post my face to prove I'm a Brit

i heard ten years at some point, but that might just be the sentencing guidelines.

Why do you think that?

In all honesty I do often come across as stupid in public. I'm socially awkward and have zero initiative, especially when doing manual jobs, often because I'm scared of doing something wrong.

I only went to school for the banter.

You should've seen /r/UnitedKingdom. Holy fuck. It's full of SJW's saying they're going to Canada. I reminded one of them that they need a visa. Got banned. jej.

Fuuuckin hell im perched on a roof like a robber and a chopper flew right over, stake outs off tonight

Ah mate that's annoying as fuck. Cheap tyre? I bought some shit ones once and had a blowout and damaged my nice new carbon hugger.

£300/7 days isn't too bad. Just make it a cheap piss up.

I think May's dream Brexit team has shown she's sincere enough that Brexit means Brexit.

Soon we'll be back to blue passports. Might reapply for a new one even when mine hasn't expired just for the blue tbqhwyf

Priya Rai/Priya Price. Only 2. Priya Rai is the most famous one. She's a milf.

Damn. How tall is Theresa may? She's got big feet.

>I reminded one of them that they need a visa

>no GCSE's because i didnt go to school at all in my last year
>i'm probably still smarter than everyone in that year

What are the requirements for moving to Canada?

>Whether it's a trend or not is of little relevance. I have a beard, I have done since I could grow one and will likely keep it until I die. It's personal preference and it's natural. I like the idea that I'm living, in some way, as nature intended, though I obviously maintain it enough to not allow it to descend into nonsense.

Tony's the most popular prime minister here
this is a blairite board, if you don't agree, leave

what are you doing m9

forgot pic

but most of the PMs are pro-EU and they could not approve leaving using the excuse that "most" of the people didn't knew what they voted and that they want to vote again, zionist media lies

Glorious, I hope they throw the book at him and his cronies

It's going to be literally magical when we get an official independence day

>We've left the EU!
>time to migrate to a non-EU country
Fucking hell the state of these people

pretty tall

>living the way nature intended to
>apart from the bit where you tame nature


>Ah mate that's annoying as fuck. Cheap tyre?

It was a Pirelli Diablo II, it came with the bike, didn't have much tread on and was probably quite old as they stopped making them 5 years ago, but I just wanted to ride the bike, got home from a ride and saw this :o

Lol it's actually stock, a 2.5L Mondeo Zetec-S. I've replaced it with a 1.8L 2005 Toyota Avensis in the hope the grandad car vibes will rub off on me.

Just found out that Porridge is being remade. I already knew about Are You Being Served, but this is the final straw.

House got a branch thrown at the windows last bight. So i was hoping to get a photo if they returned.but looks like the coops mighta been called on me.
Based Ginnie going full Sup Forums lately

>tfw no Commonwealth of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland

I do say we should kick out the treasonous Jock bastards.

> 9 yo British kid is kill
> suicide
> turns out he was bullied for being a snowball
> turns out the school he was going to consists mostly of minorities
> turns out that the school's condition was inadequate
Gee, I wonder, why did this happen. Tell me, /brit/, what do you think about it?




My attendance by the last year was 20% but I still went to the exams. Got a D in foreign languages and maths though.

where are all the niggers and muslims, not realistic at all

MP's m8te

Also legally PM's prerogative means she can leave without consulting parliament.


if it's your house you've every right to sit on the roof, none of their business

>A remake of a show set in a prison
At least having token nigger characters here is suitable

>Modern Prison
>Not 95% minorities and Muslim

Why am I not surprised the one chance the BBC has to flush it's diversity it's somewhat shy? Fucking license fee

holy fuck would break nazi oath for

Who is this semen demon?

Comments on the music videos are based as fuck. That baas user guy keeps dropping absolute bombs on yt, he/she is on Franz timmermans speech also. I would say based Normie's but judging by the dank Pepe's it looks like Sup Forums has arrived.

What is this lad?

>pic related

Who's ginnie?

>Not lining all the non-white children and shooting them with SMLEs.

I'm suprised Brit/pol/ is less racist than Sup Forums. Are we a less racist country than America or have we got Ahmed's posting on Brit pol?

Forgot to sttach a smug anime face. Here it is.

What is that on her bed? Do I want to know?

>Join Army
>Everyone is super chill and the banter is great
>Make friends with a bunch of people
>Generally have a great time with everyone
>Everyone supports each other in their decisions to try new courses

>Join Reserves after leaving Army
>'Being a cunt' is now apparently banter
>Everyone has little friendship groups
>Almost impossible to talk to anyone
>People mock you for putting effort in
>Half the people are just fucking fat

Not sure what I expected really.

I think we're just less autistic about it all

I thought we were all on the same page that we hated muzzies.

why is a russian so fascinated with what happens in the uk?
isn't there enough shit in russia to be getting on with?

Would trying to join the army or other armed forces at age 27 be a good idea? I have worked in IT for about 6 years.

I didn't even go to the exams.

>tfw a bomb threat shut Manchester airport down and we're all so used to terrorist attacks we just carried on talking bollocks on the assumption that if it was anything big we'd hear about it eventually

this last couple of years, wew lad

what's the reserves like m8
how much time do you put in ?
Could you do it around a uni schedule?

I heard it's 21 days a year, but don't understand how that's enough to get fully trained or anything


what? powell was right m8 they have to go back

>> turns out he was bullied for being a snowball
I feel nothing anymore

Why did you leave the army?

Man, I'm bad at typing. And I spilled some tea on my keyboard, which does not help either. It's "attach", of course.

There is so much shit in Russia, that thinking about other countries shit is the only way to forget.

Now you mention it, it is pretty fucked up isn't it? It was probably the same during The Troubles.

What stopped you going? Was it despair or just didn't see the point?

GCSEs haven't been useful after my first job, they are basically a footnote on your CV after a bit.

I think it's more that we just don't get a kick out of banging on about it all day every day. Everyone wants to REMOVE, we just don't feel a need to wave our dicks around and show off about it the way the yank lads do. It's like they always need to prove something.

We`re all casual racists.

Not having GCSE's can throw off a lot of employers if its your first job or you don't have significant time in the workforce.

The whole way through school, when I lived in Belfast, there was bomb threats every day
Yeah, people mostly ignored it and assumed it was bullshit though

It's inconvenient when roads and shops are shut down regularly, so it was slightly irritating.

This was only 10 or so years ago btw

My mate forged his gcses haha.

>I like the idea that I'm living, in some way, as nature intended
Posted from my iPhone.

Absolute madman.

Britbongs, how do you deal with your shitty quality weed?

a better way to handle islam in your country actually.

better at least than bongs managed.

How old are you, driving a paki taxi what are you doing

>My mate forged his gcses haha.
Okay, that's pretty good.

>smoking the herbal jew


How would that work, considering they are also recorded digitally?

>dood weed
fuck away off justin


>wicked poisons

I think the correct term is the 'devil's lettuce.'

You'll probably be one of the oldest guys there but that'll also mean the staff will like you more since they'll expect you to be more mature than the younger better live up to that expectation however. Go for it is my honest advice.

>what's the reserves like m8
Research the regiment you want to join like a detective. I'm being serious, the first one I joined was fucking vile. But if you find a good regiment then it can be great, but what I said in my post still stands...people in the reserves are less friendly than Regulars

>how much time do you put in ?
2 hours a week plus 2 weeks full training a year, you can also do some weekend stuff if you want. Your training is short since you'd be a reservist (3 weeks basic then 1-2 weeks in whatever trade you picked). You'll basically be trained on the literal essentials of being in the Army.

>Could you do it around a uni schedule?
Yep, easily.

I got an injury when I went for selection and it knocked me off CPU and generally caused me a lot of trouble so I left.