What happened to Spain, Sup Forums?
>unemployment at 22.7%
>incapable of forming a government after 8 months and 2 elections
>only relevant right wing party is full of cucks
>degeneracy is common
What happened to Spain, Sup Forums?
>unemployment at 22.7%
>incapable of forming a government after 8 months and 2 elections
>only relevant right wing party is full of cucks
>degeneracy is common
That faggot should be killed.
It's pathetic.
Greece: Golden Dawn
Hungary: Jobbik
Spain: this cuck
Can someone enlighten me?
Typical traitor social democrat scum.
Great talk, thanks.
The reconquista filled it with degenerates and removed anyone who was against degeneracy
That's the most you can expect from a burger.
We are a testing field for everything from GM crops to social engineering. Not even kidding.
Alt right can make it here because of Franco. There is this hand full of ppl who started giving food only to poor Spaniards and they've been attacked in any possible way. Also classic far right is super retarded, holywood nazi style.
PC has corroded all our ability to debate and now it's all either SJW slogans or people calling people racists, homophobe, islamophobe, etc
To top it off, fucking Chavez has financed this far left party which wants to eliminate the fence in Melilla (can you imagine), open borders and a bunch of other anti white shit.
Still, Spaniards are ultra racist by nature, and even the more progressive don't want their kids to marry an immigrant.
There is hope only because our leaders can't print any money, thank the Lord for this, and because out chaotic nature make us less attractive to the hordes of invaders heading North.
Socialism happened.
Leftie version of NIgel Farage
>did not even have power beyond some municipalities
>All his fault
>To top it off, fucking Chavez has financed this far left party which wants to eliminate the fence in Melilla (can you imagine), open borders and a bunch of other anti white shit.
Why people keep telling this lie? He just want to replace blade fence, not open the border, that would be stupid
Franco died and King Juan Carlos betrayed his wish.
google translating this article: translate.google.com
Any hope of Franco 2.0?
sadly nope. We probably have the most cucked, light and meaningless right-wing in Europe right now.
Spain is downhill since the 19th century. Our politicians are the living image of society: rogues and avaricious that only care about their own interest. We had 0 debt with franco and going into european union totally fucked us.
>unemployment at 22.7%
unemployment is at 20% (still pretty high but nobody dies for being hungry, and a lot people work doing shady jobs)
our economy (GDP) is growing 3% this year
>incapable of forming a government after 8 months and 2 elections
there are 4 big parties with almost the same votes, but it seems like 2 of them (right and centre) agreed today to form a government
>only relevant right wing party is full of cucks
true, but they are not rly right, they just for big corporations and are totally corrupted
>degeneracy is common
not sure what you exactly mean by this, but i guess so
Socialism happened, and political opposition comes in the form of retarded Communist groups.
That said thier coal miners have shootouts with police when they strike. So they could totally rally around some Nationalist Dictator and at least get the EU cock out of thier asses. Maybe have a real country in 40-50 years after they overthrow the corrupt dictatorship.
But a period of Nationalism is important. It's what galvanizes the common people and let's them rise up against whatever despotic minority is ruling over them.
Spain was always shit m8
Vuelve a la jungla panchito de mierda. Una pena que no os exterminamos como a las cucarachas que sois
based España
Avísame cuando el resto de tu familia venga a trabajar a este país por que en el tuyo se mueren de hambre m8 :^)
"Spain" is not a proper country. It should be divided into different provinces, so they wouldn't waste time on arguing about who's really spanish. Also I've read yesterday that calvinist Netherlands rekt them
Spain needs another Franco.
On the plus side your women are hot and are all leaving the country and shacking up with foreigners.
I'm hurt, Jerzy. I thought we were friends. Would you like for me to espouse for your clay being divided? What would Russia get? Germany gets the better half? Some of it goes to the Czech and they turn it into a giant brewery?
Not nice, right?
Spain bringing in the bantz!
sadly, like the half of the youth here is cuckmunist
Exactly. Who better to purge them?
he was a cryptokike, he helped jews
He saved you from the commies you ungrateful shit.
>He just want to replace blade fence
So it's easier to get over it?
latin culture is shit
happened? Spain was always shit tier only interrupted by a few good years because of EU gibs. They are simply reverting back to their default. Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece were all source countries of low wage workers for Germany. Once the EU is past they will be shit again like always.
wtf anyone else having problems posting?
But I like Spain, I only said that Spain was never well integrated which is the opposite of Poland, since we have no strong regional identities. And I didn't say those territories should be handed to foreign countries. What sense does it make to constantly fight over what shape should Spain have and waste your efforts?
happened? Germany(cs) was always shit tier only interrupted by a few good years because of EU schemes. They are simply reverting back to their default. Germany(cs) was source countries of slave workers for Rome. Once the EU is past they will be barbarians again like always.
>shit tier
pick one m8, we're talling about the 20th century and the present m8. Not the 17th century with like half a billion people on this planet. Or even earlier. All that shit's irrelevant.
And how was Germany doing in comparison with Spain in the 15, 16, 17, 18 century? Even if you include Austria, then wasn't Spain still more relevant and richer than any german state? You're just being very short-sighted. Every country has its time of success and of decline, Germany is now in decline
From what I understood Spain is basically an artifical nation somethink like Yugoslavia and USSR used to be.
There was one great music festival here with a lot of spanish tourists. A lot of them had catalan and basque flag.
Talked to one Spainard who said me he is in fact a Basque and they were like "Scotland of Spain".
So, it is hard for even un uncucked far-right to impose it strategy there.
Great book on the subject. Basically siestas mixed with really poor real-estate speculation
He was a moor lover, which is even worse.
>implying moors are worse than commies
both should be triturated and used as a fertilizer, along with jews, gyppos and niggers
Can confirm this
that faggot looks like Remus cuck Cernea
belguim has proven that you dont really need a goverment.
we went for 18 months without goverment, beat that.
Fuck belguim by the way, long live flanders.
they need their own damn currency.
euro is way too expensive for the spanish economy.
being tied at the hip to economic juggernauts like germany has pretty much destroyed southern europe
This. If we still had the peseta we could have recovered like we did before.
>tfw going to Spain for 6 months in Madrid
>tfw after eating this bread afraid ill be surrounded my commies and feminists
will it really be that bad spain bros
My great grandfather flee because of the feminists and communists.
you'll be fine and pull mad pussy, as any first world foreigner
Also prepare for all-nighter party lifestyle
the food here is the best and cheapest by far
They sure merry Italians, Spanish gentleman. Huge respect to you, sir.
Talking about politics is a sign of bad manners here
Only people publicly talking about politics are extremists and edgy fags
Import the Partido de Acción Nacional to Spain, señor anónimo.
Spain's problems are part of God's punishment for the crimes they committed in the Americas.
Muerte a los gachupines!
La raza
Jamas Sera Vencida
You mean "J'aime Français!"
as easy to pull pussy as mexico or south america?
The thing that happened was that Spanish people moved outside Spain and ruined the other countries
is this really a thing? Are the countries on central america still burthutt about that? They arent even the same race for fucks sake
Ya know, while the politics are indeed commie and feminist, I found gender relations in Spain to be pretty conservative. Meaning, the men are very assertive, the women are coy and passive. If you like drinking alcohol profusely, smoking cigarettes, and fried food, you'll love Spain.
Also, Madrid is awesome, but absurdly degenerate in certain areas. Plaza del Sol is filled with hookers once the sun goes down. I liked Malasaña personally, about as commie feminist anarchist as it gets, but a cool neighborhood nonetheless. Man, I miss it there, reminds me of when I was a young, stupid college kid.
Tell the truth based Spic bro... bumping
>What happened to Spain
lots of sudacas
Vote for Richard D. James
>implying they never had Spanish relatives
Kike somewhere else, Ernesto.
never been there
Women here love foreigners
but they are very secretive about their sexuality
you would fuck a lot, but tell nothing about it
O yeah right! Just like Argentina when to shit because of brown people and shit. They are just incompetent and corrupt people that like to nap between working hours
That's every former Spanish colony, too.
Spain has got a tradionally high unemployment. In good times it's at 12-13%.
One of the reasons is that Spaniards don't like to move homes and towns.
Their politics is the future of Europe. Spain is actually ahead on this.
They are destroying your country. They will break it up now. Catalonia? First to go. Just as Texas is first to go in USA. Just like Britain is 2 steps away from no Britain any more.
Spain was always shit.
It was only "good" between 1500 and 1816 and that was because of colonization. Instead of producing a single thing of value they just took gold from America.
Once the colonies declared independence and they couldn't get any more gold they collapsed financially.
Steady decline throughout 19th century, and the Spanish-American war was what drove them into true third world status. We took Cuba and the Phillippines, they lost everything.
It is because they were so poor and fucked up that they gravitated towards communism, anarchism, and then responded to those with Fascism, which was the only force that could actually modernize them.
Thats what i am saying though, there are just a few of pure native indigenas, and they were mostly fucked by the republics if the 19 century, the meztizos dont have anything to reclaim to spain for the indiocaust, because they were also really awful with the natives that managed to survive
The EU doesn't even want to trade with Spanish speaking countries, and the only reason Spain is important is because Madrid gets a lot of flights, Cataluñia spreads their SJW narrativa and it's that dirt land between Portugal and France.
The EU did a lot of damage.
Stop talking shit Yaroslaw, your Kingdom of Poland just so happened to have been unified earlier than the Kingdom of Spain.
Regional identities are secondary when it comes to the actual defining traits of Spaniards.
I am an Italio-Spanish criollo and love the North-Center of Mexico.
Your shit nation is the reason why I ended up in Mexico, thanks frenchfag!
You are just a self hating mexican that still counts as a beaner to everyone on the other side of the rio grande, also why are you telling me this?
Latin America is different than Spain. If eu traded with latin america it would drastically increase Spanish influence. Germans and French wont allow that. Italy is in similar position.
Because everyone is racist to me, no form of SJ defends me :(
Why they trade with Brazil and North Africa.
Solamente vivo aquí, pequeño castizo.
and loved muslim cock
Spain is one of these countries that is so great that it needs awful Politicians to make sure the whole thing doesn't get too awesome.
> tfw I will never live in Malaga
Death to Catalans, Gauls and Celtics!
gyppos keep stealing after endlossunged
Come on Cholo, quit your erratic rambling, you are dazing everyone.
Brazil is not Spanish. North Africa is more of Mare Nostrum(as in Our Sea) thing, where they hope to have a large influce, as they had before.
Also, agriculture is going to be diffucilt for EU. They spend to much on subsidies already.
Also it's based on what you can get at the moment. EU has never acted as one. Each country is trying to do whats in their own interest. Thus the chaos.
Jew Bankers
the EU and the banks of it are crumbling
Sell out politicians are the only ones allowed in power
Major EU wide civil wars soon
expect ethnic cleansing
But they trade with those dirt eaters and no Mexicans.
So do you think a rich, developed Mexico wouldn't be a threat to USA. They are allies after all.
At least you arent around any sjw. I am thunking of going to sweden and pose as a leftist leader to capitalize on that prime blonde pussy, years ago it was a dream come true to any one who escaped from the dictators, but muslims came and ruined everything
>rich developed Mexico
Spain is the best country on Earth desu. Superior to China, US, Italy, etc.
Only Japan comes close.