>Be me 2016 spring semster in philosophy class >Have pondered philosphy on my own terms for a while. Religion doesn't make sense for the most part but the philosphy behind it does. >Dont worry, im not a faggot. This was an elective >Walk into class and see fat SJW that wears brown leather slip on shoes, mom jeans and walmart clothes everyday siting in front of class >Teacher walks in and says to turn to page 5XX >First lesson, The Feminist bible >SJW get visibly excited >Teacher says he wrote his Master's paper on the feminist bible and how it relates to the rest of philosophy >SJW is shaking in her seat with excitement > I did not sign up for this shit >Having discussion about how a woman's period makes her feel out of her own body and how puberty makes them feel like they dont own it >Teacher says this still applies today >Raise my hand >Say i agree with him and ask if the same applies to men >Teacher asks me why I would think this >Say because during puberty men have mood swings and sexual urges that they arn't supposed to act on at such a young age. >Shutdown.jpg >SJW interupts me saying that those sexual urges are from the patriarchy. Then says i have no room to talk because i have no clue what its like to be a woman >Teacher agrees with SJW and says my comments about men were uncalled for >MFW she is just mad because no respectable man would ever give her dick because she puts 0 effort into her appearance >Teacher gives me big speech directed specifically at me talking about the plight of women that was written by a woman in the 1920s when it was legal to beat your wife >MFW believing that being a white man isn't a complete cakewalk is sexist/racist >MFW I was to scared to answer questions in class the rest of the semester >MFW we had to relate every philosopher's ideas to the feminist bible >MFW I learned absolutely nothing about philosophy >MFW my teacher tried to fail me because im "sexist"
You should know the drill by now god damn, don't stand against it in class, just put your head down and shuffle through to your degree. Fucking your future to fight one little battle in a classroom isn't worth it.
Easton Long
>Talking about shit with friend >He's always been fairly leftist, he would probably go full SJW if he wasn't an anti-censorship Marxist type >During the conversation I say something like "yeah black people usually..." >He looks shocked and says "user you can't say that" >"Say what?" >"What you just said" >"What, black people?" >"Yes" >"Why not?" >"You just can't" I lost a great deal of respect for him that day, I literally just said "black people", I guess I was supposed to say "people of colour" or some shit. Who cares.
Tyler Johnson
>Take philosophy in college >teacher is a bro >we talk about philosophy >no fat feminists in the class
Andrew Ramirez
You did get an education is the philosophy of underdogs.
One of the key parts of their philosophy is no one who is more favored could suffer like they suffer.
Aiden Lee
chuckle-worthy simplicity
Jack King
my question is where is the logic in "you have no idea what its like to be a woman" or black/asian/etc
Women don't know what its like to be a white man either. Same with black people that say I could never understand what its like to be a black man. They don't know what its like to be a white man so why do they get to make the judgment that life is harder for them
Maybe the answer is life sucks for EVERYBODY. Regardless of whats between your legs or what the color of your skin life sucks and has some good in it. Like Thomas Hobbes said and my teacher related it to the plight of women but ill apply it for myself. because fuck that guy "Life is brutish and short" For ALL people. People need to stop playing professional victim and realize its hard for EVERYBODY.
Why are people so damn retarded.
Jose Turner
>Why are people so damn retarded
The Jews.
Noah Moore
I don't know if it's just "The Jews". But its probably a bunch of rich people that have interest in keeping the general public retarded in order to profit from their stupidity. If you give people power, they will abuse it. Regardless of their race/religion. It just happens that a lot of rich people are Jewish.
Isaac Parker
Decent bait, got a number of replies.
>First lesson, The Feminist bible
This is fucking hilarious, but obviously some sort of Sup Forumsfag fantasy fiction written by a 14 year old
First lesson is always syllabus and "The Feminist Bible" does not exist in any philosophy text book.
Anyone who has stepped foot on a college campus or taken a philosophy course knows this is 8393% bullshit.
Nathan Smith
lmao its called story telling and a txt limit
a step-by-step walk-through of my teacher going over the syllabus isn't as intriguing as saying the first day of class we learned the feminist bible. It wasn't the first day of class but the first lesson was the feminist bible.
so i fluffed the story a little bit. Bite me, you read it and thought it was interesting enough to post on it.
pic related
Jack Mitchell
and "The Feminist Bible" wasn't the title of the lesson, it was a section about Elizabeth Cady Stanton. My teacher pre-faced this lesson by saying she wrote "The Woman's Bible" calling her the "Mother of Modern Feminism".
Again its called story telling, a text limit, and the people of Sup Forums having short attention spans and not wanting to read 5 pages of bulllshit to read what i could put in one post
Austin Nguyen
>"you have no idea what its like to be a woman" The underlying argument is empathy is impossible unless you've experienced the exact same thing. I wonder if they've ever thought about the theological problem with this line of reasoning.
How could God understand what it is like to be a woman without having been a woman?
Daniel Wood
God is a Woman. GIRL POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christian Lopez
>old me >be in forced humanities class (covers basic politics, law systems, multiculture) >teacher asks for ideas on how to improve economy >suggest lowering taxes on small businesses to increase demand and allow supply to be built up >all of a sudden >Schmuck McCuck the half-Scottish half-Costa Rican immigrant gets offended >"you can't do that" >"that's like, literally making the rich richer" >my actual face when he implied independent farmers, window washers, carpenters, small construction firms, shopkeepers and so on are all Scrooge McCuck bankers looking to squeeze pennies out of Monopoly money >mfw not the only one to react that way >"nonono, now I lost my train of thought" >volcanic laughter blasts his Pompey
Levi Harris
since God is argued to be omnipotent he wouldn't need the experience God just knows
Carson Diaz
>Econ student in college >only non-cucked liberal arts subject >forced to take sjw infested liberal education requirements >grit teeth and make it though >finally get to major courses >economics of Latin America >Chilean professor >spend weeks talking about chile >mfw we talk about how based Pinochet and the Chicago boys were >compare chile to cuba >leftists btfo by economics
Ryder Rivera
Isaiah Martin
sorry....but being omnipotent means God has never suffered
If God was capable of suffering it would be Gods choice to suffer. Being a masochist is far from suffering from something you didn't choose and can't escape from.
Even a God created augmented reality wouldn't be reality.
Simplified way of putting it: Being omnipotent means never being powerless.
Nicholas Jenkins
Why the fuck would a political activist be in a philosophy text book? Elizabeth Cady Stanton is not featured in any philosophy text book you idiot.
Good try user, you will get better at "story telling" with time. It helps to start with actual experiences. I can tell you've never gone to college, every college student knows that the first lecture is always syllabus.
>I can tell you've never gone to college, every college student knows that the first lecture is always syllabus
Did I EVER even say in my story that the day we learned about The Feminist Bible was the first day of class. If we are trying to take everything literal like you are you can clearly see that i said the first LESSON. And if every college student knows that the first lecture is always syllabus, doesn't it seem a little redundant to even mention that. There is a good chance you are retarded and really insecure about your own education so you look for reasons as to discredit others. Stick to shit-posting bud. You're an idiot.
Robert Miller
black is the lack of color, wouldn't be logical to say color instead of black.
Jack Flores
i would have pointed something along the lines that feminism is just a set of assumptions set as a result of being over privileged and living in a first world country, it has nothing to do with the fundamentals of philosophy or any sort of fundamental logic or reasoning
Luke Bell
i agree, but after that first day i was just trying to get by and pass.
like what he said
it's not worth it to fight a feminist battle in a single college class if that could affect your gpa. I should have just shut-up and been quit in the first place. Which is a problem with school ive experienced since grade school. the 80% of women teachers that teach primary school would rather boys be quiet anyways. Thats why young boys are being put on ADHD medication at a rate of 2:1 vs young girls
Henry Foster
>Believing you can change the system from within
This only works with leftists, OP. Conservatives have to breach the walls of Castle Femfag, they can't subvert it from within. So hide your power level and wait until you have the resources to fight them.
Jaxson Clark
it's almost like school is designed to weed out critical thinkers and make sure the only people that can make it through are retards that do exactly what they are told to do.
Why most of high school exams are based on memorization and essays count for 10-20% of an exam.
If i can write an educated essay about a subject and describe the important points about it why does it matter if i memorize the specific date we invaded Normandy? I have no clue the exact date was but I know it was the largest amphibious invasion in history and a turning point in WWII. What else do i NEED to know about it.
If you show you put in the effort to memorize it you show that you are willing to do anything that someone tells you. Making you a wage slave.
Just keep swimming until its time to show who really is smart and who is really just a fucking idiot that can do what they are told.
Camden Adams
>make sure the only people that can make it through are retards that do exactly what they are told to do.
Every regime does this. It shouldn't be surprising.
Isaiah Bailey
I wouldn't have a problem with this if retards didn't act like they were smart because they can follow orders. They are retards though so I guess i should expect that.
Noah Smith
>goes to college to learn new ideas >gets triggered >rushes to tell other beta goys the story on a Scandinavian ice shaving board
Milo fags are absolute cancer
Liam Morris
You let a fucking teacher get away with that shit for a whole year?
Goddamnit. You could have saved some of your classmates, but you just let them drown.
Isaac Jones
I'm kind of entitled to be angry when I pay for a class by going to school and working and then i get some beta cuck that doesn't even teach what i signed up for and almost fails me because i have opposing view-points. I had to take my papers to the head of the philosophy department in order to take them from failing to a 70. He said he would have given me an A if he could but that was out of his power. Sorry for thinking people on pol would find this interesting.
Julian Smith
Pic of paper with department head notes
Robert Robinson
Schools web catalog link of class and syllabus
Brandon Cruz
No clue where that went. Believe me or dont. And if i could find it im not going to post it on Sup Forums. sorry man Blackboard refreshes and clears every class after every semester. That syllabus is long gone. Sorry senpai. No sauce other than my textbook and notes i took first day of class
Gabriel Hernandez
What the fuck is this? PhDfag here. I literally teach Plato to undergrads for a living. I have never heard of this "feminist bible" of which you speak.
Nicholas Lee
fluffing the story a little bit for Sup Forums. It was Simone de Boxadfasdf