What has YOUR country done to make life easier for immigrants?

What has YOUR country done to make life easier for immigrants?


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Do all muds speak the same language?

Based Sweden making sure that all the immigrants are able to integrate and absorb the beautiful culture

You should know, being one of them

Arabic is as universal as english, if not even more

They're even so kind as to show off what our female looks like

You're not one to talk. Considering how your shithole of a country has more muds than all of europe together.

more immigrants incumming

Seriously though, I wish I could move to Sweden. But no, I am from the US so I'm bankin' hard, right? No, I'm actually starving on the streets of Seattle. They can lie and say that there is gunfire outside their doors and get a free ticket to FIRST WORLD and get benefits. Fuck this logic. I haven't eaten anything in the last two days except a piece of a bagel from the trash. My life is fucked. I hope I starve to death.

Not only do we do great things in out own country, we're also trying to better our other friends

sell your phone or computer faggot

Also, I'm not saying, "Oh, poor me." I'm just trying to point out the odd hypocrisy.

I'm at a public library

Everyone is welcome in Sweden, just keep trying!


Thank god we dont have a land border with you


can't wait to see how that monopoly money looks once we're off it

I was a ward of the court but now I'm over 18 so now I'm just homeless. I'll never get out of Seattle let alone Sweden. You need to either be an engineer or be from a third world country to go to Europe. It's never going to happen.

Don't know why but that fact bring shills down my spine.


Why's that? It being so widespread means that more people can communicate with each other, making life easier for all

Genghis-kun, pls invade Sweden, become the savior of Europe.

I'm sorry to hear that. If it was up to me I would help you get here in a heartbeat. I'm sure you have some skills that we could make use of

They're mostly Muslims.

The Koran, hadiths, and prayers are all in Arabic. It's a complicated language but incredibly consistent and systematic in MSA form.

I notice Hillary took out her Spanish tweets.

I guess she realized it made her look like an idiot.

Sweden. You are amazing.

Good luck guys, or however you say that in Arabic. Kek


This isn't even funny anymore. Stop it, Sweden. The joke has gone too far.

We're making the best of the situation, what's wrong with that?

Holy shit, that's a lot of followers.

>If you're getting raped might as well try to enjoy it

I mean, that's one way of looking at it, but I think self-defense is probably the more sensible solution.

do you have any skills, maybe carpenting/plumber etc.?
Don't give up ameribro.
Why not move south and work on a farm or something similar?
There must be something.

Defend against what?

join millitary?

Will you be saying the same when your government replaces Swedish with Arabic in schools soon?

Or a doctor or a rocket scientist as all those refugees are.

Your government allowing a kind and level of immigration that is going to have a very negative impact on your country, and will eradicate your people and their culture within a few generations.


I don't see that happening

You homeless are a fucking burden on everyone else. I hope you end too.

>do you have any skills, maybe
I can speak French but that's about it. I'll be 19 next year. I worked at a bakery near Capitol Hill for about 6 months but the guy let me go when he found out I was a ward. Now I have no address hence no job opportunities.

>Don't give up ameribro.
I'll try not to.

>Why not move south and work on a farm or something similar?
All I know is there are more poor people down there so I suppose that I'm safer here.


Providing social services and information in several languages is a service provided by the Swedish government due to large minorities not wanting to learn the language. The problem stems from the hundred of thousand Finns that came to Sweden to seek Swedish welfare. Now when other minorities become as large as the Finnish minority these services and information is now provided in other languages.

tl;dr it's Finland's fault.

Bomb them back to the stoneage so that idiot Yuropoors will give them money for nothing.

You're welcome mudpeople, without America your newfound neetlives free of criminal punishment would have never been possible.

I'm sorry my parents died.

Doesn't Seattle have a 15$ minimum wage?

Get a job you lazy fucking nigger.

Since you are on Sup Forums I find that hard to believe. I'm assuming that you are simply feigning ignorance to lure me onto some sort of ruse cruise. No thanks, not today.

I wish I was a nigger so I could move to sweden and fuck your wife Sven

We don't have an open relationship, sorry. I'm sure you could find another fine girl though

Yes, and there are people with homes who are willing to take the jobs. I have no address. I must have spoken to 300 people by now. They will not take anyone without a residence.
Also, I'm not African American.

Is it just me or is Sweden getting culturally appropriated by Arabs, or are Swedes culturally appropriating Arab culture?

Protip: use this logic to fight the mouth-breathers.

>omfg reappropriating arab culture fucking uncivilized sonnensven swine

No, unless you are considerably well off to begin with, you need a college degree in either computer science or engineering and related work experience.

Nah Im too white for swedish sluts. I would get no action

Yeah bushit, you're probably a lazy drug addict.

Join the damn military if you want a job.


Yeah blame it on that and not the heroin you just shot into your arm.

we are sissifying/subverting the arabs.


no escape from the eternal swede

USA 3rd world country confirmed.

We were talking about what it takes to move to Sweden, not here. Also, I don't do drugs. I would rather kill myself than consume myself with that poison.

Sorry about the 90s, you guys were right.

>Feminists defending Islamic slave-rags

What a world.

it's your accent, it turns women vaginas into atacama desert.

also this guy is pretty much the most famous finlandsvensk in sweden.

He's literally complaining about being homeless in a city with a 3.5% unemployment rate and a MINIMUM yearly salary of $31,200.

I'll leave it for you to imagine if it's his own fault he's homeless or not.

>Yeah bushit, you're probably a lazy drug addict.
Never in my life

>Join the damn military
I'm way below the weight standards.

>it's your accent, it turns women vaginas into atacama desert.

My english accent? I dont speak gaydish. Is atacama desert a very wet place? And finlandsvensk arent finnish Sven. Looks and sounds like a bald swedish fag to me.

>I'm way below the weight standards.
You clearly didn't try to join then you lazy faggot. They give you until basic to hit the weight and with the signing bonus you would be able to easily afford enough food to hit it.

Confirmed for being a lazy piece of shit.

>Looks and sounds like a bald swedish fag to me.
Sounds like your average fin tbqh

Just fucking get a plane ticket and go here, you'll get a tourist visa instantly, then just go illegal and you're allowed all the same things regular citizens are. Quit bitching!

I'd however go steal a cabin in the woods if I were you, fuck society and fuck other people.

>He's literally complaining
I'm not complaining. I'm fine with where I am because it's my responsibility to get out of where I am. I was dealt a hard hand but that's not an excuse. People asked so I was answering.

>it's his own fault he's homeless or not.
I don't know if you know but a high school diploma will not get you anywhere these days. I would go to college but it's too expensive here. I'll go when I have money, whenever or if that ever happens. I was able to go for free to one of the community colleges last year in my senior year of HS, which could help me get into one of the local public colleges.

yeah finnish accent in english/swedish, also it's acceptable to be racist only towards finns. This is especially in stockholm. It has a bit to do with hockey.


I have to give you some credit because I'm happy to be in Seattle than somewhere else worse for the homeless.

More "Swedes"

Hey look, there's Kalle, Sven and Oscar!


Go back to Somalia Muhamed

I know its acceptable to be racist towards us cause we're too pale Sven. And we fucking destroy you in ice hockey every single time

Why is it that all these countries claim to be pro-immigration but they only take muslims in?
I checked some of the requirements to go to be accepted into these countries but it's obvious that none of the arabs have them.

I'm sure if me or any of my friends just went to Germany or Sweden they would totally kick my ass out of there without hesitating and nobody would hire me to work let alone accept me in any college.

I could go if I wanted because I'm a citizen of the EU but I just don't understand this. Either I'm wrong at some point or there is someone with power that only wants muslims and no one else in Europe.

Even more "Swedes"

to go and *

But I would be deported, right? I can't be labeled as a refugee because I'm not from the Middle East.

>I don't know if you know but a high school diploma will not get you anywhere these days.
I make 52k a year at 29 with just a hs diploma.

Get off your lazy fucking ass.

Nah, English is the third most spoken language on Earth.

Not really. We don't really deport people anymore. Our state has no idea who enters anymore or where they end up

English is actually number one if you include total speakers. Your list is correct for native speakers.

no, we aren't as racist against danes or norwegians. We are just racist against finns.
>also might have to do with that average finnish immigrant is a violent alcoholic misfit that scare school children in the town square.


Just stash away your documents, illegal immigrants are NOT deported, ever! I bet if you were a friendly guy that some decent people would take you in on the couch, just stay away from the damn disgusting leftists and feminazis.

>might have to do with that average finnish immigrant is a violent alcoholic misfit that scare school children in the town square.
No wonder all the Finnish immigrants moved to Michigan. They sound just like us.

Yeah, but were you a ward of the state without parents to fall back on and then completely homeless at 18? Go fuck yourself you privileged twat.

Like I give a fuck

Didn't they deport like 80,000 refugees recently? Also, I thought they fingerprint you when you arrive. Stashing away my documents would not do anything.

Britexit, so now it's easier to choose which country to sponge off. Britain's off the list.

why would we care if you didn't give a fuck, you are a finn.

No but I was able to join the military just like you are. I suggest you do so you lazy faggot.

>What has YOUR country done to make life easier for immigrants?
Literally nothing. Buh, current government even removed anti-racist organisation

Too much.

Jesus christ. Please fellow Americans look to Sweden as a warning. This is Shillary's plan for America

I probably wouldn't pass the requirements but I'll try.

I just fucking told you that you have until basic to get your weight sorted out. They give you literally months and if you can't gain weight on the thousands they give you for a signing bonus then you're even lazier than I thought. Get off your ass and go do it.

Would they give me food? I am only eating food I can find from across Seattle and Kirkland and I'm still very underweight.

Also, I wasn't referring to that. I have had asthma since I was a child and I have a strong eyeglass prescription. I don't know if that would stop me but I'll try first thing tomorrow morning to set up a meeting with a recruiter.

Rhe recruiter will probably buy you lunch or something but when you sign up they literally cut you a check for thousands. Use it to buy some God damn food.