They just want to sit around chewing their cud while they destroy the planet with open borders and bad trade deals that hurt their own people.
All of this in the name of libertarianism and capitalism.
They just want to sit around chewing their cud while they destroy the planet with open borders and bad trade deals that hurt their own people.
All of this in the name of libertarianism and capitalism.
Other urls found in this thread:
Read a fucking book you fucking underage
Two people do not trade unless each side thinks himself better off for having done so. Free trade is a good thing.
it's also worth pointing out that central planning "for the good of mankind" has never worked and never will.
multiculturalism and globalism is good for you goy, just think of all the new foods you can try and how cheap iphones will be
you're being sarcastic but it's actually true.
Capitalism is why we have a first-world standard of living.
Whoops wrong thread.
Go capitalism!
Fucking jews, kill them all.
That ID...
Because, fuck yo shit nigga.
check your privilege, shitlord
Haha thats real funny haha lol gayyy haha wow thats so gayyyyy
Whats wrong with sing the most powerfull human motivation, greed to drive mankind forward?
Shut up faggot.
libertardians dont believe in anything but money and profit
>Two people do not trade unless each side thinks himself better off for having done so.
False. When your trade that I am not involved in hurts me and I don't get anything from it, I am not better off. You only see things that you can buy and sell, and filter out everything else, including those who are not part of your trade.
>Free trade is a good thing.
There is no such thing. You live in an abstraction that excluded those things that cannot be traded, like drugs or people, that free trade did not prohibit. It took the agreements of governments. What about all those agreement to trade things that are bad but are protected by governments, like weapons?
>it's also worth pointing out that central planning "for the good of mankind" has never worked and never will.
So no planning is your answer? How naive. Everything is planned, It is planned so that you are the sucker. And who the fuck said that capitalism in practive was decentralized, and that socialism can't be decentrailized? Ever heard of co-op banks? Ever heard of worker owned companies? The government of the people can set up a system that is not centralized but still protects the individual, and prohibits exploitation. It does this with simple laws like saying corporations have none of the rights of people, or that shareholder value is the last thing a company protects.
You don't understand that the laws are written to make the world the way it is, and that those in power are there because of the unfair laws that put the interest and the rights of the exploiters over the interests and the rights of the people.
>libertardians dont believe in anything but money and profit
Yeah they dont even believe in important things like social welfare and the good of the people.
Just like spock said! the needs of the many over the needs of the few A HUR DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Wow. Not a single coherent thought in this entire thread. Can't say I'm surprised
>wanting a great future
>I can see it now..
its the year 2060
I wake up in my sustainable mud hut, and eat my low carbon impact soy paste with added estrogen to make sure I don't commit any acts of violent rape
I get picked up in my state provided electric transport bus (cars have been banned, too mean, use to many of mother earths resources) and taken to my work bureau where I file welfare payments to oppressed classes like women, and university professors on my Govtech (tm) computer with 20 year out of date hardware. The free market used to make computers better every year, I'm so glad the government nationalized and regulated tech companies, they are so much more progressive now
the space program was cancelled by president Gomez because it was very intolerant to use Hispanics money for a pointless white cause like space travel
we have had negative growth for 35 years straight but the government just says its 10% and fired all the statisticians
I want to start a family but I'm not gay and I'm white so its going to be very hard to get a birth license, oh well, maybe a girl will sign off on a flirt permit one day and i can talk to her
ahhh another day in paradise
Your premise is the only thing that's incoherent.
If you were referring specifically to the libertarian party of america then you should've specified that. Using the term "capitalists" was a grave mistake.
please return to your designated shitting country
you seem to proceed from the assumption that someone who does something for his own self-interest is acting immorally for this reason alone. I reject this premise entirely.
By all means create rules to limit externalities, like environmental damage. But my choosing to trade with who I want to, and not who you think I ought to, is not me harming you. It's just you wanting to be able to order me to act to your benefit instead of mine, and I don't see why you should be able to do that.
Collectivist ideologies in general founder on that rock. They dissolve back into capitalism unless kept in place by heavy-handed centrally-enforced coercion.
The primacy of shareholder value is right and proper. Businesses exist to make a profit. That's they're goal. A group of people got together and decided to do something for the purpose of making money. And there is no reason they should be prohibited from doing so - as I said above, something is not immoral just because you're doing it for your benefit.
Organizations that exist to benefit society and others instead of the interests of their founders exist, and they're called charities. And if you want to promote them or contribute to them, more power to you. But you can't and shouldn't try to mandate that every organization be one.
I'm 4th generation Canadian shitlord
Shut up gay kunt number 4.
nice but you're still brown. out.
And we soon wont if we keep letting people with different cultures come here illegally get granted citizenship and vote in favor of the candidate most likely to favor forms of socialism. Just like the places they came from.
Our demographics will switch and so will our system.
Capitalism since its unchecked is gonna implode on itself.
I'm white tho......................................
When I said shitlord I didn't mean Indian.
My relatives are Ukranian and Russian and Lithuanian and Polish
never mind, I thought you were a curry, you may resume posting. *tips mountie hat*
>implying america is a first world country
YES i want that i want more estrogen dispensed into my penis hole and i want to be shaved and have my hair sold to the Holy Church and use my penetrative anal action for the powering of the economy et cetera et cetera radiohead should be here any minute now since Tom is a Cuck , Cuck, Cjuck, cuck, cuck. Thank you for your time.