Whoops! What now? How do you think Obama will try to gaslight us now?
Whoops! What now? How do you think Obama will try to gaslight us now?
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>The admission came after the Wall St. Journal reported that the four Americans were released through a carefully orchestrated deal that included removing sanctions from Iran Air the day before the release of U.S. Pastor Saeed Abedini, Washington Post Tehran Bureau Chief Jason Rezaian, former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati and a businessman Nosratollah Khosrawi-Roodsari. All four are Iranian-born, dual U.S.-Iranian citizens who were visiting or working in Iran when they were detained.
Why are we even allowing US Citizens to travel to Iran if things like this can happen?
Also it's not really ransom if what we are giving them is their own money back in the first place.
all this means is more overtime for people spitting out crazy trump articles
the record must be corrected
Oh no Obama lied about saving some prisoners lives! Turns out HE DID lie to save their lives.
The horror. Get every cuckservative news outlet on this! This will surely end Obama's legacy and Shilliary's campaign..
>How do you think Obama will try to gaslight us now?
>Also it's not really ransom if what we are giving them is their own money back in the first place.
Here it is. Move along guys. Also, the critics are all probably just racist too.
muh international law. muh treaties
Shut the fuck up. The point of not paying ransom is because now Americans have a price. Once a precedent is set it's set.
he lied to protect his image. epic post though really gottem this time with the whole pretend to be an ignorant nigger.
Give it up.
Our masters are untouchable.
So what he did it to free Americans Reagan did the same.
I expected a lot better trolling really.
It's pretty clear you don't understand what this story is about.
Essentially, but that doesn't make either right. If we have a no ransom policy, we need to stick to it. Also, at least Regean wasn't so incompetent in doing so.
>Over a period of 18 months, the United States delivered to Iran through Israel a large quantity of weapons, notably TOW anti-tank missiles and Hawk anti-aircraft missiles, along with military spare parts. Although the Reagan Administration has denied a direct connection, three American hostages held in Lebanon by pro-Iranian groups were released by their captors after delivery of weapons.
There's a simple reason why the US has refused to negotiate with terrorists until now.
Doing so sets two dangerous precedents.
First - it establishes that we *will* negotiate sets a price on the heads of Americans. It tells terrorists and criminals that there is money to be made in kidnapping Americans and ransoming the federal government.
Second - it means there's no going back. We can never go back to *not* negotiating with terrorists because now the government can be held liable for not negotiating for someone's release. It means that every parents or spouse or child of a serviceman or civilian who gets kidnapped and ransomed and dies because the federal government refuses to negotiate can sue the shit out of the state.
See Also he blatantly lied to the public
>government of Muslim nation just kidnapped Americans
Why are Americans ignoring the even bigger thing here?
Ergo, that the administration is signing a treaty with a country that's kidnapping their soldiers for ransom?
Lied, and then shamed and wagged his finger at the press for DARING to question him.
>paying a terrorist theocracy almost half a billion dollars for 4 mudslime-Americans
In what way was he not? He sent weapons to Iran, his administration got caught. He was arguably worse off because Obama managed to swing the deal to be "Open" in some sense.
If Reagan got caught doing what he did he'd have been in lots of trouble, Obama's basically fine after getting caught because he has an easy excuse for it.
It wasn't a 'bribe', guys, we were going to give them that money anyway.
We just held out on them for a little while until they released our bros.
That makes it sound better ...right?
I really hate the cunt.
Brilliant move by Obama, hold Iran's money hostage and the madmen in the Middle East actually paid the ransom!
Bad idea with good intention is still a bad idea.
You're going to be hearing a lot of this, and a lot of bobbling over the meaning of the word "contingent" from the left over this.
Mark my words.
Good post
And knowingly lied to the public about the deal.
Shut up kike