Foreskin regeneration

If your circumcised and want your foreskin back give me ONE REASON why your not donating to foregen other than low shekels.

>pro tip you can't


>pro tip

I've been without it for 25 years, I'll deal with it the rest of my life.

Bumping so all the freaks who get up in arms about circumcision have something to circlejerk about for a bit.

>tfw low shekels

Feels burdo bardo, man

I am donating to foregen

Tugging doesn't restore nerves or lubricating function.

>freaks who get up in arms about circumcision
Delusional retard detected.


(((They))) have brainwashed most americans into thinking cutting your dick is ok.

I'll kick in some money when I'm not as broke. In the meantime I'll keep restoring so I at least have something. Definitely seeing results though.

Fucking kikes... and parents.

>(((They))) have brainwashed most americans into thinking cutting your dick is ok.

Jokes on all of you I guess. Im the opposite of all these stereotypes. Im Jewish and was circumcised. Look up Jews against circumcision. Not all Jews are a hivemind of brainwashing globalist overlords.

If you restore your probably gonna have to get that cut off so the actual nerve rich foreskin with a ridged band could be reattached. Dont worry the jew doctors tricked your parents your parents probably didnt know any better.

True but your still missing out.

>True but your still missing out.
And it pains me to think about it. It's infuriating having to watch porn or to even just look at myself and be reminded of what was stolen from me.

I'm Canadian and I'm retarded. Look up retarded Canadians and you'll find me.

>t. Aquafresh

Well, if it can make you feel better, I'm a girl, and I wouldn't care whether a guy was cut or uncut. I'm against infant circumcision, but I definitely wouldn't turn a guy down for something as minor as a foreskin.

Thanks. Even if your lying about being a girl its still comforting.

Out of curiosity do you find that girls in general have preferences or petty feelings about it? Often a defense used for circumcision is that """""""It looks better or cleaner""""""" but if the barbaric practice was dropped all together nobody would care anymore because everyone would just be natural.

>implying any of the lost sensitivity will ever come back
And even if it did, it would just make you more of an addict to women and/or fapping

What's the point?

>Even if your lying about being a girl its still comforting.
I'm not lying, though.

>Out of curiosity do you find that girls in general have preferences or petty feelings about it?
I haven't really noticed any. Everybody has preferences, of course, but from what I've noticed, it seems to be obnoxious bitches who have a very strong preference for either. Same with stuff like height or size queens. I'm pretty sure that the huge majority of us don't really care.

>be american
>get piece manhood removed by the jew

could a male population be any more cuckced

The lost sensitivity WILL come back. Kertanization would be reversed if the foreskin was regenerated and the protection was on there I wear this cock sock thing and I feel more sensitive. Dont you want to feel more and be alive? Its your birthright that was stolen tell your friends to donate to foregen.


>oy vey its hygenic
>silly goy don't you miss the sensation

Jews cut dick off to make money, Jews regenerate dick to make money with it. It's clockwork. You fucking burger man.

How would they regrow the lost nerve endings?

>cock sock
Go on...

The stem cell process would fix that, my question is what would it be like when all these new nerves that have never been used undergo stimuli. Shit is probably like that scene in the matrix when he can't open his eyes

I pity all the people with mutilated jewdick.

You will never know how sensitive glans can really be or how good it feels inside pussy.

Foreskin is there for a reason.

Planning on donating a fairly large amount monthly when I start my new job at the end of the year.

>Galatians 5:2
>Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.

What did he mean by this?

I know how. I remember right after it was cut. I pretty much hate my parents and society as a whole

Its custom fit special hand woven fabric thqt keeps your dick head sensitive. $20 for the first one then $10 more for each one after that. Wash LIGHTLY for 2 minutes in washer then let it sit dry. Lasts about a year if taken care of well.

(Mods plz dont ban me thx).

Thanks man. No really I couldn't thank you enough.

Your parents are under jewish tricks. You make the new society. You will be whole again soon.

>americans having their foreskins cut
literally why?

Some Muslims are against circumcision too.

circumcision is the only civilized way to have a penis. I can't wait to get a proper penis. Only reason to have foreskin is if you collect the penis cheese that develops under it. If you are hygienic then there is no reason to keep it.

Nigger, are you this lazy to not wash your penis?

You can fuck up your penis that way. Not to mention its a pain in the ass

*If you're hygenic there's no reason to get rid of it.

The guy kellog who made corn flakes started it. Im serious. Then the jews from WW2 came over and reinforced it.


You will regret all of the sensitivity you will lose. Wait until foregen can regenerate your foreskin then you can switch back right away if you want.

Your fingernails are there for a reason, goy, what are you cutting them?

Someone WILL fall for this.

because i have one

Because my parents didn't let jew mutilate my cock?

Stop trying to make people feel bad about their dicks, you filthy kike.

>offers solution to problem caused by jews
>lel yore a kike

Bad b8 m8.

> I'll let you have it back now goy

>I'm a girl

I hope your time on Sup Forums finds you well, m'lady

Because their business is based on the fact people get circumcised (against their will).

Therefore it's in their best interest if that practise is continued.
Therefore, they will support circumcision as it earns them money long-term.

As such, if you are circumcised, and want your foreskin back, well tough luck damage done - but you can prevent it happening to others by not funnelling your cash into that industry.

I wont do it to my son(s) but I still want MY foreskin back. The circumcision rates are going down but there are still HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of men around the world missing theirs.

Get your foreskin back and break the cycle. If you break the cycle the money will stop.

Can this technology give me a second penis

can someone show me their before/after pics for tugging or whatever people are doing to restore foreskin?

I'm finding it hard to believe it really works. personal photos only please, I don't trust marketing photos from sites that want to sell you shit to restore foreskin

Because it's got a kike on the board of directors

Did anyone expect different? Goyim pls

A fucking Mohel on the staff!

He's the one who collects the foreskins!

Don't do this. You'll turn into a trap within weeks.

Does anyone actually think for a second that this isn't just a money making scheme? The Jew is a crafty beast indeed! With one crooked, shriveled hand, he mutilates the Goyim, and with the other, he takes your shekles in your vain hopes of regrowth.

Is there no low the kike won't sink to?

>If your circumcised

>and want your foreskin back
Fuck no, I'm not going to pay money to make my dick look like an ugly sandworm.

If it turns out to be minimally risky and very successful (as in lots of people have it done) I will consider it.

But my penis already is pretty sensitive and I'm not too keen on the idea of getting it cut up again and taking another risk.