When will trans be designated as a mental illness?
When will trans be designated as a mental illness?
Don't worry, the day will come when all the cancer is cleansed from our lands!
What did he mean by this?
Jesus Christ. How better to describe transfucks though? They're playing a permanent game of make-believe and insist everyone else shuts up and plays along.
when will americans pay for the crimes they commited in middle east?
isn't it? here it is and I always asumed we just copied your manuals
being a fag used to be in the DSM
i'm pretty sure with proper treatment trans and fags could be helped
In just 20 years.
It already is
These comics are always shit, but this one was genuinely disgusting.
pic unrelated
Thats it. Time to shut down for the night...
Honestly I hope it never does. I hope mental invalids keep chopping off their cocks at an alarming rate. I'm going to need them all to keep dying mutilated and broken so I can keep the government shekels flowing. My legacy to medicine will be lab grown cocks. One day every man will have a 12 inch vagina slaying tool and much more importantly I'll be rich. Oh god how I'll be rich
This one is straight up depressing.
I don't know if it's supposed to be funny, a sensitive "feels" comic, or the artist is using this as a cry for help
Why would you save that?
why does this picture turn me on so much
The same reason why anyone would save this cringy bullshit. Also, I kind of have a compulsive habit to save anything that triggers an emotional reaction.
Naked girls schlicking themselves?
This picture makes me feel sad.. Rekt and ylyl threads can't even compete with this single pic
I'd say we've gone well beyond the point where this guy needs to be locked in a rubber room.
no the femdom dick removal
People of the future will look back at our CURRENT YEAR and weep for humanity.
Oh... Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
Best picture in thread and all of front page Sup Forums.
t. sweden
It's like 80% of the internet turned into total shit last year.
>The idea to create said image had to go through someones head
>Someone had to make that full knowing what they are doing
christ why hasnt he offed himself yet?
We're more likely to see polygamy, incest and pedophilia legalised unfortunately :/
That's actually kinda hot
Do you think i was meant for fapping, to make a political statement, or both?
definitely fapping
I would rather hope it's for fapping.
Once you land on the moon.
Kek, guess we never will.
Dude wtf
it was till they changed to the newest DSM
looks like some politicized guro as idiculous as it sound
so both
Yeah, I was thinking that.
i havent seen a more stimulating image on a chan in years, it's refreshing
Is it me or the art style degraded
>You even have that image
I don't get it; are they supposed to be children? Because they look like children.
I'm dying
To get sweet (You)s. Also, I keep it in my SJW folder to make points.
> the artist is using this as a cry for help
This artist is fucking weird he/she seems to be leaving self critical or direct cries for help in quite a few of his/her comics.
Its probably the mental illness.
For the sake of abandoned children, I hope trans people are never allowed to adopt for this very reason
Oh fuck, I forgot about that webcomic! I used to read that all the time up until around 5 years ago. It's pretty shit now.
What's it called?
>Born from two daddies
>natural mechanism
B-b-b-b-but both daddies sperms, so natural!
What kind of mother talks to her 12 year old son about having children
The fact that someone thought about this and knew full well what they were making is genuinely worrying.
questionable content.
Baby already has a gay haircut.
>Sup Forums BTFO
the "if you dont like gays you must be gay"- meme reinvented ahaha fck off faggot
I hope we all die in nuclear fire soon.
used to read it before redpill
its degenerate
It's not a crime when the king does it.
a leftist
What was it?
This tbqh. These comics encapsulate everything wrong with these loonies
kek'd and checked
> I am disgusted by poop, therefore I must want to eat poop
wew lad
mental illness are not illneses at all
delusions, sistematic wrong thinking.. all those are not illness
it's called being wrong
it's true, we're playing a game and we're winning you're just jealous because your penis is smaller than your arm
You mean redesignated and just like homosexuality it won't be.
If these posts have taught me anything, it's that they tell themselves that to make themselves feel better
next thursday 4 PM EST
Fuck me, wtf is going on in that pic
>not being man enough to admit you find this brave beautiful woman attractive
Shit I fucked up
Was it ever classified as a mental illness? When did it change?
Teh = het backwards.
Subliminal messaging confirmed! I.e. If this guy fucks a tranny and he's het, then it's a-ok for you xd
It needs to get a nose job to be passable.
That's funny because it's an admission you don't see trannies and gays often make.
Once they get butchered and end up with a sterile, useless hole that will eat away at them forever.
>you aren't even lucky to have your son grow up to be a fag
Who the fuck make these comics, some SJW tumblr retard?
I don't blame people who don't like trannies to that be attracted to that. She is a shit tier tranny
Really made me think
Can't be as bad as this crazy manchild.
I went through my first reproductive health class in the 5th grade, age 11.
Poor dad ;_;
if it's not a mental illness, it's a physical one
and that would be suggesting that a perfectly healthy body is a fault, and not the brain for interpreting it incorrectly.
and that's crazy talk
>I feel fat
>you are objectively underweight, this can be proven
>you need therapy and counselling
>I feel like a woman
>welp, you have a dick and balls, but we'll go with your gut instinct
>I'll schedule the orchiectomy and speak to the endocrinologist
steph's dad is based
That's just fucking sad
>it thinks 10 year olds actually talk like this
>it thinks 10 year olds fully understand any of this crap