How does Sup Forums feel about this monument to Trump and rule 34?
Nude Trump monuments go up in 5 cities
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Well fuck me sideways. I'm #WithHer now.
Art students have a lot of free time on there hands....
The Emperor Has No Clothes. Babbys first allegory
I thought liberals hated bodyshaming. Imagine if there was one of Hillary Clinton.
I was gonna ask who has this much time on their hands. I forgot there are still people that go to art school
Can someone list the 5 cities? I have an idea about something
Pick two
Who else lives in Seattle and wants to go smash it to pieces?
now imagine monuments of a naked hillary with saggy tits and saggy belly, plus saggy ass beef curtains behind greasy pubic hair
imagine the outrage.
But alas, it's fucking cuckmerica, and in less than 4 months you'll be following the orders of your very own corrupt merkel clone for 8 years
Lol, logic is outlawed here, leaf pal.
Can't anons in America actually make one? I'd like to think they could organize and bring a project to life.
He got that baby dick
Our media outlets would have specials on body shaming and feminism.
Has anyone called out the artist(s) for fat-shaming?
There was one of Hillary that Aussie did on the wall of a building and got told to change it cause she was in a bathing suit. Don't have pic cause on phone.
Another fine example of how liberals have zero morals nor do they know where the line is drawn.
>gay pride flags in the background
great idea user
let's lay flowers and wreaths at its feet and dress it in Trump brand clothing
Why are they trying so hard?
This only makes him stronger.
Who, exactly, do liberals think they're going to convince not to vote Trump based on a statue put up in a libshit city conservatively likely don't live in anyway?
I think they do this because they are unironically all gay.
if you did this with hillary you'd disappear one day.
Nah, just dress it in one of those gaudy pant suits. See if they get the joke.
Holy shit that's sexy
I'd fuck that statue in a dick throb
Don't ever ask that. It's a douche question.
"NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small,"
This was NYC's response.
where's my nakey hilldog??
I'm not in Seattle but I'm in Washington. Is that where this shit is? I'll fuck it up this weekend.
Just saw this on HuffPoo
People in comment section are celebrating it and making fun of him, laughing at Melania too.
The irony... nobody sees it
Liberals can't into logic
It's not a political statement so much as it is an art students tantrum. The guy admitted he did this because trump made fun of disabled people abloo bloo bloo.
Hillary's Vision
They are this right now. And you know the fucking cartoon meme of drumpf and that fat zioness with ugly tits? When he goes ahem china?
>First Guy here in gif
Ahem Drumpf Fat
>Rollie Sup Forumsy Ohlie
Oops I just killed the leaf and shitposters maymay
He's a grower, not a shower
Any polacks want to meetup in Union park?
As a person who makes decisions based on statues this will really effect how i feel about Trump.
mockery is the highest form of flattery
Gravely disturbing.
Barry Was a Dreamer
One Day Islam Will Rule America
Stay Woke Indeed
>brain damage intensifies
Anderson sees a pee-pee
Better than seeing Hillary naked by a long shot.
Somebody locate them so somebody can kick them down.
>can see gay flags in the background
Now we just need someone to hot glue it for the art to be complete.
Where is it in Seattle?
First destroyed by his planty woman and putin. Then by khaaaan now by fags. Even mateen is a fag. The right is a dying norm macdonald shitjoke
I don't understand why no one put them on a truck and reported it as a found item with the police and where the owner can reclaim it.
If they don't come, put it on ebay. Money.
>body shaming
funny how they cry about this left and right but its their go to tool for bullying
Fuck off Trigglypuff
Somebody should counter with nude Michelle Obama statues, dick balls and all
>How does Sup Forums feel about this monument to Trump
I laughed, will still vote for the circus peanut over the wicked witch of the west.
put a kneeling Hillary statue blowing him
It proves that every time they cry offense it's just a game to them.
>People are this obsessed with fucking their father figures
Oy vey
that'd be hilarious, my heart would give out
That edit thou
I'm cool with it. I don't want to hear their mouths when a Hillary one is constructed though
Kek if only we had some fashy art students here
wtf i love trump now
Imagine five cities across the country erecting statues of a naked, saggy tits Hillary with varicose veins, floppy beef curtains, and a silver Seventies megabush.
Ja! Ja! Ja! Dit is goed!
We're going to put up Hillary monuments in 10 cities, complete with chocolate drip and Bernie and BLM negroes on a leash.
The little dick joke is weak.
We will destroy you.
Coughing Fits
Pants of Shit
woo there thats a little sexist isnt it jesus man its 2016 wth
help reeee rape
Just replace the head with a Hillary mask on a mannequin head, and see how fast it gets taken down.
>micropenis or megaclit?
Tetanya or whatever is drumpf's wife's name with middle name "Christ" for sure already did that to herself. Malia goes to Harvard
They both breathe fire. They're both like Bernie and he prolly doesn't. No white man's antizionist socialism for you goyim ass they always get cheated. But. Shillary is a secret republican and drumpf is Stalin. Ffs Boinee was a bigger 2A guy than either of them. We're screwed. The statue says it all
If there was one in Texas I'd be over there in a heartbeat to deface it and glue a hillary mask on its head
lol he has a small dick!
That means he must be a terrible person!
really makes you think!!!
In my personal opinion what you should do is take these statues, paint them brown, give them a wig, and then say its Michelle. Nothing assblasts an artsy fartys liberal harder then having their work appropriated by someone else.
What do you think it's made of?
Give em a tummytuck and a sixpack, and it'd look great. Like a classic statue.
Any artfags about?
NYC monument has been removed.
Wtf good is a clit on a man
If I lived in the states I would smash up that statue as soon as night fell
You cowardly cunts better destroy that shit asap
They should actually do one of her, theyr allowed to now that they struck first. Many keks could be had.
How is this even legal?
He has a beautiful body and personality. Why would anybody desecrate this?
I was going to say the same but men shame one another for their dick size anyway.
Can you imagine the outrage from fem nazis if this was a Hillary statue with big old saggy knockers?
It was removed by the city. Not destroyed.
I'd dig it. Put a diapee too
New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle. “The Emperor Has No Balls” is the name of their multi-city guerilla installation.
>The guy admitted he did this because trump made fun of disabled people abloo bloo bloo.
These people basically live to be faggots, don't they
Even your "liberals" give him free media. All the world is a FUCKING stage bro
They are trying so hard. Now it seems to me that they know they will lose the election and simply resort to petulant insults.
Silly coons .
the left act like children.
No doubt, leaf friend.
>how to put yourself in a wheelchair and not by using marijuana or things like it
The post
uh they're winning tho
i love the fact that in the DNC leaks, it confirms trump is packing a huge dong...democrats literally admitted to knowing trump had girth/length...hillarious
Democrats truly are disgusting creatures.
You're a fucking clown party
ITT triggered and butthurt Drumpftards
BTW your meme candidate should stop eating junkfood and he should think about a penis extension cause that's a ridiculous coktail wiener
why is everyone taking this the wrong way and reacting like autists?
this is PROMOTING trump!
it shows how open and transparent trump is!
he's not afraid to show us anything.
speak up nigger, I can't hear you from underneath that truck