Group behind Trump Statues selling anti police themed "riot gear" Is soros or others involved?

There are multiple statues made mocking trump, these are the ones who alledgedly are responsible for it.

Look at their products.

>Balaclava that says legalize crime..
>Make shit happen gloves
>Anti Pig spray
>Prison shank
>indecline logo is a businessman with horns
>"mercy music" showing two white individuals

This shit seems a bit sinister.
Is is just some assholes trying to capitalize on civil unrest or is this funded?

Other urls found in this thread:

"legalize crime"
>and there you have it start killing communists already for fucks sake.

I'd wear it

>crime gets legalized
>all the niggers and leftists get shot by right wing death squads Videos they made confirming it's this group that is responsible for the statues, the "man with no balls". Pro BLM and pro mass immigration is clear to see.

look at the dirty business skateboard

Business man with watch with illuminati and mason symbols and illuminati ring shaking the hand of a red shirt wearer with $ and "owned" bracelet.

look at the video of the homepage they are openly declaring war for hillary and the establishment.

>flammable gloves
Should be illegal.

I don't know. But keep me posted!


It's possible, Soros and the old Bush crew just gave BLM over a hundred million dollars, clearly they're doubling down.

the Story of Indicline:
some faggot started off making videos about humiliating bums by making them do stuff for money and crack rocks (see: bumfights). Shit hits the fan, conservative America is butthurt, above mentioned faggot sales company to the highest bidder. They produce more bumfights.

Now they are selling "Fuck Trump"-Tshirts like "Look guys we are good, we made money off homeless guys, but now we are Trump hating edgelords pls support us"

Also stop shilling your site faggot.

Calm down princess, just trying to find out more about who's making these statues, since they're obviously popping up in several different places to get attention to whoever is making them so i wanted to see if they were somehow promoting some violent shit.

These people deserve to be shot.

good! maybe this will mean more dead cops

i want to buy thirteen of these holy shit what's the website link again

>Legalize crime

>scratching and defacing things for no reason

no i'm gonna use it to stab people because it's my second amendment right read the constitution you Fuck H The people behind this are probably pretty screwed if trump decides to sue them for defamation or slander or incitement to violence, in this video they're introducing the "riot stick" and encouraging/demonstrating smashing the window of a police car.

pic related.
pic also related but the site not the commenter
here is your answer: indicline is owned by hipster edgelords, they have a bad reputation, i highly fucking doubt soros would want to work with them, as he seems to be "prohuman rights" and bumfights wasnt very pro human rights.

Also you are from denmark why do you care?


dude that's a picture of my unlce how dare you

XDD haha an upboat

Do they not understand the only reason they are alive is because while they don't follow the rules their enemy doesn't, no crime, is the day of the rope.

But I think they mean crime only for white males, so...

Seeing as to how the riot stick is made for bashing cop car window's, probably illegal.

These cucks learned how to say "its just a documentary, bro" after their arrest, and would no doubt claim these videos as 'slices of life' if questioned.

>probably illegal
Probably not, but certainly being found with one will get you a criminal mischief charge on the spot.

You could (and should) do the same with a rock.

This will come back to bite them in the dick. They are essentially giving insurgents and looters uniforms, which is fucking retarded.

It will make for easy targets for law enforcement or and any independent group of Americans out for blood. The latter will probably be more willing to drop the shits than the cops. These fucking retards should take a look at books on COIN and insurgencies instead of shit talking.

Did you just say soros is pro human nights?

Nigh please. He was an unironic Nazi.

Wow, it's a fucking scribe... I've got a few just like it. This shit is fishy as fuck.

t. machinist.

>Legalize Crime
These niggers have to be trolling.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if Trump wins this thing the left will start a war over it, most of them aren't even hiding this intention.

Indecline were behind bumfights. They're just attention whores after money.

BLM will get a lot more militant, but the rest will just scream about it on social media.

That's actually a good way to track down rioters if they buy this retarded garbage and are filmed doing shit while wearing it

>Hawking overpriced bullshit to dumb naïve teenagers
This is definitely funded because shit like this is always funded. The leftards are the sacrificial lambs of the elites, it's always been this way.

>mfw we might actually get a REAL purge that isn't retarded like the movies are

It's just the same trick that Michael Moore plays.

>have to buy an overpriced pos 'self defence' pen to deface cars
>mfw just use keys to scrape up cars with lefty bumper stickers

These leftists wouldn't know what hit them if crime was legalized. Then it would be blah blah blah unfair advantage okay the rules apply again punish the Nazis for their crimes.

No shit they are. See: Literally the exact same product. I wouldn't be surprised if they bought them in bulk from MSC.

Whats wrong with these faggots?
>stealing body parts in Bangkok to send home to the US. Fucking weirdos.

>taking people on Sup Forums seriously

Holy fuck the liberal mall ninjas that buys this garbage would get their skull bashed in by some guy with a pipe or bat

this is why we need the second amendment because we wouldnt have to ship individual body parts we could ship the whole body


>Trouble Marker
>Solidified oil based, super permanent paint marker. Pretend you’re a gang banger even though college was paid for by Mom and Dad.

At least they're a little bit self-aware.

Perhaps they get help with funding, but they made a lot of cash on Bumfights.

This site is powered by Expresion Engine. Expression Engine is used by corporations such as Coca Cola, Disney and Apple. I wonder how Expression Engine would react if these companies knew EE supported this cancer.

>no crime, is the day of the rope.

That's a great point. Should we support no crime?

They're just trying to cash in, and it would help a ton in identifying people who buy this shit and actually go out and riot

>Two of the creators of Bumfights are accused of trying to ship infant body parts from Thailand to Las Vegas. Ryen McPherson and Daniel Jamon Tanner are suspected of trying to ship a baby’s skull, a human heart, as well as sheets of adult skin to Las Vegas.

>people who buy this shit and actually go out and riot
I assure you that the people who buy this overpriced gimmicky shit don't have the balls to use it.

How is that site selling it cheaper than an actual tool supplier?

>they actually buy a brand-name "riot stick"

Fucking hell, who would actually purchase this?

These are the self important prick that are perfect for Sup Forums to fuck with

What the FUCK
Why, though? Why do they need assorted pieces of human viscera? The only explanation I could think of is some occult thing but I really don't know enough about that stuff to say for sure. I really can't think of any other reason.

Dem comments:

I doubt they sell much of anything. Its more of a tutorial than anything. Like user said earler, smash windows with a brick, 'just make sure its a cops windows.' 'Douse your gloves in flammable liquids, punch through windows, drop the glove, light the glove'.


Then they fled to Cambodia when warrants were served.

They aren't.

You know, this is actually pretty useful

You can put your cash inside and the niggers won't be able to find it if they rob you

die reddit

Why isn't there a website just like this but for Sup Forums? What would be on it? It'd have to be stuff not sold anywhere else, and rather cheap for the average polack, so no guns.

The antifa are here and I'm going to sell them corked bats.

No one wants to hear coon tunes at 3am on a Friday. Fuck these people.

(((Someone))) else foot the bill.

Look at the last question on their FAQ

Probably just some kikes profiting with the situation. They're genius at gaining money

Sorry, the answer got cut off

desu senpai, most of these things would be stopped at any simple inspection by the customs and seen as weapons
If you need weapons you can buy them in your own country and avoid shipping shit internationally, considering most of the shit they are shipping out will eventually be flagged as weapons and all the similar orders seized before they even leave the states

Then again I could be wrong, I still know better to not trust customs to do their job right or fast.