Political Science professor says trump has 87% chance of winning

>cucks btfo
>shills btfo
>shit skins btfo
>MUH true conservatisms btfo

This is from a political science professor who has accurately predicted the popular vote since 1996. Sorry bitches, get ready for a president Trump!!!
>pic very related



Aahahahahaha holy shit how fucking desperate are you trumpshits? Just fucking give up and stop being so delusional.



You didn't click on the link did you pineapple? InfoWars just reported on it. The video came from Fox News.

Drumpfkins are getting desperate, huh?


When are you fucking libcuck shills going to leave this board?

this is how fucking retarded shills are

dont even click on the link

thanks for correcting the record

Wow, it's like you guys are reading from the same manual or something.

we get it you have a Serbian proxy

> political
> science

$0.05 has been deposited into your account, Shekelqueef

You are trolling right?


Get lost shill

Inforwars is a legitimate source.

>Tfw people actually think Infowars isn't a good source for news

I've always found their articles to well written and properly sourced. I like Infowars.

>Inforwars is a legitimate source.

You're a piece of shit, but pic related was tight.

Thank you for CTR

The silent majority is going to ROAR on Election Day.

Might not even be a proxy. Might just be a poor Serbian earning his shekels.

It isn't, but it sometimes is. This article is.

85788801 (You)
85788920 (You)
85789023 (You)
85789815 (You)
85790456 (You)
if you weren't such a newfag shill you would know there were threads about the primary model months ago.
Nice proxies, though, faggot.

Your right some article written by shekelstine is legitimate


I literally can't even right now

feels good man. hillery dead in the water. but there was never any doubt, so now she and bill can go be ill together and decay further. no more corruption and treason, America wins

Literally everyone else says that Trump is losing.

One delusional trump shill on fucking FOX NEWS of all places doesn't change the fact that trump is losing and will lose.

Trumptards are truly delusional.

The problem with this analysis is that it uses the primaries as the predictor or party unity. The fact that there were 17 Republican candidates, and only 4 (only two real competitors) has me hesitant in putting all my belief in the prediction.

Says the paid shill proxy fag

Your not gonna show up here in a few weeks when the polls are even or he's ahead are you...........why is that line on RCP going up for him and down for her??? and its not even the end of summer yet?? enjoy your 3 weeks of delusion, cause they about to end.


Stopped reading right there

We've actually seen this shit before, the media and the Dems are not above fake polls and smear campaigns to hide their weakness.
>2014 Maryland gubernatorial election
>Brown polling double digits over Hogan
>Hogan has massive rallies and widespread public shows of support
>Brown isolates himself from media and refuses to take questions or interviews
>instead runs non stop smear ads and relies on friendly media to carry his campaign
starting to sound familiar yet?
>liberal media is smug as fuck
>538 predicts 96% chance of liberal victory
>Hogan campaign staffers are confused as to how they can be so far behind in the polls with all of the support they see on the streets
>they commission two polls of their own
>first shows their Brown ahead by 2, other shows them up by 5
>liberals laugh and call them delusional, after all it's an outlier poll funded by Republicans, surely the mainstream media is more trustworthy right?
>Final results: Hogan wins by 5

To wrap things up I'm pretty certain that Hillary's position isn't nearly as strong as the media claims it is, her "rallies" attract more protesters than attendees, she doesn't hold many events or press conferences, and her campaign is constantly wracked by scandals.

Yep, 2016 is going to be MD 2014 all over again. Blacks won't turn out to vote in the same numbers they did in 2008 and 2012 but angry whites will.