CEO of major company says Trump is a terrible candidate

>CEO of major company says Trump is a terrible candidate
Why do you even support this shmuck, Sup Forums?

>liberals 10yrs ago
>i side with startups and charities
>liberals today
>i side with ceo of gm

I side with he who knows his shit.

GM went bankrupt didn't they?

Trump is an elite businessman just like the gm dude, but better. He knows his shit. Checkmate libtards

Yes, they got bailed out by the gov. Gm owns tons of car companies too. Probably 60% of the domestic market

Got a massive bailout after the financial crisis. They were derisively called Government Motors for years.

Gubmint bailed them out.
Then explain why no CEO supports Trump.

>thinking that there is any job that gives the experience required to be president

>Then explain why no CEO supports Trump.
because he wants to take away their gibsmedats

>CEO of 4 companies
>Not one but 4 where he was asked politely to leave or forced out by stockholders and or board
>Specializing in running 4 companies into the ground, one of which needed a tax payer bailout to save GM
>Same ex-CEO tries to objectively tell me that Trump as a CEO of a successful multi-billion dollar enterprise for decades is bad


This guy is one of the reasons "Cash for Clunkers" existed.

>rich people don't support Trump
Hmmm, I wonder why

The same company that asked the Government for a bail-out because it didn't innovate for decades?

seems legit

>company massively dependent on government bailouts and shipping manufacturing to mexico hates Trump
Really makes you think

>the company that was so poorly run it only stayedi n business off of a government bail out
>in bed with the establishment
>making 60% of its cars in China
why should I care? GM should have died already. Its a national disgrace.

Take our tax money and then move our jobs overseas anyway, shameless jew business.

He's clearly worked with the government in the past.
So he's just bad at dealing with businessmen?
Why innovate when you have a good thing going?
You seem like you know nothing about business. If all the car manufacturers are in Mexico, then explain Detroit.

lots of CEOs and rich people support Trump, they themselves have tried to run for president in the past, and failed.

they love to see Trump succeeding--or perhaps not all of them...

This is a very interesting point, the "left" so to speak has become the biggest supporters of the status quo.

Huge multinational corporations and billionaires are no longer resisted but embraced as knowing all, very different to earlier on. I mean look at Brexit.

Retard Professor: the post

thats not something i would want on my curriculum


Fedz: hey bro, remember those billions we gave you a long time ago?
chump CEO: I do thank you so much for that!
Fedz:Cool Bro, now trash donald trump
Chump CEO: Is that all?
Feddz: Yup, kthxbye

>Why innovate when you have a good thing going?

That is literally why they failed and needed the massive government gibsmedats.

Remember to sage this shit thread everyone.

>be bailed out by the government after running your company into the ground
>let me tell you how to run your country

When can we kill all corporatists?

Disgusting. Corrupt faggots all need to hang. Fuck.

Fedz hang up phone...."wow, that was easy, didn't even have to offer to kill his whole family"

Sorry, didn't General Motors literally just have to be saved by the Fed from crashing into ruin?

Name five CEOs who support Drumpf.
>The left supports the status quo
How retarded can you actually be?
What have I said wrong?

>a **FORMER** CEO calls Trump a bad leader
>a **FORMER** CEO of a massive company says the guy who wants to stop their loophole abuse is a bad pick

It isn't complicated. If big businesses hate him, then he's definitely the guy to listen to. Since when do liberals latch on to any anti-Trump rhetoric and immediately use it without even considering the source?

>GM is in full damage control because Trump would make them pay big league

Please vote for Trump, guys. I want to see what he'll do to the big companies that fucked us all in the ass for so long. GM made my city into a metropolis and then left abruptly, turning us into a crackhead-infested, jobless shit hole. The people in charge were well aware of what they were doing.

Any CEO worth their weight in piss is going to STFU on this issue.

It's the job of the government to support their dying industries, you autistic faggot. Do you even know economics?

You mean resume, famalam. And you're right. GM a shit.

Trump OWNS business. CEO are just elite wagecucks. Prove me wrong.

Baseless claim.

Who cares about what CEOs support whl, although there are ones who do support him I though libshits hated them anyway

> So he's just bad at dealing with businessmen?


>CEO does not want all his bribes to go to waste.
>CEO of company that had to be taken over by the federal government and needs printed money to stay in business.

>implying anyone gives a fuck what CEOs think

Just go ahead and write Shillary an 8 figure check so she can piss it away on political consultants and TV ads that no one watches and shut the hell up.

You said several CEOs support Drumpf, and you can't even name one. As your golden god would say, "sad".
CEOs do a great deal of work for their companies, just look at the Tesla guy.
Any CEO who cares about their country is against Drumpf.

No it isn't.

The company would have fallen apart and smaller companies could pick up the pieces and grow. Instead a shit company is allowed to stumble around and continue to send jobs out of country.

Not an arguement.

This coming from a true globalist.
>We need to let American companies die so foriegn companies can make all our cars for us for really high prices
Neck yourself.

>ceo of 4 companies

"The Trump Organization has interests in real estate development, investing, brokerage, sales and marketing, and property management. The company owns, operates, invests, and develops residential real estate, hotels, resorts, residential towers, and golf courses in different countries, as well as owning several hundred thousand square feet (several hectares) of prime Manhattan real estate. It lists involvement in 515 subsidiaries and entities with 264 of them bearing Trump's name and another 54 including his initials"

You're such a tool. I know plenty of CEO's that support trump. I even know one that sent a company email telling HIS employees to vote for trump hahaha.

It's not my business to name them.

So what's your point?

>It's not my business to name them
>I have no real proof and am just spouting shit off on the internet

A fired GM CEO is your idea of "knowing your shit"?

You seem to have a very poor understanding of what a CEO is and does.

I take that back. You're fucking clueless.

Just as you did with you crass remark "any CEO that cares about their country doesn't support trump"

Fuck off cuckboi.

Try posting an actual argument instead of posting retarded insults, fucking retard.
I never said I knew them personally, now did I?

Ya, I know you don't know them personally, because none of them would associate with a LOSER like you. Get his guy outta here!!!

now you sound desperate
hope you get your 0.10$
godspeed CTR

Fuck you, faggot.
>Says the guy who said he knew CEOs

That guy never said he knows CEOs I did. Are you that kind of retard?

Go fuck yourself.

GM makes the shittiest cars

You're finished, you're through. Curtains. The fat lady has sung.

But honestly bro, I really hope this allignment with leftist rhetoric gets you laid in your hipster social circuits. I know you get all the ass for being so progressive. Honestly, I would probably do that to if I couldn't get laid by being a fucking man.

Nearly all of Donald's economic board is CEOs.

>four unnamed companies, might as well have been CEO of four dildo factories
The picture you provided does give a reasonable argument
>Business skills don't mean presidential skills.
Indeed, they don't mean presidential skills, but they can be part of a set of skills necessary to be president. We'll just have to see.
Business skills also don't mean that he DOESN'T have the necessary skills to be president.

I lean towards Trump because the left is actively pushing me towards Trump with their shit.

i never said anything like that
CTR newfag confirmed
lurk moar faggot

I think he mad.

U mad?

That just shows what a retarded Drumpf supporter you are. The only thing you care about is sex, but I'm above that you fucking pig.

woops, my bad. GM as in General Motors.
So he was CEO of four General Motors companies?
Why would that matter though? Is General Motors relevant all of a sudden?


Hopefully he had a self realization after that anger he experienced.

>gm needs government bailout

>starts telling who is qualified

Lol are the Lehman bros next? A

No the only thing I care about is providing for myself and my loved ones. Doing the right thing by my fellow man. being of service to the community I live in and working tirelessly on myself to be a better person for this world. That gets me more ass than I know what to do with so I don't need to care about sex, because it comes to me effortlessly, as does money.

>but I'm above that you fucking pig.

So you're a virgin? Unsurprising, coming from your average libshit. :^)

>Hillary will be just like Obama and bail us out of our FUCK-UPS... at the tax-payers expense... allow us tax-BREAKS to ship our company production overseas AND sign TPP so we can make even MORE $$$ while doing all of it at the expense of the USA citizens...then sell the products to them!!!

Trump won't allow that, that's pretty much the cornerstone of his campaign other than
>le build wall ban muslims!!
memes that pseudo-intellectual libshits like to moan about.

That's why golden-parachute (((executives))) don't want him and want $hilLIARy... because she's a crook they bought and they can't buy Trump.

Sort of like how they bought (You) for this $0.10 shitpost.

Have a list of all the SUCCESSFUL companies he still runs that are not the 4 you shills focus on.

Also, I didn't bump your thread... hopeffully you get a .05 deduction or something.