Wow really makes you think...
Wow really makes you think
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I hate America now
It's also one of the richest
Really makes me think...
wtf I hate tanks now...
your welcome.
No it hasn't
American military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in our foreign policy.
I haven't thought like this in years. Thanks op!
>some goat fucking musloids as target practice
>what liberals call war these days
whoa dude that's a long time to be spreading freedom and democracy
you're so jealous its sad.
whatever, bitch, Napoleon was right when he said your country is like an old maid whose accustom to being raped by everyone.
And Rome was at war 800 straight years. Shit happens man!
wtf I hate years now
Most of those wars were Indian wars, which don't really count because Indians are not people. They're just wildlife.
Nothing is more human than war, OP. Why must our survival depend on the demise of others?
The is rather ironic considering what came after Napoleon....
why aren't you a state yet?
how so? a lot came after Napoleon.
You should just get like, all metal about it.
kek what should he be jealous over?
>inb4 its including shit like korea which would 66 years
>inb4 it includes other pointless bullshit like wars with Natives
>inb4 it includes the Republic of Texas
>inb4 it includes shit like the Crimean war
Ya I'm sure when for more then half your nations history it has an unexplored frontier with savages and a coast riddled with pirates you might find your self in a few wars,
This country was created by satanic free masons with an agenda. Our founding fathers were utter scum and their plan is coming to fruition in front of our face. The facts speak for themselves.
Anyone who doesn't see this hasn't been paying attention for long enough. Maybe you're too stupid to do the research on the level required so it's no ttotally your fault or they're in denial??
yup it just the jews you stupid fuck. You're probably one of the retards that solely believes this image. All the other elitiists mater not.
Feels great to have our uniformed men be pawns for Israel and central bankers. MMMMM patriotism, I love my country, would never question the decisions of my elected superiors.
One side effect of this is that we have actually gotten pretty good at it. You do improve your skills with regular practice. The limits of our ability to blow stuff up and kill people are political, not military.
It would be interesting to see what would happen in the middle east if we went full Mongol on ISIS and the rest of the Islamic assholes.
The 2nd amendment blows that theory apart.
Wew, America seem to be a nation of warmongers
It's almost like a super-power has the power to dominate the globe. Wtf?????
he's jealous that he's not far a way from your countries self destructive, sadomasochism.
Explains why the USA is still a great country where most Western countries (I'm looking at you, Western Europe) have become weak degenerate faggots.
Turns out the Fascists were right: War is good for a nations' moral health.
Before WW I, the US military was a pathetic joke by European standards. Then from 1914 to 1945, 100 million Europeans died in wars, ethnic cleansings, genocides, famines, mass executions, and other fun things. The US homeland was never directly affected by this.
The Europeans got their fingers burned, and lost their taste for war. We didn't.
I wish it did, but if they didn't include that there would've been war.
By your theory high level free masons were decent people.
High level free masons are the only ones who actually know the truth of their organization. The rest are kept in the dark to sustain the public understanding and acceptance of the satanic organization. None of the low level niggers have a fucking clue what they are taking part in.
They must be half retarded to not realize they are part of a religion and it's evil to its core. If it wasn't why not reveal what it's all about to everyone. Meanwhile they have no fucking clue what they're taking part in.
Honesty, truth and love for the one true God doesn't hide anything. I work with a lot of low level masons who will never know what they are supporting at every meeting and it only solidifies my belief in the creator.
It's time to create a conveyor fed guillotine and just keep feedin' it and feedin' it
wtf I hate soldiers now
You can't even tell which lines go where holy shit 0/10.
>mfw can't become a US soldier
Wa appened to Sup Forums
Also we've been at war along side them for a good chunk of that 239 years
the US military could literally take on all the world's conventional armies combined and win. 100% fact
exactly that's why I said most will believe it without doing a single shred of research. Not to mention they'll repost it to suppor their argument.
This country is fucked and most of you dumb bastards deserve it. Enjoy eating you family members when you become the animalistic dumb niggers you are.
It's hilarious to see people talking shit about niggers on here and they're right to a certain extent. Put whites in that situation and they'll resort to cannabilism also, but not nearly as bad as the feral nigger.
Not enough
well maybe not after tax..
Didn't America cuck Spain?
Then again Spain was a pathetic joke that needed daddy France to help them against Morocco
you act as if it's a positive life supporting agenda instead of a bunch of satanic masters pulling strings from afar???
Pleas stop being stuck on stupid
Seems like 17 bad years
It got taken over by scripts.
wtf i hate merchants now
Did you mean to reply to someone else. That reply is terrible. No go to your room and spank yourself
Cool. We drink, we fight, and we even if we get punched in the face, we still go back home and enjoy our freedom.
God bless America.
why can't you?
It makes you really think when the US barely even fought wars on its own turf.
US homeland never ever will fall to a foreign power.
I'm about to into a uni and I don't have money to travel overseas and become a citizen
do you want to get gay married?
freedom isn't free faggot.
go back at being liberal and vote democrat because that's how this country's gonna fall apart
they will reduce defense budget
Mexicans invade us using sleeper cells
ISIS invades us using sleeper cells
222 years of losing war and making excuses
not at all you disillusioned stupid fucker.
I expected that standard reply from the typical brainwashed dumb fuck such as yourself.
>American Revolution was the Great Crusade
>American Civil War was the Horus Heresy
>WWII was the 13th Black Crusade that upset galactic order and started the terminal decline of the West
Let that sink in for a moment.
America, Britian MK. 2
Damn, CTR shills sure testy!
Here's a meme even you should know
The book was written by the son of the chief rabbi of rome. If that doesn't sink in while you read it nothign will.
Take a step back and learn to accept things are way stranger than they are presented to us.
It's fucking horrible, pathetic and atrocious. I'm ashamed to be part of this at this time on this beautiful planet. Humans might be actually capable of a decent society if we weren't held down by our controllers.
That depends on how broad a definition you assign to "war". If OP means every conflict we've participated in directly or otherwise then he's mostly right.
Mate America has been at war technically with North Korea. The peace treaty was never sign and America/North Korea have the longest armistice in human history. Think about that.
This. England was at war for a very long time and was super rich too. Now they don't war at all and are poor as shit...
Really makes my brain work.
T.Triggered Rapefugee
god I hate Norwegians
Here's a standard CTR shill reply I guess???
Elections are rigged, your vote doesn't count. Presidents are groomed and elected not selected as you suspect.
Standard shill pic included you stupid fuck
Jew are funny
We have not been at war since WWII
Now is the time to purge all shitskins in the name of God-Emperor Trump, and remake the world in his image.
i'm drunk and I reversed the words. But i'm not a shill, just a man seeking to sow seeds of truth although it's completely meaningless at this point, you stupid fucker
Henry kissinger said that you dumb americuck
Makes me think... we kick major fucking ass!
No you should gay marry me
And if you kill your enemies, they win.
I guess we've been losing for the past 239 years...
It really activates your almonds.
Yes you can. Serve honorably and its sure and legal path to citizenship
no, okay, shut the fuck up. you aren't like us western Europeans. you nords are tribalistic and unintelligent. you only so well because of your low population and vicinity to western Europeans.
no they h\vent theres only been a handful of wars since ww2 if it doesnt go through congress then it isnt a war
Wars improve the economy. Wars increase research and development. Also shooting bullets at some faggot halfway across the world isn't war unless congress has declared war on a foreign state. Iraq and Afghanistan from 2003 up don't count. Those are technically just conflicts, since we weren't at war with a country.
>us western Europeans
No, you're an afterbirth, Dick. You slithered out of mother Europe's filth.
It's okay, though. I've travelled the world and I work abroad. Not a day goes about where I don't thank god for being born in this country.
You can enlist while not being a citizen.You get citizenship once you complete 3yrs in the military. My unit a few years ago had a dude from Australia and one from Taiwan.
>Now they don't war at all
Not so, we put a century break together without even trying...
Hardmode achievement: Invade all the countries in the world at least once. We're 22 short of the full set (pic shows remaining wants).
>thanking god
you're only proving your stupidity .
Thats all in the past though. You will never invade another country again because you guys are too cucked.
this. This right here, OP
Sup Forums is a Christian board.
Let me direct you somewhere more suitable =^)
Sounds like the rest of the world should stop getting in our face.
The U.K. is like the guy who peaked in high school and won't shut up about how great it was.
yup there's no god, except the elitist cock suckers ruling over us just pray to nothing and sacrifice, rape and murdre children in nothings name.
Are you this fucking stupid, in denial or just uneducated????
holy shit are you actually emotionally cucked enough to need a sky daddy?
fucking pathetic
Somebody gotta be top dawg
>You will never invade another country again
Oh America, if you only knew the number of times people have thought the Eternal Anglo had been vanquished.
Look at that map and ask yourself if you're really going to bet against us giving up on it.
Is it me or is not having Sweden really fucking irritating.