Wow, seriously? Fuck you guys, you're ruining his business!

Wow, seriously? Fuck you guys, you're ruining his business!

Other urls found in this thread:

Buddy its 5 pieces of bolonga on bread with a few chips. how you can have a restauraunt open and serve that piglet slop is beyond me.

I totally don't advise going to Windsor Sandwhich shop's facebook page and writing fake reviews!

Its a bologna sandwich with tortilla chips.
Pretty fucking shit desu.

So this is the famed canadian "cuisine"

Don't forget 1 small pickle.

>tfw the reviews are spammed with CBC cucks now rating 5 stars

Seems like the liberals sure "pwned" him this time.


Literally the Detroit of Canada but with white trash all dope up on heroin

So this is the power....of Canadian cuisine.


Some faggot jumped on a media train demonizing a US candidate while pointedly ignoring the corrupt establishment puppet who is 10x worse than bush(who liberals screech about endlessly) ever was.

Fuck him, his livelihood, and his family.

>"Most of the comments are too offensive to publish here. Some of them attack the LGBTQ community while others make light of the Holocaust."

top kek lads

So just so we're clear the shops official statement is now "It was just a prank bro"

Yeah, he's as straight as Trudeau.

but is the bologna free range ??? um and the "wall of mexican chips" part wasn't necessary for the joke, it comes off as lowkey racist tbqhimho

Of course, libtards gonna cry about it. He probably relished the opportunity to play victim in front of the media. Fuck this dumb cuck

>China above us in that shitty table

I won't stand for this.

>Sup Forums makes fake reviews
>Gets reported
>All the bad reviews are delete
>Shop not 4/5 stars



False flag to make trump supporters look bad, this stinks of leftist intent

fake reviews weren't deleted

It just got swamped by 5 stars thanks to cbcfags

>sandwich artist

sorry faggot that's not a real thing

>sandwich artist
>holding out a bologna (thick sliced) on white bread sandwich on a disposable plate

>Some of them attack the LGBTQ community while others make light of the Holocaust.

I did my part on jewgle reviews. make em believable gents. Don't mention Trump like a lot of the faggots did, just say the employees were arrogant and one star that shit. Fuck those Canucki homosexes

It looks like a crappy sandwich shop in a gas station.

Especially not for this guy. Just plopped the meat on there right from the stack in his hand after slicing it. Doesn't know how to use a fucking slicer. Just pure shit, no fucking pride.

t. sandwich fanatic

>the fucking pickle
>mfw there is always that shit

wedged right up under your bread where you won't find it until it's soaked in nice and deep.

>Sandwich artist

I hope Trump unzips his pants and unfurls his massive dong during the first debate to shut everyone the fuck up.

China 2nd because a bronze is worth as much as a gold medal :DDDDDD

Typical Canadians, i guess your standard is the participation table?

you mean Liberal propaganda news service with rapefugee sob stories on every other link?

Please somebody post the review of the black guy complaining in Windsor's FB page because the waiters wouldn't stop calling him "homie"

how the fuck is 8 slices of devon on 2 bits of bread a sandwhich.

trying to find it now

i too am a sandwich artist

t. subway employee

god hates us all

>Not having a real Trumpwich

Enjoy being faggy and Canadian

He deserves it. If he decides to use his business to make a political point like that, there will be consequences.

>Bologna on white bread with a fucking side of spic chips

What fucking bullshit is that? That's the kind of crap I ate as a student and it wasn't exactly willingly.

>sandwich artist
>baloney is art
fucking 8 chips and a slimy cisco pickle
cant even identify the sauce

yeah, fuck this guy and the prius he rode in on

good, what a fucking asshole.

I eat breathe and sleep this election and the most annoying thing is the few small moments I have where I'm not thinking about this election and I enjoy other things, I don't want those other things to put in their uneducated snarky fucking jokes about shit they don't even read about.

Like zero punctuation is a game critique series that I like to watch, but I fucking hate when he throws in a joke or two about the election. It is stupid and has nothing to do with the game except being topical.

You make fucking sandwiches, brah. Keep your politics to yourself.


Is that seriously just a few slices of BOLOGNA (the nastiest and lowest grade of coldcut "meat") on plain white bread with a few corn chips and a pickle slice?

That is, no joke... what they serve to people in JAIL here. (I will admit the bread and meat is slightly lesser quality that the pictured stuff)

But fuck man...
is sandwich art.

small bites

>Mfw I called for the raid

>make light of the Holocaust.

The Nazis did a lot of lighting up as is.

I want

Now that's an artistic sandwich.

Looks pretty good actually, I'd eat that

>sandwich artist

Ffs Just kill yourself leaf

Fucking prick.

Found it

i need it

You didnt do shit. Delete your Sup Forums account and fuck off you fucking canadian

Why does a canuck have the gall to shit talk Trump when you got that walking clown as PM?

Is anyone else sad that future generations aren't going to be able to just post whatever online without the police coming to arrest them? I mean it's already happening in Germany, Britain, and other cuck nations so there is precedent. If the liberal government can't be stopped it will happen here too. Anyways, post sandwiches.

>play stupid games
>win stupid prizes

How long until "sandwich artist" becomes a liberals art degree people unironically pay tens of thousands of dollars for?

>his fucking smirk while making a shitty sandwich

This is what he went to college to do.

>Most of the comments are too offensive to publish here. Some of them attack the LGBTQ community while others make light of the Holocaust

number one who the fuck it's bologna anymore it's hella disgusting it tastes much better in hot dog form. second who the fuck has 5 pieces of bologna on their sandwich? the only person i've ever met that likes bologna is my dad and that's because he can't cook for shit.

>Most of the comments are too offensive to publish here. Some of them attack the LGBTQ community while others make light of the Holocaust.

That wouldn't be a liberal art degree. A sandwich artist would actually create something delicious and useful, unlike all of the gender studies majors right now.

>mexican cheese

Why are anti trumpers such nasty cunts? Destroying an innocent mans business because they are emotionally unstable like children.

The sandwich on that pic looks like absolute shit, wow. I've made better looking sandwiches by mistake.

>toupee of fries

How could one do that? Do they realize that 6 trillion jews ere killed by an evil racist bigot?

Maybe you Canadians need to stop IRL shitposting and leave U.S. politics to the Americans.

>number one who the fuck it's bologna anymore
>it's bologna

Our parliament is out for the summer so there's no other politics to be talking about

> Free Speech doesn't free you from consequences. Remember that Conservatives :^)

Get fucked commie.

How about you go shart in the mart.

idk how i messed up eats with it's oops

>he doesn't like pickles

only niggers hate pickles

Shit like this is why the CBC deserves to be defunded and liquidized


I'm the opposite of a commie

Lefties get a taste of their own bullshit.

Man I'm dying reading all the shill reviews made by Sup Forums lmao, too bad the CBC cuck readers are bringing his rating all the way up now.

Go and burn the place down, leafcuck. Redeem yourself.


>poke a beehive
>surprised when you get stung

>don't want to bake a cake for gays
>make statement against popular republucan
Which one is it liberals?????

Even if it is a joke, who the fuck would want to buy this piece of crap? At least serve up something that looks decent. Even if he didn't bring up Trump, it would still get 1 star.

I haven't had a bologna sandwich since I was a kid and this kind of makes me want one.

good, he should be shut down
after cakegate and after even the fucking """"""""""""libertarian"""""""""""""" nominee supports it I am no longer to "live and let live"

if we get fined, what, tens of thousands of dollars? for not making a fucking cake, then they should be made to suffer for not making stuff for us

I bet you can emulate what this """""sandwich artist""""" did all by yourself.

CBC is legit North Korea state television levels of propaganda, they block comments as well on every fucking story even though we give them 800 million a year in tax money.

Why as a business owner would you do something so opinionated and polarizing to either political party? He pretty much just pissed away half his customers for a pretty shit joke.

Good. The guy is a faggot, and Winsdor is an absolute shithole. It's right accross the lake from Detroit, so now wonder

>that thicc slice of cheese


>voice you opinion publicly
>other people publicly disagree with you

standard left wing


Underrated... Aussies bringing the bantz as usual.

this is fucking gold. those idiots at the store can only lose.

Their propaganda shilling to guilt people before liberal government brought the Syrians here was USSR tier

>What is Culinary Arts degree for 1000 Alex

When are we going to raid these faggots.
