There are people who think Secret Wars was bad

>there are people who think Secret Wars was bad

Ending was rushed as fuck and that's bad.

I would have rather had a years worth of X-men comics instead of poor event tie ins.

i didnt think so, i thought it was very good and the best marvel event we're gona have in awhile

wont people just get bored of X-Men

>there are people who think Secret Wars was good

Doom got defeated by Richards because he got tangled. What is it with Richards and wanting Doom to be inside his body?

Secret Wars WAS good, imo.

This is now a positive Secret Wars thread.
I only read the main book, but since people say that the tie-ins were better on average, I'm interested in reading some of them. Which were the best ones? Which were good? Which were avoid-at-all-costs?

The problem with these events is that you can see how their pitch played out but the story never lives up to the concept. The cool ideas get played out in a half-page surrounded by 8 issues of filler.

Your standards must be really low.

It was disappointing.
And I didn't even read any Hickman stuff before it. I'm just a Ribicfag, would've given this a wide berth too under any other artist.

It sure wasn't bad and I enjoyed it, but it felt too disjointed between a mystery/buildup first part (#2-4 with the unnecessary recap issue at fucking #5) and the HOW MUCH MORE REAL CAN SHIT GET part from #6 where fucking everyone goes against Doom and every other page is something cool or exploding.
It's not good, though, and as a Hickmanfag it costs me to admit this, if you were expecting to see actual character evolution on panel to resolve shit that was only teased or you were waiting years to see resolved
>Phoenixclops died like a bitch, phoenix egg never explained
>Maker's alliances
>Maximus becoming the prophet
>Carol mindraping Sinister
Only tie-in that actually tied in was Gillen's Siege and it had GOAT Thanos

If you haven't read Nextwave, Marvel Zombies is pretty cool.

>If you haven't read Nextwave

>nothing happens in the main comic
>important and cool stuff happened but instead of showing it, it's talked about for a page
>one issue was spent as a recap for the lead up to the event, pretty useless considering the event was halfway over
>ultimately the event served as an excuse to split and get rid of the F4

The only saving grace were the minis.

>phoenix egg never explained

my crackpot theory is somehow HYDRACap ended up with it


It was a rush job with zero payoff. You could remove almost all the people who survived the Incursions (save Reed, Doom, and Strange) because none of them mattered. Plots from side books that were supposed add to the main title were sloppily implemented. And in the end, it wasn't that big of a Stir-up for an Event book where dozens of multiverses were being destroyed. Everything pretty much went to how it was before the incursion. Most characters came out unaffected (save Doom and FF4). It was a huge let down with delays that didn't help it live up to the hype. In the end, it will be remembered for getting rid of the Ultimate universe, but beyond that, just be a footnote in a sea of unimpressive Marvel events.

Secret Wars could have been good... If Marvel really committed for any length of time.
They pussed out so early and even fucking published post-SW stuff before SW even finished.

So much room for top tier story telling. Really explore those characters.
The rules don't matter anymore. You want to have 3 Caps argue about America? Do it.
Do anything.

It should have been a year+ long even across all titles.
Every major character has a Secret Wars arc.
Because it's so fertile.
You can have characters meet themselves in a setting that doesn't feel cheap.

All build up, no payoff the mini.

The whole thing was just so much wasted potential. Still about a thousand times better than original sin though. God.

The main event was neat.

It was a little too on the nose as far as trying to be "Game of Thrones in the MU", but Doom, Panther, and Namor were all rad and Esad Ribic is a gem.

>Esad Ribic is a gem.
His art feels very visceral and bodily grounded

>REED: hi
>REED2: yeah hey-
>EVERYONE: shut up reed2
>REED: admit it I'm the best
>DOOM: fine! you're the best! fuck!
>MOLECULER: guys can we just stop

They're right

Usually he's a gem. He was rushed and phoned quite a few panels in on this.

Ghost Racers, Infinity Gauntlet, the one with MODOK, Inhumans one, Spider Island, Mighty Defenders. Off the top of my head

I haven't read any of the tie ins or stuff leading up to it and it made no sense at all

The hype was real here on Sup Forums

>Phoenixclops died like a bitch, phoenix egg never explained
In Hickmans defense, it's the jobs of the writers of the respective books to catch up the readers with what happened in the 6 month gap between every book and Avengers. Bendis took what a year with the final testimony of Charles Xavier or whatever it was called. He should've used that time exploring the Phoenix egg

>waiting 9 months for Reed to outsmart a college dropout yet again